Chapter 37: Dreams and Nightmares?

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"Mr. Jeon?!"

Taehyung heard it clearly, but he chooses to close his eyes not wanting to see Jungkook at that moment, thats what he thought...but then he realised...

"How the hell Jungkook is at the mall?" He thoughy to him self.

"Mr. Jeon?" a man called, closer to him. He open his eyes and saw the man right infront of him, a handsome man looking straight to him.

 He open his eyes and saw the man right infront of him, a handsome man looking straight to him

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Taehyung raised his eyebrows to him.

"Im sorry, but i think you got the wrong person." He said politely. Lucas took his phone and look at the picture Jungkook sends him 3 month ago, then look at Taehyung.

"No, im sure your Jeon Kim Taehyung." He said then shows phone to Taehyung. Taehyung knitted his brows,
"Why do you have that?!" he ask with a slight anger in his voice.

"Oh, Detective Lucas, i was told by a closed friend to search for 3 months ago, but its shameless on my side that i didn't find any clue to where you are, and now you are." He explained, sitting at the empty space of the sit besides Taehyung.

"Close friend? So means its Mr. Jeon Jungkook?" He ask hiding the pain to his voice rembering what happen at the hospital. Lucas hum and stare at him.

"I heard the news about Jeon's accident, and how is he?" Lucas ask, but before Taehyung could say anything Jin came.

"Is he bothering you,baby?" Jin glared at the guy with Taehyung.

"No hyung, he just....just..." Taehyung couldn't form any words.

"Im detective Lucas, a friend of Jeon Jung---

"I dont want to be rude, but im sorry, you got the wrong person." Jin cuts him and pick the things they bought.
"Lets go Taebaby." He added then leave without looking back at the sudden surprise man. Lucas look at his phone again then he think what happen. He dialed Jungkook's number.

"Hello Jeon, i found him, finally...its been three months and---

"Found who?" The other ask, voice seems irritated.

"Jeon Kim Taehyung, you dumb ass! Its been three fucking months that im searching for him and now i found him yet you ask me who?! Are you crazy? Did you hit your head that hard that you forget your husband?!" Lucas replied with annoyance.

"What are you talking? Husband? Your mistaken, my girlfriend Lisa is here and we are getting married by next month." Lucas heard his friend then heard a girl voice near the other.

Lucas took a deep breath, realising the situation. He ended the call and pity Taehyung when he stare again at his photo that was in his phone.

"Fucking bastard, Jeon! You dont know who you are loosing!" he cursed the other, another deep sigh before leaving the mall, thinking about Taehyung. Yes, since he saw that picture of Taehyung, he feels something in his heart. He drive to his home and thinkng what he should do next.

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