Chapter 32: New Found Family?

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Three months passed and there was still no trace of Taehyung's whereabouts.  And during those months Jungkook still did not lose hope that one day he would see his family again. 

Jungkook has changed a lot, in his dealings with the people around him. He easily loses his temper, even with the very small mistakes of his staff.  And every mistake they make at his company, his shouting at them dangerously.

He also doesn't spend much time with his friends and siblings.  Every minute he spent at his office, he rarely go to his mansion. Eh chooses to stay at his office,and sleep there. His name became more and more known in the business world.  But despite all his success he was not able to celebrate or even rejoice.  The only thing on his mind was where his dear Taehyung was. 

Yoongi and Hoseok are very worried about their younger brother, he barely has time for himself.  His body has also changed a lot, which has not been gone unnoticed from the people he always associates with. 

Jin and Namjoon also visit him to say hello, but he always shows them a bitter smile.  Jin's heart hurts and breaks with the sadness of his friend who he also considers a brother.  "Kook, you also need to rest. Look at you, Kook."  Jin's worriedly remind him.  Jungkook just looked at him and then turned his attention back to the documents in his possession. 

Jin sighed deeply and then stood up, walked and stood on the side of Jungkook's seat.  He tapped  on the shoulder and said, "We are just here. And we will not give up on finding Taehyung. Take care of yourself because Taehyung will not want to see you like that when he returns."  he said then finally left the office.

When Jungkook was alone again, tears welled up in his eyes again.  The letters in the documents he was signing became blurred, until a grain of tears dripped from his eyes, and again he let his tears flow again.  Every day, when he is alone, he allows himself to be swallowed up by loneliness. 

A few minutes later he wiped away his tears, then opened the drawer on the right side of his desk.  He took a small red box, slowly opened it and looked at the ring he gave when he asked  Taehyung to marry him.  He remembers that day, the day when Taehyung agreed to marry him.  He closed his eyes while the ring was in his hand. Remembering the happy days they had together. 

"I miss you so much, baby. Please, come back to me. Come back baby, please."  he whispered softly to himself as tears streamed down his cheeks.


"Mister pretty! How many times do I tell you to always be careful?" 

"yah! So yun-sshi, I'm older than you, so respect me."  Taehyung blurted.

So yun, the daughter of the person who helped him.


While Taehyung was inside the rented taxi, he fell asleep without realizing it.  Maybe because he was exausted and tired of crying all day.

  He suddenly woke up when he felt someone caressing his cheek.  He m opened his eyes when he saw the driver next to him.  Taehyung felt very scared when he realized that the driver was planning something bad. 

"Please, let me go. Please."  he said, he could not stop crying.  A devilish  laugh echoed inside the car and then Taehyung was surprised when the man suddenly grabbed him tightly and forced his lips.  Taehyung struggled, forcing the man away from him.  The man violently grabbed Tqehyung's shirt, which caused it to tear. 

He shouted for help even though he clearly knows nobody is there for him, they were in the middle of god knows where it is. He keeps struggling but still careful to keep his baby safe, all he wants is his baby's safety. He suddenly remeber Jungkook's then in a moment he desperately called Jungkook's name, as if the other can hear him.

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