Chapter 12: Contract's Content

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Taehyung's Pov:

It's been a month since I signed that contract, and it's been a month since Jungkook showed up with me.  And in those days I felt angry with myself.  Every day my love for Jungkook intensifies.  I miss his presence, his calls of various nicknames to me.  His angelic voice, his strong arms that  carries me and  always holding my little waist.  His sweet kisses and stares make me look like his world. 

"I really miss you so bad, kookie."  I exclaimed to myself. 

"Taebaby, can you take the order in table 47?"  Jin asked.  Throbbing and heading to table 47, as I approached,my heart was beating fast. 

I took a deep breath before I took its order.  "Can I have your order, sir?"  I said looking at the paper I was holding.

"Just bring me a french pasta with apple juice please." He said. I was devastated to recognize that voice, the voice I had long wanted to hear. 

"Jungkook?"  I whisper to myself. 

I looked at him but I felt sad that  without even glancing at me.

"any ... thing, sir?"  I said with a stutter. He shook his head then I walked away.  My knees are shaking and I feel like at any moment I will lose consciousness.  I felt tears welling up in my eyes, I wiped them away before finally dripping down my cheeks. 

"Baby, are you okay?"  jin asked worriedly when he saw me, I forced a smile and nodded at him.  A few minutes later Jungkook's order was ready, I adjusted myself then walked closer to him.  I stopped for a moment when I saw a woman sitting in front of him, it was beautiful ... it looked so beautiful like a model.  She smiles as she speaks.  I felt a pain in my heart but I just let it go.

"Who am I to feel jealous?"  I shrugged and took a deep breath then approached them. 

"Here is the order, sir. Enjoy your meal maam, sir."  I smiled and then walked away from them.  I told Jin that I would go home first because I have scool projects that need to be completed.

I arrived from Paris and went straight to Jin's restaurant. A month without seeing Taehyung,is a total punishment for me. I miss him so much.  I miss every minute I have with him.  Jin saw me enter and we talked for a while.  He recounted how sad Taehyung has been since the day he signed the contract.  I was hurt by what Jin said.  I apologized to him, and to the sorrows I shared with Taehyung.  He smiled at me then left me.

"Can i have your order sir?"  I heard him say.  I want to look at him, but I prefer not to.  I miss my baby's voice so much, his presence next to me.  After I said my order I felt he was a little shock, I knew he recognised me.  I breathed a sigh of relief when he left my side, but my heart told me to follow him.  But i did not.  I was in the dark thinking of when someone sit in front of me, I frowned when I met who was it.

"What are you doing here, Lisa?"  I asked,agitated.

"I miss you so much, babe."  I would have spoken more when my order arrived. 

"enjoy your meal maam, sir." Taehyung said,  I felt his voice growl.  I mentally cursed at myself because I knew what was running through Taehyung's mind right now.

"i really miss you, babe. i miss how hard you fuck me."  lisa said again. In a flash Taehyung disappeared  from my sight.

"Don't you ever come near me again, Lisa. I'm sure you will regret it soon!"  I said angrily and tried to keep myself from slapping him.  I stood up and looked for Taehyung.

"He went home, there is a school project to be completed."  said jin.
"Did something happen?" He asked again. I felt guilty because I knew I had hurt him again by accident. I told Jin about Lisa and i saw how he clench his jaw,his knuckle turning white,digging
his nails to his palm.

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