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Chapter Twenty-Four| Marnie

"Where are you going?" Cyrus sits up quickly as I stand up.

I sigh.

Cyrus has literally been on edge the past couple days and has barely left my side.

"I need to pee." He slowly relaxes and nods his head.

"Cyrus, son, the girl will be fine." His mother sighs, shaking her head and I smile at her before making my way into the bathroom.

I do my business and then wash my hands. I take a deep breath before exiting the bathroom. I make my way back over to Cyrus who doesn't hesitate to wrap his arm around my waist as soon as I sit back down next to him.

"Your dad always was a sick, twisted man." Adela sighs to herself.

"So why did you marry him?" Camil questions, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I didn't have a choice. Your grandparents wanted me to marry someone with money, it was an arranged marriage. I did love him in the beginning, I'm thankful that he gave me you two." She shrugs and I smile gently, interlacing my fingers with Cyrus'. "But he's a piece of shit and deserves to pay for what he did."

"And he will, mama." Camil says, cracking his knuckles. I mean he's already intimidating to look at with his face and body covered in tattoos but the scary expression on his face right now has my eyes widening.

He looks ready to kill.

"Now I don't want you doing anything silly, Camil." She lightly scolds him and I bite my lip as I watch him look away from his mother's eyes.

"No promises."

"Have you not found yourself a girlfriend yet? That's more important to me than finding your waste of space father." She raises her eyebrows at her younger son and I smirk.

Camil looks at me as if to say 'don't tell her' so I decide to keep my mouth shut.

"No." He sighs, resting back against the sofa.

"You'll die alone!" She throws her arms in the air. "And I'll die not knowing if you found someone!" Cyrus lightly chuckles next to me as we watch his mother have a mini meltdown.

"He'll find someone eventually." I wink at him and watch as he tries to hide his smile.

"Now, as we are together as a family we can spend the day together on the yacht." The what now? I tilt my head in surprise.

"It's too hot for that shit." Camil whines, tilting his head back in frustration.

"I want to spend time with my boys and daughter in law. Is that too much to ask? I never see you."

"Ugh, fine."


I feel crazy seasick.

I'm trying to keep my cool as I sit across from Adela and her 'boyfriend' Amir who she also invited, but the bile keeps rising up my throat.

"Marnie sweetie, are you okay?" She frowns and I give her a tight-lipped smile, nodding my head. "You look a bit ill, are you okay?" Cyrus tenses beside me and turns my head to face him. He place the back of his hand on my forehead and frowns.

"You don't have a temperature, baby." He whispers.

"I'm fine." I try to reassure him but another wave of seasickness hits me. Amir also stares at me in sympathy and I begin to feel awkward with everyone's attention on me.


I take a deep breath and take a huge gulp of my water.

"You do look like you're gonna throw up." Camil then speaks up and I bite the insides of my cheek, looking away from the concerned family.

"Pretty baby, are you sure you're okay?" Cyrus questions and I just take another sip of my drink.

"Are you pregnant?" And that drink sprays everywhere and I cough in shock.

I stare at an excited looking Adela and I shake my head frantically.

"No, no, no. I'm seasick, not pregnant." I try to reassure her but she seems way too excited at the thought of having a grandchild.

I am not ready for a child.

"Well isn't this interesting?" Camil grins in amusement and I roll my eyes.

I feel Cyrus rest his hand on my thigh and I turn to look at him as he smiles gently. "Do you need to go and lay down?" He questions and I shake my head.

"I'll be fine."

"Okay." He whispers, kissing my forehead.

The rest of the afternoon continues smoothly and the seasickness subsides. I walk to the front of the yacht and smile at Cyrus and Camil who are sat down staring at the shore that's not far from us.

"You guys okay?" I question them and they nod their head. "Where's your mum?"

"With Amir." Cyrus grimaces and I laugh.

"How are you, pregnant lady?" Camil smirks and I glare at him.

"I'm not fucking pregnant." I grit my teeth.

"Pretty baby, what if you are? I know you said you're on the pill but it doesn't always work." Cyrus tries to convince me and I sigh.

"I'll take a test, later." I tell him and he nods his head.

"Do you not want a baby?" Cyrus questions, sounding a little hurt.

"Not now, Cyrus." I say being honest.

"Oh, okay. I understand, baby." He smiles gently.

"Aw shame, I was excited to be an uncle." Camil groans and I roll my eyes again at him.

"Shut up." I laugh lightly. "You'd be doing the babysitting." His face turns in disgust and I laugh louder.

That's what I thought.

Cyrus stands with furrowed eyebrows, squinting into the distance.

"What is it?" I question, starting to get worried at his sudden silence. "Cyrus?"

A scream escapes my lips when he gets shot in the chest, his white shirt beginning to stain red.

"Cyrus!" I cry out and watch as he falls to his knees. I rush over to him and his head falls into my lap. I look to Camil who is already barking out orders to the staff on the yacht.

"Fuck!" He shouts.

"Pretty baby." Cyrus whispers, his breathing shallow. "I'm fine, I-I love you." He tries to reassure me and I run shaky hands through his hair, tears falling down my cheeks.

He's not fine.

He's been shot in the chest.

"Please don't die. I love you too." I whimper and he smiles gently, his teeth are covered in blood and I only cry harder because I know he'll die if we don't make it to the hospital fast enough.

My Cyrus could die.


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