Chapter 17: Bathroom Sex

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Taehyung's Pov:

I woke up to the rays of sun peeking out the window. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me. I felt something heavy on my waist and to my surprise I suddenly covered my mouth with my two palms.

I tried to remember what happened and I smiled as I remembered the intimate scene between the two of us last night. I slowly removed my palm as I covered my mouth, and I gently caressed the cheek of the man who was sound asleep next to me. I looked at his handsome face, his eyes closed, his sharp nose and his very thin but soft lips, he is really a human definition of alladdin.

"Are you done looking at my face, baby? Or better take a picture of it." He said in a raspy voice.

I was stopped when Jungkook suddenly spoke. He look and smiled at me, "Good morning, pup." he said softly and then I was gently pulled closer to him. I fell on his chest and he continued to caress my hair and kissed it.

"Goodmorning, kookie. If it's okay, I want to take a shower. I can smell myself." I said as I felt his chest move he chuckle.

"Five more minutes, lets cuddle, yeah?" I shook and tried to untie his tight embrace around my waist.

"No" i said sternly and i saw him pout when i tilt my head. He loosen the hug and i was about to stand when i fell back again.


"Oh my god,baby." He said and help me to sit at the bed.
"Im sorry,baby." He said again.

"Im okay,Kookie." I smile.

"Stay here,i'll prepare the shower." He peck my lips before walking towards the bathroom.

I smile looking at anywhere, thinking how lucky i am that i have him.

"Come on,baby. I'll help you." And he carry me bridal and gently put me at the tub. I feel relax when the warm water touches my body.

"I'll wait you outside,okay?" And i hum while my eyes are close.

Jungkook's Pov:

After i help him, i sit at the corner of the bed and replay what happen last night. I close my eyes remembering how beautiful and innocent my baby is. Thinking about last night, i feel hot all of the sudden and when i open my eyes i can see my member getting hard again. I averted my eyes toward the bathroom. And i would be lying if i tell that i didn't miss him already, his sinful and beautiful body. His moans under me, to say that we are together. Its just last night, and i really want it all over again.

Getting up,i made my way to the door,twisted the knob and silently made my way inside not making any noise. I slowly begun removing my boxer, pressing my lips together, i walk towards the tub where Taehyung was silently and peacefully standing at the inside the tub,under the shower.

And this sight is everything for me, water streamed down to his slender body, his hands run through his wet hair and his eyes were shut.

"Can i join you baby?" I asked,face just inches away from his face. He look at me a little shock but smile and i can see a tint of red in his face.

"Oh,you finally want to join me,Kookie." I heard,his eyebrow raised a bit.
"I want to do more than shower,baby boy." I said,sirking and his blushing face was not red as a tomato. I went inside the tub and pulled him closer to me. I kissed his neck and smile proudly seeing my mark last night.

"Kookie," Taehyung said, letting a faint moan.
"I'll be more gentle,baby...okay." i said as i kiss him to his lips.

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