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Two years later

"Baby, you wanna help mummy get ready for her date with daddy?" I question Amara.

She's sat on our bed next to her sleeping sister and she giggles, crawling towards me. "Yes please." She smiles politely and I smile back. "You're so pwetty, mummy." She grins, crawling onto my lap.

"Aw thank you, baby. So are you and your sister, you two are so, so beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." The three year old nods her head. "What dress should I wear?"

I hold up a black satin dress with a deep neckline and then the gold satin one which holds quite a lot of memories.

"Brown one." She wraps her tiny hands around the bottom and I nod my head.

"Gold, it's gold baby girl."

"Gold." She corrects herself with a small nod, tucking a strand of her curly brown hair behind her ear.

Cyrus and I made some cute babies.

"Who is going to look after me and Cammy?" She tilts her head.

"Nana." I tell her and she squeals in excitement.

Adela spoils these two rotten.

"Don't get too excited, I still want you in bed by eight." I tell her sternly and she calms down, pouting.

"But why, mummy?" She whispers in disappointment.

"Because I don't need to have you two grumpy and sleepy, look at your sister, she didn't sleep last night and now she's going to be grumpy when she wakes up from her nap." I raise my eyebrows at her and she stays quiet.

"When is Uncle Camil coming to see us?" She tilts her head and I frown.

We haven't seen him in over two years. Cyrus tells the twins about him all the time and they are so eager to meet him. They don't remember him from when they were small.

"I don't know baby." I stroke the top of her head.

"I love you, mummy." She wraps her arms around me and my eyes water and I rest the side of my cheek on the top of her head.

"I love you so much."

"And me?" I sleepy voice whispers and I turn to see a now awake Camila.

"Of course baby, come here." She crawls to my other side and I cuddle them both closer to me. "I love you two, to the moon and back."


I stare up at the familiar five star restaurant where my date is.

I take a deep breath and walk into the restaurant. The blonde waitress smiles at me at the entrance. "I'm meeting someone, he should be here already." I smirk and she gives me a knowing smile.

She begins to lead me to a table and I make eye contact with a very, very attractive man.

He looks to be middle-eastern, his brown eyes stare intensely at my own. He adjusts his suit jacket and then runs his fingers through his dark wavy hair before standing up, a huge smile on his face.

Good thing he's not called Micheal.

"Prosecco?" She questions.

"Prosecco." I confirm with a smile and then face the man.

"Can I help you?" I question and he smirks, we both take a seat.

"Do you come here by yourself often?" He questions in a deep voice. I struggle to contain my smile.

"Maybe." I shrug.

"What's your name?"


"Well Marnie, I'd like to thank Micheal, wherever the fucker is for standing you up that night." He winks. "I'm Cyrus." He grabs my hand and places a kiss on it, making my heart flutter.

"Hello Cyrus." I grin.

"Hello, my pretty baby."

I'm so in love with this man.

And I always will be.


Kept it short and sweet. I'm so sad cause i think Cyrus and Marnie might be my new favourite characters. This book was so fun to write 😭 BUT Camil's book can now be added to your libraries, the prologue is up and I'm so excited because I know a lot of you really wanted this, so here you go. Thank you for reading this book and I'm glad you enjoyed❤️

 Thank you for reading this book and I'm glad you enjoyed❤️

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