Chapter 41: Bastard! I miss you

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Day after Taehyung's birthday, Troy and So Yun go back to yheir village, and Taehyung promise the little girl that he will visit them soon. Troy told him that he is always welcome anytime to their home.

Taehyung look at the time and its nine in the morning, so he decided to go visit Jin at the restaurant. He forgot what he wants to tell yesterday due to the surprise and some serious talks between him and Jungkook.

A smile forms in his lips when he remembers Jungkook. He took his phone and lock his apartment then wait for taxi.

A car stop infront of him but he didnt pay any attention to it, but when he heard a guy call his name, he raised his eyebrows, then the guy step out from his car. Thats when Taehyung remember that he met him before but cant remember where.

"Hi, remember me?"the guy walk closer to him. Taehyung stare to him more thats when he recalls it.

"Oh..yeah. Your that detective in the mall,right? ahm...sorry but i forgot your name." He replied.

"Lucas" leaning forword his hand and Taehyung gladly shake it.

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung."

"Going somewhere? I can drop you." Lucas offers and Taehyung shook his head but the other insisted, at the end Tae agrees.

"Thanks." He said shortly and while on their way to the restaurant, Lucas keeps on talking and Taehyung just listen, sometimes replying him just a short yes or no.

"Thank you again, detective Lucas." Taehyung slightly bow when they arrive at the restaurant.

"Not a big deal,Mr. Kim." He smile then wait for him to enter the restaurant before driving away.

A waiter came to Taehyung and ask for something he wants, Taehyung just ask for water and ask him about Jin. He sit at the corner while waiting for the waiter who told him that he will inform his hyung.

Just then when Jin came to him with his water, he sits across the table infront of his cousin.

"So, how do you feel,baby?" Jin ask,giving him his water.

"Good hyung. Thank you for yesterday. And can i ask a favor,hyung?" he said before drinking.

"Anything Tae." The older replied and happy that seems Tae is asking him a favor.

"Ahm, can i...caniworkhere?" He said in a go. Jin chuckle at him. He clearly understand it but he tolf Tae to say it again.

"Can i work here? Please hyung." Tae said showing his puppy eyes that the other cant refused him.

"are you sure?"

"Yes hyung, i know i cant move fast but still i can work. I need to work to support my daily life and look, soon im giving birth hyung. I really need to work,please. Any work hyung, please." Jin didnt want him to work, the fact that he dont need to work and worry about everything, but he knows that if he refused him he will go and apply to others and he dont want it to happen.


He sigh deeply and agrees.
"Okay,but in one condition,Tae." He said. Taehyung nod.
"Just dont overwork and if you feel something else, just take a rest. I really dont want you to work,Tae but i know how stubborn you are,if i dont agree you will go and look for other jobs." Jin said defeated.

"Yes!" Taehyung jump and Jin scolded him.

"Yah! Dont do that! You might hurt yourself and my prescious little taebear." Jin worriedly said and caress his tummy. Taehyung hug hin and thanking him for always being there with him.

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