Chapter 33: Accident

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The next day, after Taehyung's check up, Troy drop him to their house and then returned to the hospital.  The hospital is not far from their house so it is also easy to get back. 

Taehyung found So Yun in the living room with other friends, he went straight to the kitchen to make a snack for the them.  A few minutes later, he came out of the kitchen holding a tray with juice and cake. 

"Breaking news this morning. A Well-known young ceo Jeon Jungkook was rushed to the hospital due to an accident this morning ----

Taehyung dropped the tray that caused a strong collapse and breakage of it, So yun got up and ran to where he was standing when he saw him seemingly shock friend.

"mister pretty, are you okay?" She asked worriedly but Taehyung didn't say a word. He was staring at the television and his whole body was shaking in shock, hearing the news. "Kookie ..." was the only thing he said before fainting.

So yun and his friends panic and  were confused, so they gently lifted Taehyung's unconscious body and laid it neatly on the sofa. No one could speak,   because they doesn't know what happened.

"who is kookie?" So Yun heard his friend say. She frowned because she did not know who is it. Taehyung never told  them about his life, and they never ask him either.

After So Yun called her father, it was only a few minutes and he came rushing and out of breath.

Troy was very worried about the young brunette. He carried Taehyung in bridal and took it to his own room, because of the unexpected incident, So yun's friends said goodbye.

Taehyung woke up and sobbed again which worried Troy.  He helped him sit on the bed then hugged him, gently stroked Taehyung's back and let the tears wet his clothes.  As soon as he stop sobbing, Taehyung lost his grip on Troy, the man apologized because he thought Taehyung might not be comfortable hugging him.  Taehyung just smiled then sat up. 

"Can you take me to the hospital?"  Taehyung said staring at his finger as he played with the hem of his shirt.

  "Your check up is over, Tae. Next month is you ---

"no.  I mean at the Seoul hospital." said Taehyung, Troy look at him cobfused, because he did not know why Taehyung had to go there. But he decided not to ask.

" when do you want to go?" Troy whispered softly.  Taehyung looked at him and the other guy could see the spark in his eyes when he heard what he said. 

"Right now, please." Taehyung said then stood up and arranged his belongings. Troy just watched the pregnant young man with his every move.

After a while, Taehyung and So yun got in the car, who insisted on coming. 

Outside the hospital there is almost a commotion in the number of reporters who want to get information about the young ceo.  Security is tight inside and outside the hospital. 

"What happened?"  rushing Jin said as he arrived at the hospital.  They were in front of the operating room of  and for almost three hours the doctor was still not coming out.  Hoseok was restless in his seat due to extreme anxiety.  While yoongi leaned his back against the wall he was standing on, his hands clasped and he tried to calm himself.

"How many times have I  told him not to abuse his body at work, but what ?! He never listened to!"  Yoongi said angrily.  Jimin approached his boyfriend and hugged him, trying to calm him down.

Thirty minutes later the operating room door opened and almost at the same time they approached the doctor who looked tired and exhausted.

"How is he? Is he okay?"  Hoseok and Jin asked worriedly, almost at the same time.  The doctor tap Hoseok's shoulder, who was close to him, "he is safe from now, he still needs to be observed for twenty-four hours."  said the doctor then left them.

Jungkook was transferred to a VIP room.

Taehyung ask Troy to drop him first to his apartment. Its been three month since he left but he made sure to pays the rent before hand so if time comes like this he has a home to stay.

He ask Troy and So Yun to enter his apartment when they arrive.

"Im sorry its not big as the one you have." Taehyung said shyly.

"No Tae, its okay." Troy replied with a fond smile.

"Ahm..i cant offer know..." Taehyung scratch his nape due to the fact that he forgot to stop at the store to buy some groceries. But Troy just smile to him saying its okay.

"Just stay here and i will go to the store nearby.." Taehyung said but Troy stop him.

"Dont worry about us, we beed to go too, remember i have my work and SoYun have school to." Troy stated with smooth voice.

"Mister pretty, when will you come to visit us?" So Yun pouted. Taehyung chuckle at her and hug her.

"Soon, if everything is okay, yeah? And be a good girl to your daddy,okay?" Taehyung says looking at Troy.

"im always a good girl, right daddy?" the young girl replied tilting her head to his father direction. She saw her father staring at Taehyung fondly, she smiles knowing that her father have a something to this mister pretty.

"i aprove" she suddenly blurted, clapping her hands. Taehyung look at her in confusion.

"Aprove of what,baby?" he ask ruffling the hair of her.

"Lets go baby, we dont want to disturb mister pretty anymore,right?" Troy says not wanting his daughter to open her mouth coz he knows what she will tell after. So Yun glance at his father and she saw a panic eye looking at her. She laugh secretly and then kissed Taehyung before walking to his father's direction. Taehyung stare at them, he opens his mouth but close again when Troy told him that tgey need to go.

He walk them till outside the building and when Troy is about to enter his car, he turn and walk to Taehyung, he kissed Taehyung's cheeks before leaving him. Taehyung's eyes widened, his cheeks turned pink.

"Mister pretty, visit us okay?" So Yun voice brings him at tge moment. He smile awkwardly and wave his hand.

He snap when he finally didn't saw the car and touch his cheeks.  He doens't feel anything to Troy, he was just surprise to the others action....

He look around his apartment, he misses it so much. He caress his tummy and his baby kick, he smiles but cried in silence when he saw the news about Jungkook. He wants to see him badly, hug him and kiss him, cuddle wit him and most of all he wants Jungkook in his life.

Its been how long that he talk to him, to his friends, to his hyung? He didn't use a phone since he broke and left the mansion. He walks to his bathroom and take a shower, then change to a comfortable cloths before leaving his apartment,not forgetting to lock the door.

He fix his mask to hide his face, he doesn't want anyone to see him for now. He walks to the store near the building and buys some groceries.

"Did you saw the news?"

"Yeah, they said his in a critical condition.."

Taehyung heard the cashier and the other talk. His hands trembled putting the things he buy at the counter to pay it. The cashier lady notice then ask if he is okay. Taehyung nod but but the lady is not convinced. He stare at him and saw Taehyung's eyes welled in tears.

"Please take a sit first, seems you are not okay sir." She said politely but Taehyung just shook his head, patiently waiting for his groceries.

After paying the things, he took the plastic with his sweaty and shaking hand, he can feel his knees trembling too. And walk to the exit and just when he open the door, his vision became blured and the last thing he remember is the panic shout from a woman.

"call ambulance!" the cashier lady yelled at her companion. He gently place the head of Taehyung at her lap and tryung her best to wake him by slighty slapoing his cheek.

Just waiting for how many minutes and the ambulance arrived.



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