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Chapter Thirty-Six| Marnie

"I'm really sorry, Miss Jones." The midwife says sadly, putting her latex gloves on.

"But they're not due for another two months." I whimper. "Where's my Cyrus?!" The tears won't stop falling.

Because of the crash, I've gone into labour two months early. It wasn't a fatal crash, Jas and I got out okay but the shock of the traumatic experience is the reason why I've gone into labour early.

Jas was hysterical when it happened. I can tell she really is guilty but I don't want her to beat herself up because of it. It wasn't her fault, we got hit from behind at a traffic light.

"Marnie, I assure you everything is going to be okay." She smiles gently, grabbing a towel and wiping the thin layer of sweat that has already formed on my forehead.

"T-They c-could die. I've read a-about premature babies." I cry out and she continues to stroke my hair

"We're going to do everything we can to deliver your baby girls safely." She reassures. "They will be put in the NICU for extra care but it won't be for too long, Marnie."

I clench my eyes when I feel another contraction. "I just want Cyrus." I whisper.

"We have phoned your husband. That's why he sent me here, he wanted you to have the best care. He should be here shortly." She smiles gently and I try to return the gesture.

Ten minutes later, the door is thrown open to reveal a disheveled Cyrus.

A sexy disheveled Cyrus.

His hair is all over the place and the top three buttons of his shirt is unbuttoned to reveal that gold chain that I love around his neck.

He rushes over to me, brushing away the hair that has stuck to my forehead.

"Baby, are you okay? The babies? What's happening to them?" He rushes out, kissing every part of my face.

"I've gone into labour early." I breathe out and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Wait, you're about to give birth?" He stands up straight in shock. "B-But they're not cooked right yet." I laugh in pain at his stupidness.

He grabs a chair and drags it closer to me, I grab hold of his hand and he smiles gently, kissing the palm of it.

"I'm scared." I whisper with watery eyes. "I-I'm not ready." I begin to panic again.

"You are ready. You're my strong, pretty baby, I know you can do it." He whispers gently. "I love you, so much."

"I love you too." I smile.

"Our babies will be okay."

"I hope so, I don't know what I'll do if they're not." I whisper.

"I know, baby." He kisses my hand again.

"Have you called your mother?" Cyrus shakes his head.

"I haven't had the time, I'll send a text." I giggle at the thought of Adela getting a casual text saying that I've gone into labour.

Five minutes later she is blowing up both of our phones. Cyrus refuses to answer his, knowing he'll just get shouted at by her.


"Marnie, oh thank God! What has happened? It's too early, dear?" She rushes out, panic clear in her voice.

I explain to her everything that has happened, however, I'm cut off by another contraction so Cyrus finishes off the conversation, occasionally pulling the phone away from his ear.

"She wishes you the best. Says she's booking a flight." I nod and smile gently.

The midwife comes to check on me and she gives me a calming smile. "Okay, Marnie. I think you're ready to push."

"Time to give birth my queen." Cyrus smirks.



I stare at my two baby girls. We don't have names for them yet because my mother wanted to help.

They've been moved to a baby unit, one of them being helped by extra oxygen because her heart rate was less that 100 beats per minute.

I wipe the tears that I didn't realise had begun to fall.

I'm a dad.

These two little babies are my daughters.

My little miracles.

Even though they were born two months early the midwife said that they are fairly healthy. I'm not surprised considering Marnie and I are their parents.

They are strong little fighters.

"I love you two so much." I whisper gently resting my hand on the glass. "I'm going to protect you with my life, nothing will ever hurt you."

We haven't had the chance to touch them, we have to wait until they are fully healthy as we don't want to have any complications if we rush.

The door opens behind me and my heart warms when I see my tired girl being wheeled in by the midwife.

"Hi." She whispers tiredly and I nod at the midwife and take hold of the wheelchair. "Are they okay?" She questions, resting her hand on the glass.

"They're perfect." I crouch down next to her and brush her hair behind her ear. "You're so beautiful."

She playfully rolls her eyes. "Stop it! I've just pushed two babies out of my vagina for five hours and you think I look beautiful."

"I do." I tell her sternly. "You're always beautiful, so beautiful I want you to be my wife."

She looks down at me with wide eyes.

"What?" She whispers and I pull the velvet box out of my pocket.

"Will you marry me, pretty baby?"

Okay, we need names for our twins, also this book is coming to an end, not long to go. 🤍

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