Chapter 35: My girlfriend, Lisa

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Note: To those who reads the previous chapter,please read it again before reading this. I did sime changes at the chaoter 34.

Thanks a lot😘


Its around ten the next morning when Taehyung decided to visit Jungkook, but not to let the other saw him. He just want to see him without noticing him even though the other dont remember him.

He peek first before enter the room when he notice nobody inside.

"Who are you?" He heard when he closed the door. He cursed to his self on why he did not notice that the other is awake.

"Who the fuck are you?! And what are you doing here?!" he heard again, he bit his lower lips and breath deeply before facing him.

"Good morning Mr. Jeon, im your maid in the mansion. Sir Yoongi ask me to bring this foods to you." Taehyung says, lifting the basket a little, praising his self for not stuttering.

Jungkook stare at him and raised his brows.

"Maid? Jungkook ask studying the brunette infront of him.

"Ye-yes Mr. Jeon." Taehyung curse when he stutters. He moves aside and walk to the table to prepare the food. Jungkook followed his gaze to him, he study the movements of the boy. Taehyung feels the burning looks from behind him so he quickly finish preparing it then walk to the door.

"Mr. Jeon you should eat now. And i will come again tomorrow? And please, dont forget your medicine." Taehyung said unsure to the last word he says. Jungkook stare at him without saying anything. And thats a que for Taehyung to leave. But before he opens the door, Jungkook speak.

"If you're my maid, means you know my girlfriend?" Taehyung caught off guard to what he heard. He tightens his hand to the knob. He wants to open his mouth to say something but feels his tongue stock in his throat.

"Call her and tell her to come here." Jungkook added not realising that the boy facing his back to him silently cried in pain.

"Did you hear what i say?" Taehyung snap hearing that dominating tone. He took a deep breath before saying "yes Mr. Jeon." without lookng at the other, the leaves the room.

He finally breath properly when he's outside the room. He holds his chest,feeling his heart beats beating heavy.  He bitterly smile knowing that the young ceo really dont remember him. And what pained him most is that he told him about his girlfriend. He took a deep breath before walking outside the hospital.

Jungkook stare at the food, he dont know why he felt a pain in his heart when he saw the sadness in the other's eye earlier.

Just when he finish eating, Yoongi and Jimin along with Jin Namjoon and Hoseok came to his room.

"Hey your foo--" Jin says but stop seeing Jungkook.

Jungkook frowned at them when they look at him blankly.

"What?Why? Is it you Yoongi hyung told that maid to bfing me this food? Thanks its delicious." He said before walking to the bathfoom with the help of Namjoon, leaving the others questiong each other.

"I didnt" Yoongi muttered.

"Then who?" Jin ask. Hoseok called the mansion and ask about the food but nobody knows about it too.

When Jungkook came back still with Namjoon's help, he sits on the bed looking at their still confused looks.

"Care to tell me whats happening to all of you?" He ask but no one talks. He looks at his right foot which was bandaged, due to a deep cut cause by the accident.

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