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Chapter Three| Marnie

"Marnie, you are crazy!" Jas exclaims. We're on our lunch break and I've just told her that it's not a good idea for me to see Cyrus again.

It's been a week since our date and I haven't called or messaged him.

I don't know what his true intentions are and I don't want to get attached.

Because when you get attached, you get hurt.

Overthinking is a bitch.

"He's a nice guy but he's never been in a relationship. Why would that suddenly change just because he saw me at his restaurant that night?" I shrug,

"From what you've told me, Marnie, the man seems to really like you. Just give it a shot." She tries to encourage me and I bite my lip.

"I'll think about it."

"Well hurry up." She grins and I roll my eyes. "Did you want to get cocktails later?" I nod my head at her question.

"Sounds good."


I finished work a couple hours ago and I'm now getting ready to go to the bar with Jas. As I'm in the middle of doing my makeup my phone begins to ring, my eyes widen when I see Cyrus' name.

"Shit, shit, shit." I panic, throwing my makeup brush on the table.

I pick up the phone with shaky hands and take a deep breath before answering it. "H-Hello?" I stutter nervously.

"Marnie. Why haven't you been in contact with me?" He asks, sounding disappointed.

I pinch my bottom lip, not knowing what to say.

"I've been thinking, maybe we shouldn't see each other again." I'm met with silence after I've spoken. "Cyrus?"


"I'm not looking for anything temporary. Casual relationships aren't really good for me." I tell him, deciding to be honest.

"What makes you think I want a casual relationship?" He questions in his deep voice.

"Well you've never had a serious relationship." I point out.

"Well maybe you could change that, no?" My heart flutters. "I want to get to know you, Marnie. So when can I see you again?"

"I'm not sure." Then I stupidly hang up. My heart begins to race and I feel myself starting to get hot.

This man!

An hour later and Jas and I are sat in the bar, sipping on cocktails. "I can't believe you basically rejected him! I love you Marnie but sometimes you can be an idiot." Jas sighs at me and I nod my head.

"These are really good." I point at the strawberry daiquiris, trying to change the subject. "I think I'll have another."

Five more cocktails and I'm drunk. A bit too drunk and so is Jas.

We giggle as we people spot. "I need to see Lucy." Jas slurs. "I do really like her you know, b-but we are always arguing."

"Call her!" I encourage her and she thinks about it before nodding her head.

"Yes!" We walk outside and I stand next to her as she calls Lucy. As I'm waiting I feel my phone vibrating in my bag.

I pull my phone out and the butterflies arrive again when Cyrus' name pops up.

"Hello." I answer, trying not to sound too drunk but I don't think it worked.

"You're drunk. Are you safe? Who are you with?" Cyrus says suddenly and I giggle at his words.

"I'm out drinking with my bestie!" I laugh and I hear him sigh.

Jas tries to get my attention so I pull my phone away from my ear and listen to what she has to say.

"I'm gonna get a taxi to Lucy's, you can come with me and I'll get it to drop you off first." I nod my head and get ready to tell Cyrus that I'll call him back.

"I'm picking you up, where are you?" My eyes widen.

"I-I....What? No, it's okay, I'll just see you tomorrow." I hang up and then I freeze.

I just told him I'd meet him tomorrow.

Why, Marnie? Why?!


"It's nice to see you again, pretty baby." I slowly nod my head as I sit across from Cyrus in a little café. "Did you have a good time last night?" I nod my head again.

He chuckles at me and I feel myself starting to get embarrassed. "You know you can use words around me, Marnie."

"I know." I whisper.

I watch as he begins to observe me and I decide to just play with my fingers nervously.

"I want you to feel comfortable around me."

"I am." He raises his eyebrows at me. "Okay, I'm a little nervous." I sigh, relaxing back against my chair.

"You shouldn't be. I don't bite, at least not in public." He smirks and I choke on my spit. I clench my thighs and look away from him. "Why don't you tell me a little bit more about yourself. What about your parents?"

"Mum died when I was young and my dad kind of abandoned me, he didn't really look after me." I shrug and I watch as Cyrus looks at me in sympathy.

"I'm sorry" He whispers and I pout my lips, placing my hands on the table. It's only now I realise that his hands are covered in tattoos.

How have I never noticed this? Was I that distracted on our date?

"It's not your fault." I feel my eyes begin to water, so I blink a bit more to stop the tears from falling.

"Are you lonely?" Cyrus leans forward and grabs hold of my hands. I gulp and look down at his large veiny hands.

"I have my best friend, Jas." I shrug.

"But you want something a bit more intimate don't you?" I look at him in shock.

It's literally like he's reading me like a book.

"Is it that obvious?" I laugh a little and Cyrus gives me a small smile.

He then stands up from his seat and holds his hand out to me.

"Where are we going?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"To my place."

"Cyrus, I've told you I'm not going to sleep with you." He tilts his head at my words.

"I'm not taking you back to my place to sleep with you.........not yet at least. I'm going to help cure your loneliness, pretty baby."

What do you guys think of Cyrus and Marnie so far?🤍

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