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Chapter One| Marnie

"Yeah I'm here." I tell my best friend Jas down the phone. I stare up at the five star restaurant where my date, that she's set me up with, should be waiting for me. "Are you sure he's going to be in there?"

"I told him seven thirty. You'll like him, Marnie he's funny, you love funny guys." I bite my lip.

"Okay I'll see you later." I tell her and then hang up.

I take a deep breath and walk into the restaurant. A waitress smiles at me at the entrance. "I'm meeting someone, they should be here already. He's called Micheal." I tell her and she looks at a list before giving me a small smile.

"It looks like he hasn't arrived yet but I can show you a table and you can order a drink whilst you wait." I give her a small smile and nod my head.

She begins to lead me to a table and as we're walking my breath hitches when I make eye contact with a very attractive man.

He looks to be middle-eastern, his brown eyes stare intensely at my own. He adjusts his suit jacket and then runs his fingers through his dark wavy hair before looking away and at the other man he is sat with.

Shame he's not Micheal.

"Is here okay for you?" The cheery waitress questions and I nod my head.

"Thank you." I tell her before sitting down. She hands me a menu and then tells me she'll be back shortly.

I look through the drinks menu and then look up, only to make eye contact with that man again.

Oh shit.

I quickly look back down at the menu and wait until the waitress comes back.

"Decided what you'd like to drink?" She questions.

"I'll just have a glass of Prosecco please." She nods and walks away. I decide to go on my phone so I don't look so awkward sat by myself.

The lady comes back with my drink and I take a massive gulp. I check the time and see that it is now eight.

Then it's nine.

The waitress gives me a sad smile and I sigh to myself.

I've been stood up.

I place some money on the table for the three glasses that I drank. As I go to stand a large figure stands over me. I look up and see it's the man from earlier.

"Erm...Can I help you?" I question and he smirks.

"Do you come here by yourself often?" He questions in a deep voice. I pout my lips and look away in embarrassment.

"Maybe." I shrug and pick my bag up, placing it on my shoulder. "Excuse me, I have to go home now." I step to the side to walk past him but he follows my actions.

"What's your name?"


"Well Marnie, Michael's an idiot for not showing up." My eyes widen at his words and I look at him in shock. How the hell does this man know who I was meant to meet?

"How did you know?" He chuckles and puts his hands in his trouser pockets.

"I own this restaurant." I slowly nod my head.

"Well it's nice, I guess. Couldn't try the food but oh well." I shrug.

"How about I treat you?" He questions and I raise my eyebrows.

"H-Honestly it's fine, I've got to go." He tilts his head as I stutter over my words.

"Another time?"

"Sir, I don't know who you are." I say politely and I watch his eyes darken a little.

"Why don't you try and get to know me?" He says and I bite my lip, his eyes move to my lips and I fidget nervously. "At least give me your number." I think about it and then slowly nod my head.

He hands me his phone and I put my phone number in. As I give his phone back to him, his fingers brush against my hand and I quickly pull mine away.

"Think about it." He leans down and kisses my cheek before walking away.

I stare at his back in shock and then quickly rush out of the restaurant. I inhale a deep breath as soon as I step into the cold air of London.


"Marnie, I'm so sorry. Micheal won't even reply to my messages. What a dickhead!" Jas exclaims as we sit in a coffee shop the following morning.

"It's fine, Jas. I actually met someone else, the owner of the restaurant, he wants to have dinner with me." Her eyes widen at my words and she squeals.

"Wow, what's his name?" I pause at her question.

Oh shit.

"I don't know, I just gave him my number." I shrug. "I'll just have to wait for him to message me, I was in a rush after I got stood up." I raise my eyebrows playfully at her and she sighs.

"I'm sorry again." Jas whispers.

"It's fine. How's Lucy?" I say, asking about her girlfriend.

"She's mad at me."


"Honestly, I can't see the relationship lasting, she's always having a go at me for anything." I purse my lips.

Relationships are a shambles.

My phone lights up with a notification and I get butterflies in my stomach when I see it's from a new number.

Hey, it's Cyrus, . Date tonight at 7, my restaurant. See you then x

"Is that him?" Jas questions and I nod my head.

"I've got another date tonight."

Hopefully this time I don't get stood up.

First chapter, what did you guys think? 🤍

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