Chapter 11: The Contract

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"What is the replacement for this agreement? He said as if it was not on its own. I frowned, and I tried to understand what he meant.

"Did you do all this to allow me to give you an heir?  Are all the things you said and showed me lies? "he continued without looking at me. I was swallowed up when I heard the words he left. I felt a great pain in my heart because he doubted his love.  I told him.

"if you want an heir," he said again and then sighed. He stood in front of me and stared at me as I looked at him.
"you do not have to pay me or you do not have to pretend to love me, I will sign the contract but I will not accept the money you will give or pay for the fate of your future heir." he continued while holding back the tears in his eyes. I was dumbfounded, I could not believe every word he uttered. I could not move,  I was unaware that he was already at the door and spoke again.

"You can take the contract to jin hyung's house tomorrow." and that was the last words I heard before the door closed.

I panicked when I never saw him at the door again, I hurried out and prayed ... that he would not have gone away.  I was devastated that I could no longer see even the shadow of him around.  I went back inside and took my car key and called Yoongi first.  "Hyung, I made a mistake. I swear I didn't mean on that way. hyung ..." I sobbed as if I were a kid. 

"I don't understand you, kook? What are you saying? Wait, where are you? I'm going to see you."  i ended the call and tried to call Taehyung but he did not answer.  I called him again and again until his phone was turned off.  I drove to his apartment, praying that he would be there.

I quickly ran to get away from Jungkook's mansion.  I could feel the weight of my chest, and wanted to explode in anger.  I do not know who I will really be angry with.  To jungkook or to myself?  My sobbing constantly walking where, I do not know where I am going, as long as I know is I want to be alone right now.  I did not realize the calls on my phone.  I paused for a moment, wiped away my tears and looked at the river.  I was on the Han river.  I took a deep breath and sat on the rocks by the river.

"Is this my destiny? Do I really have no right to be happy? Or is this my karma for being my careless brother to Jake."  I whispered to myself as my tears flowed down my cheeks. 

I called Jimin and told him where I was.  Not long after, he came and hugged me tightly.  I am still lucky somehow because I have a friend to call in my time of sadness.  He did not ask anything, and I am grateful for his patience with me. 

"Let's go to the park, let's enjoy, taehyung. Let's go crazy !!!"  he shouted at me and pulled me into the car.  we did nothing but spend time strolling and riding the rides until we were both tired.  we bought ice cream and sat on the cradle in the park. 

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly. I smiled at him and nodded.

"I'll bring you home, it's getting late. "he said then stood up.

"At jin hyung's house, chim." I said before i got into his car.

When we arrived in front of jin's house, Jimin said goodbye immediately because his mother called. I stood outside the gate for a few minutes before I rang the doorbell.

Jin hyung hugged me when he saw me and guide me inside.  Namjoon hyung greeted me with a smile too. They asked me what was wrong and i told them everything, I saw that they were looking at each other.  Later we went to the kitchen to eat. 

"Jin hyung, can i ask  you favor, please?"  I said looking at my plate. 

"Of course baby, whatever it is, just say."  he said with a smile.  I looked at Namjoon hyung first before I looked at him.

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