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Chapter Seven| Cyrus

"So when did you learn to play the piano?" The angel sat next to me questions and I smile, pushing down on one of the keys.

"My father taught me when I was young." I whisper and turn to look at her. She looks up at me and shows me her angelic smile which makes me melt.

She's so beautiful.

She presses the key next to me and then tries to play a tune and I chuckle.

"Pretty baby, that sounds awful." She pouts her lips and removes her fingers from the piano.

"So mean." She mumbles and I smirk, gently nudging her with my shoulder. "You play something." She demands and I raise my eyebrows at her. "Please." She whispers.

I begin to play a piece that my father made for my mother. He used to play it every night for her, the two used to be so madly in love.

I didn't think I'd fine anyone genuine, someone who didn't just want me for my looks and money.

Until I met Marnie.

I've known her for nearly a month now and I'm already falling for the woman.

She's mesmerising.

I take a glance at her to see her eyes are wide as she watches my fingers gracefully move along they keys.

"Wow." She whispers. "Can you play at my wedding?" She laughs and I automatically stop playing.

The fuck did she just say?

Can I play at her wedding?

"I-I was joking." She says quietly.

"Who you marrying, pretty baby?" I tilt my head at her and she bites her lip.

Answer smartly baby.

"I dunno." She shrugs, so oblivious to the fact that I would already get down on one knee for her.

"Stand up, baby." I whisper and she furrows her eyebrows standing up. I look her up and down and feel myself begin to get hard at the sight of her in one of my shirts.

I can't wait to explore every inch of her beautiful body, when she lets me of course. She looks down at my lap and I watch as she gulps.

She nibbles on her bottom lip whilst staring at the large tent in my joggers. "Come sit on my lap, pretty baby." I push the chair back a little so she can stand in front of me.

"What happened to you teaching me how to play the piano?" She straddles me and I groan when she brushes against my hard dick.

"Can I touch you?" I ask her, placing a kiss on her shoulder and she nods her head. I can teach her piano another day.

A small gasp escapes her lips when I brush my finger over the lace of her thong. "You're so wet." I bite my lip and pull her panties to the side.

"Cyrus." She moans, dropping her head onto my shoulder. I begin to circle her clit and smirk when she begins to get wetter.

"Does that feel good, pretty baby?" I use my other hand to thread my fingers through the back of her hair. I tilt her head back so I can look into her gorgeous eyes.

Another moan escapes her lips and she nods her head. I slip a finger into her wet hole and groan as her walls grip my finger. "Such a good girl." I whisper and she bites her lip.

"Keep going, I'm close." She whimpers and I start to finger fuck her tight pussy, her moans beginning to turn me on even more. "I'm coming."

"That's it baby." I grunt and I bite my lip as she squirts, her wetness begins to drip down her thighs and onto my joggers. "Fuck." I grin and I watch as that shy look etches onto her face again.

This woman.

"Do you want me to....Erm...touch you?" She questions. "Only if that's what you want." She whispers the last part and I smile at her.

"It's okay, pretty baby. Give me a kiss."


"Jenson, how's everything going?" I ask my business partner as I walk into the office.

"Your mother called." I raise my eyebrows. "You're due to fly to Morocco to visit her next week." Fuck! Already?!

I'll be gone for at least three weeks and the thought of not seeing Marnie for that long doesn't sit right with me.  

It was bad enough when she had to leave my place earlier on today.

"I'm gonna call my mother." Jenson nods and leaves the office.

She picks up straight away and I smile, missing the sound of her voice.

"My boy! Did Jenson tell you about next week? You're coming to see your mama, you and Camil. I want to see you both." She says down the phone.

"Of course, mama. I'm actually bringing someone else as well." Well I haven't told her yet but I hope she says yes.

"Who?" I can tell she sound confused.

"I've met someone." I pull the phone away from my ear when I hear her excited scream.

"You've met someone! Man? Woman? Who? Oh I'm so happy for you my dear son!" I smile and begin to tell her about Marnie.

To says she's ecstatic would be an understatement. The woman is over the moon.

After twenty minutes I say my goodbyes to her and then I sigh.

Now I actually have to convince Marnie to come to Morocco with me.

This is gonna be tricky.

I decide to call her because I know she's not at work today. Just like my mother, she picks up straight away.


"Marnie, will you come to Morocco with me next week?" I don't beat around the bush and decide to be straight forward. I furrow my eyebrows when I'm met with silence. "Baby?"


"To visit my mother, I've told her about you." Silence again. "Marnie, baby? Did you hear what I said?"

Then she hangs up.

I groan.

I've probably scared her off. I'm moving too fast, I just know it.

"Fuck!" I drop my phone onto the table and run my fingers through my hair. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Aw, Marnie had that WAP 🥺🤍

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