Chapter 45: Second Proposal

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Two weeks after that incident at Jeon's building, every one knows very well who is Jeon Taehyung. And nobody dares to mess with him.

Jungkook was so busy secretly  preparing for his surprise to Taehyung. He told his hyung that he will bring Taehyung to their family beach. And he informed his friend Kai to look or manage his compony while he is busy with his husband. When everything is settled, he went to home early.

Taehyung was currently sitting at the living room, watching tv while munching his snack. He diverted his gaze when he saw the doot open and smile widely seeing his husband enter. He want to stand and run to him but being pregnant for 6 months seems to hard for him to move.

When Jungkook notice that his angel has a hard time standing,he walk towards him in fast pace and help him stand.

"You're early today Kookie." Taehyung ask after kissing Jungkook.

"I want to see you. I miss you so much." Jungkook replied, hugging him and leaning his chin to the youngers shoulder. Taehyung giggles at him and Jungkook really love those giggles. It seems a music to his ears.

"I want to bring you somewhere tomorrow,baby. So lets go upstair and pack our things." He said still hugging him. Taehyung push him a little to look at him.

"Really? dyung of boredom here Kookie. Thank you." He said happily, really not knowing anything about where will Jungkook bring him.

Jungkook gently hold his hand and they went to their room to pack their things.

"Kookie...." Jungkook hums still fixing his suitcase.
"I notice this past days you become more busy, is there something wrong at the company?" Taehyung ask worried. He really notice why Jungkook seems so busy these days, he even ask Jimin but the other sometimes just ignore him due to the fact that he is afraid that he might spoil the plan they were planning for him.

"No baby. I just needed to finish some documents." He replied, he notice  Taehyung seems doesnt believe so he stand up from sitting and walk towards their bed and sit beside Taehyung who was caressing his tummy. He told the younger to sit at his lap and Taehyung obliged. He securely surround his arms to Taehyung's waist and Taehyung surround his hands to Jungkook neck.

"Im sorry if im not giving you more time baby. Promise, after this i will spend more time to you and to our little tiger." Jungkook said with a promising voice. Taehyung smile and kiss him in his forehead.

"Are you done packing?" Taehyung ask and Jungkook shook. He tried to stand up but Jungkook didn't let him.

"Let's just stay like this for sometime,please." Jungkook said and who is Taehyung to say no. He also misses him and with Jungkook holding him like this makes him more vulnerable and he loves it. They stay like that for almost an hour until Taehyung felt like his back seems aching so he told Jungkook that he wants to lay down and the other nod.

"Rest baby, i'll join you when i finish this." He kissed him again to his forehead then to his nose tip down to his lips, before continueing his packing. It took him another thirty minutes when he finally finish everything and even check Taehyung's suitcase before closing it. He enter the shower and freshen his self and change in just a loose pants, he slowly walk to their bed and smile when he saw Taehyung slepping already. He slide his body under the soft covet slowly and put his arm to his husbands tummy and entangled their feet. (I hope u guys can imagine what im trying to say here).

Time pass:

Jungkook woke uo to a sudden movement beside him. He open his eyes and saw a not so pleasing Taehyung, he is sweating and squirming to his sleep. Looks like he is pushing someone.

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