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Chapter Thirty-Seven| Cyrus

Ten months later

Camila stares at me with her wide brown eyes, so I stare back at her.

"Please tell me you two aren't having another staring competition." Marnie laughs, walking in with Amara in her arms.

I grin when Camila looks away.

"I won." I poke her chubby cheek and she just babbles and reaches out for Marnie. "Oh, I see how it is. Mummy's your favourite huh?" I pout and my eyes widen when Camila nods even though she can barely understand a word I'm saying.

"Of course I'm the favourite." Marnie smirks, taking a seat next to Camila on the sofa, she doesn't hesitate to crawl onto Marnie's lap and cuddle with her sister who is already asleep.

I pull my phone out and take a quick picture.

"Cyrus, you really got to stop randomly taking pictures, look at the state of me." She frowns and I roll my eyes, standing up.

"How many times have I got to tell you you're beautiful?" I raise my eyebrows at her, she bites her lip. "Yeah, too many times and I'll continue to tell you until you understand." I lean down and kiss her forehead.

"Have you heard from Camil?" She questions, adjusting a now sleeping Camila.

I shake my head. "He's disappeared. Camil's probably not even in Morocco anymore, he could be anywhere."

"The wedding is in two days Cy. I really wanted him there." She whispers in disappointment.

"I know baby, I've been trying to get in contact with him but he's just drifted away. Camil really should be here." I sigh.

"Do you think he's okay?" Marnie whispers. "Like I'm really worried about him Cyrus, you know with his previous drug problem, Angel moving away."

Something tells me he's not okay.

"I'm sure he's fine, pretty baby." I say, not wanting to put Marnie under any stress.

She slowly nods her head.

A small whimper escapes Amara's lips and I take her out of Marnie's arms.

"Hello my little baby."

Her slightly lighter eyes stare up at me as she chews on her dummy.

I stroke her curly hair and she reaches up with her small hand and yanks on my hair.

My eyes widen and I put her at arms length. "Hey, that hurt." I frown and she squeals, kicking her little legs.

I chuckle and lay back with Marnie who has Camila on her chest. I place Amara on my own chest, holding her securely with one arm. I then interlace my fingers with Marnie's.

"I love you." I turn my head to face her and she smiles pouting her lips. I lean over and quickly give her a kiss.

"I love you too." She winks.


"Cyrus?" I storm into the warehouse and towards Camil's best friend, Jay. "What are you doing here?"

"Where the fuck is my brother, Jay? Have you heard from him?" Jay furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head.

"Cyrus, I'm in the dark just like you. I haven't heard from him for almost a year." I stressfully run my fingers through my hair.

My wedding is tomorrow afternoon and I need my brother there.

"Camil said he was leaving to clear his head, so maybe he's got rid of all his way of contact." Jay tries to reason but deep down I know that not true.

That's what I want to believe but it's just not true.

"You hear anything, you call me straight away." I point my finger at the blonde man and then make my way out of the warehouse.

I climb into my car and rest my head back, inhaling a deep breath. My phone begins to ring and I answer it.


"I don't think he's coming tomorrow." I furrow my eyebrows at her words. "Camil called me, just now?"

My eyes widen.

"Is he okay? Where is he, mum?" I rush out and I hear her sniffle.

"He didn't sound good, Cy. His words were slurred, I told him about the twins and he just sounded so empty." My eyes begin to water. "I know this is upsetting Cyrus but we will help him but you're getting married tomorrow. Camil has been down this road many times before but we will get him help. I promise, you know how stubborn your brother can be."

I rub my eyes and lightly smile.

"It would of just been nice to have him there." I whisper.

"I know, darling."

I make my way home and break the news to Marnie. My heart breaks when she looks at me with wide watery eyes.

"W-What's happened to him?" She whimpers, throwing her arms around my waist. I sigh and wrap my arms tightly around her.

"We're going to get him help. He'll be okay." I reassure her.

I sort of feel at ease knowing he has been in contact, that's a start, even though he said he's not coming to our wedding tomorrow.

"Let's just focus on tomorrow. We're getting married, pretty baby." I smile.

"We are." She whispers with a small smile. "You do have to leave tonight though, you can't see me in the morning." I playfully roll my eyes at her.

I'll do anything for this woman because she's always in control of me. She claims my heart.

"All of my family are very excited." I smirk. "You won't be getting a break tomorrow and I'm not just talking about the wedding." I wink and I watch as she bites her lip.

"You are something else, Cy." She giggles, shaking her head.

Tomorrow better go smoothly.


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