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Chapter Eight| Marnie

I haven't seen or spoken to Cyrus for two days. I know it's my fault, I always have a habit of hanging up on people when I don't know what to say.

But when Cyrus called me that day, I was not expecting him to ask what he did.

He's told his mum about me already? After one month.

"Stop thinking and go to his house." Jas interrupts my thoughts and I bite my lip. "So what if he's already spoken to his mum about you. That's a good thing, no?"

"So you don't think me meeting his family is a bit too soon?" She shakes her head, munching on her crisps.

"Do you not remember what I said about my parents, Marns? You two are soulmates, I just know it. Now stop freaking out and go to your man." I nod my head and rush to put my shoes on.

I hope I haven't upset him.

I rush to his house and knock on the door. It soon opens to reveal a topless Camil.

"He's not here, sweetheart." Camil says, stepping to the side to let me in.

"Where is he?" I question him, walking over to the sofa.

"He's gone on a run. In fact the past couple days all the guy has been doing is going for runs. Did you two have an argument or something? Cause he's been stressing a lot." I bite my lip, feeling guilty.

"He invited me to go to Morocco with him next week and I just hung up on him." Camil furrows his eyebrows.

"That it. He's stressing because you hung up on him. Haha, my brother really is a drama queen." Camil laughs but I stay silent. "So, sweetheart, are you coming to Morocco with us?"

"You're going too?" He nods his head. "I mean I'm just nervous to meet your mum."

"Trust me, she'll love you. She's been waiting for Cyrus to find someone genuine for ages." I frown.

Someone genuine?

I got to open my mouth but I'm interrupted again by Cyrus walking through the door.

He furrows his eyebrows when he sees me and slowly closes the door behind him.

"Pretty baby?" He whispers, picking up a bottle of water and taking a gulp.

"I shall leave." Camil smirks and then leaves Cyrus and I alone.

Cyrus slowly walks over to me and smiles. I smile back.

"I'm sorry." I whisper playing with my fingers, I avoid eye contact with him because I don't want to see how sad I've made him.

"You tend to have a habit of hanging up on me." I nibble on my lip and nod my head. "Look at me, baby."

I slowly look at him and he reaches forward to stroke my cheek. "I'm sorry if I'm moving too fast, you don't have to come to Morocco with me if you're not feeling it."

"I want to." I blurt. His eyes widen and a small smile creeps onto his face. "I'm just nervous, you know, to meet your mother."

"Pretty baby, she can't wait to meet you. You have nothing to be nervous about, my family are very welcoming." I nod my head at his words. "Come here." He whispers and I walk over to him and sit on his lap.

"I'm sorry if I upset you." I whisper, burying my face in the crook of his neck. His arms tighten around my waist and he kisses the side of my head.

"I'm not upset with you, I don't think I could ever be upset with you." He whispers back and I smile. "You'll love Morocco."


"Have you really never been in a relationship?" I question Cyrus as we look at the night life of London through his bedroom window. He looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"No, I've never been in a relationship." He shrugs and I tilt my head.

"It's just that Camil said something last time I was here and I just wondered what he meant, that's all."

"What did he say?"

"It's weird seeing you with someone you genuinely like." Cyrus sighs and that only raises my suspicions.

"He doesn't know what he's saying half the time, ignore him." I slowly nod my head. "I really like you, Marnie."

"I like you too, I like you a lot." I grin and throw my arms around his shoulders. "You promise you're being honest with me." I whisper and I feel him nod his head.

"I promise, pretty baby." And then my stomach rumbles and Cyrus chuckles. "You hungry baby? It's eleven at night."

My face heats up and I look away, embarrassed.

"Come on. Put your shoes on." I frown as he stands up and grabs his car keys.

"Where are we going?" I stand up and follow him out of his bedroom.

"To get my baby some food." He smirks and I shake my head.

"No, you don't have to go through all this trouble, Cyrus." But he doesn't listen to me and bends down to help put my shoes on.

I sigh and step into them and watch as he does my laces. He grabs my hand and walks us out and to his car. "I need to get petrol anyway, so I can get you some snacks as well."

I love snacks.

Butterflies erupt in my stomach when he places his hand on my thigh.

About ten minutes later we arrive at the petrol station and I get out with Cyrus and watch as he fills his car with petrol.

He looks so hot, even just in a plain white t-shirt and joggers.

And the gold chain.

I love that chain.

"You can go find some snacks and I'll meet you in there." I nod my head and walk into the small shop.

I head straight for the crisps and pick up a bag of Doritos.

"Hey gorgeous." I jump and turn to face the stranger that tapped me on the shoulder.

He looks drunk. I begin to feel even more uncomfortable when he starts to look at my breasts, he licks his lips and I nearly throw up in my mouth.

I slowly step backwards. I turn to walk away and he grabs my wrist and pulls me harshly towards him. He goes to touch my breast and I shove his hand away.

"Get off me!" I exclaim, shoving him back and kneeing him in the balls.

He groans, falling to his knees. I drop the bag of crisps and run back out to Cyrus, he looks at me with so much worry and pulls me into a tight hug.

"What happened?" He questions, straigh away, cradling my head against his chest.

"A-A man grabbed me and tried to touch me up." I stutter, a bit shaken up. "I kicked him in the balls and then ran out but I think he was drunk." I look up at Cyrus and watch his face harden.

"Get in the car." He growls out.


"Get. In. The. Car." My eyes widen and I jump into the passenger seat and then watch as he storms into the shop.

Oh no.

Need a Cyrus in my life. 😩🤍

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