Chapter 5: Start Again

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A week had passed since Taehyung's brother died, and its not easy for him.

He lock him self to his apartment for a whole week, he even did'nt attend works and good thing is that his manager is so nice to him that they give him time to mourn for his brother.

He even excuse him self in his university too.

He just cry in silence. A pure silence of agony by himself.


Days had pass and finally he decided to start living again, now lone...all alone.

Focus Tae...its hard but you need to continue your daily life. You can do it.

He said to himself.

Taehyung's Pov:

I woke up early today after deciding to start my life living again.

I walk to my small bathroom, took shower and dress myself to go at my work first.

Its sunday and i really need to work now to survive.

After drinking my tea, i walk out and not forgetting to lock my apartment.

I walk for around 15 minutes and reach the cafe where im working.

Before entering, i fix my cloths again and try to smile.

"Goodmorning ." I greeted my manager and she smile at me.

"Its nice to have you back now Tae. Are you okay now?" She said with concern.

I nodded saying yes and leave him to change to my uniform.

After a minute, i went outside and start fixing what is needed when suddenly the door rings indicating someone enters.


I was cut when i saw who just entered the cafe.

I narrowed my eyebrows upon seeing his face.



Its been a week since the last time i saw him.

I thought of calling him but remembering that i dont have his number. I also told my men to search for him, i even send someone in Daegu in case he was there.

I told my other men to stalk in his apartment, and report to me.

To tell that theres no news about him made mr worry to death.

I dont know where should i search for him.

And all the guilt inside me is not helping me too.

My eagerness to find him is almost at my peak. I even ask Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung to help me look for him. But to say that this whole week is such a bad or worst week coz theres nothing even a single detail about him.

And today its sunday, i decided to call one of my trusted men and ask him to stalk again in his apartment.

I was eating my breakfast with my brothers when my phone rings.

"Goodmorning Mr. Jeon."

"Any news about him?" I ask hoping that theres a good news about him.

"Yes Mr. Jeon, he just came out from his apartme-

"Follow him where ever he go and send me his location." I said cutting him with his own word.

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