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Chapter Twelve| Marnie

"W-What?" I stutter.

"Sit. On. My. Face." He says again and I gulp. "Come on, pretty baby. I haven't got all day." He smirks and I slowly straddle his chest. He rolls his eyes and I squeal when he grabs my thighs and pulls me down onto his face.

I gasp and lean forward, grabbing the headboard in front of me. His hands tighten around my thighs so I can't pull away and he begins to suck on my clit making my eyes widen in shock.

"Cyrus!" I whimper.

He moans underneath me, the vibrations making me go crazy. I moan again and reach to grab one of my breasts, I bite my lip and look down at him.

My heart skips a beat when he winks.

"It's too much Cyrus." I whimper but don't move off of him.

His fingers tighten anyway and I can feel that familiar pressure building up in my stomach. The sounds that Cyrus is making is only edging me closer and closer.

A couple minutes later my eyes widen as I feel my orgasm building. "I'm gonna come, Cyrus." I cry out.

My legs begin to shake and before I know it I'm coming over Cyrus' face.

"Fuck!" I breathe out. I lift myself off of his face and watch as he grins. He try's to pull me back down but I manage to climb off.

"Come back." He whines and rolls over so he's laying in between my legs. He buries his face in my pussy again and I gasp pushing his head away. "Marnie."

"No more! I'm too sensitive down there." He pouts his lips but climbs up next to me.

"Again later?" He questions and I grin.

"Maybe, if you're lucky." I smirk.

He kisses my forehead and then begins to stroke my arm. "Do you want kids someday?" My eyes widen at his question.

"I guess. What about you?" He nods his head.

"Two. I want two boys, I think having a girl would turn me into some crazy overprotective man." I scoff at his words.

"You're already crazy overprotective." I turn on my side to face him and stroke his hair. I smile when his eyes flutter closed. "You'd be a great dad, one day."

He opens his eyes and smiles gently.  "I know you'd make a perfect mother." He whispers and begins to trace his finger over my stomach.

"Don't be getting any ideas." I lightly hit his head and he chuckles.

"One day, pretty baby."


"I swear to fucking God if another man asks you to marry them I'm gonna go crazy." Cyrus growls out, holding me possessively closer to him.

I roll my eyes at his possessive nature. "I dunno, some of those men could of been potential husband material." I smirk, teasing him.

He stops abruptly and turns me to face him, I look up at his handsome face with an innocent smile.

"Say that again." He growls out and I grin.

"Some of those men co-" I'm cut off by him smashing his lips against mine. I'm not even surprised at his actions.

I pull away and raise my eyebrows at him. "I was joking, silly man." I laugh and this time he rolls his eyes.

"Mm yeah? Well I don't like those kind of jokes, silly girl." He retorts playfully and places his arm back around my waist.

We're on our way to the beach for the evening to have dinner at a restaurant and I'm super excited just because of the time I get to spend with Cyrus.

We make it to the gorgeous, sandy beach five minutes later and I gasp at how beautiful the sunset looks. "Can you take a picture of me? So I can send it to Jas." I question Cyrus and he nods, taking out his phone instead of taking mine.

I put mine back in my clutch and Cyrus begins to take multiple pictures of me. Once he's done I watch as he smiles down at his phone and then I frown.

"What are you doing?" I walk over to him and watch as he locks his phone and then shows me his lock screen with a huge smile on his face.

"Making my baby my lock screen so I can see her angel face everyday." My face heats up at his words.

"Would you two like a picture together?" We both turn our head to see a middle-aged woman smiling at the two of us.

Cyrus nods his head and hands his phone to the woman. He stands behind me and I feel butterflies when he circles his arms around my waist and bends down to place his head on my shoulder.

The woman takes the picture as soon as I turn to face Cyrus with a smile.

"Oh! You two are so beautiful!" She gasps and hands the phone back to Cyrus. I look at the picture and realise how good we look together. "Are you two married?"



The lady looks confused but her smile doesn't disappear. "Either way, you two look great together." She waves and then walks off.

"Cyrus, we're not married. We've literally just got together." He shrugs his shoulders, not caring that he's told some woman we're married.

We get to the restaurant and are sat down by a polite waitress. I pick up my glass of wine and stare at the sea. "This is really beautiful." I look at Cyrus and watch as he gazes at me.

He adjusts the watch on his wrist and stares at the bracelet he got me that is around my wrist, a small smile on his face.

"I'm really falling for you already, pretty baby." He says quietly and my eyes widen. "I'll make you happy, I promise." I smile and grab hold of his hand from across the table.

His eyes move to something behind me and his smile falls.

"What the fuck?!"

Wattpad is always testing me

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