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Chapter Thirteen| Marnie

"What?" I question, turning around to see what he was looking at. I see a tall woman glaring at us. Well me to be precise. "Do you know her?" I turn back to Cyrus.

He quickly shakes his head.

"So why do you seem so shocked?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I just don't know why she's staring that's all, we can leave." I shake my head and turn back to see that she's disappeared.

"Are you sure you didn't know her?" He shakes his head and picks up his glass of wine, taking a huge gulp. "I don't believe you." He rubs his stubble in frustration and looks away from me.

"It's nothing."

"Don't fucking lie to me." His head snaps to me and he throws me a warning look.

"I don't wanna hear such disgusting words coming out of your pretty little mouth." He growls out and I roll my eyes.

"Then don't lie to me." He sighs and leans back on his chair, unbuttoning his suit jacket.

"I'm not lying, I was just weirded out by how that woman was staring at us." I maintain eye contact with him for a few seconds before nodding my head.

"You promise?" He nods his head.

"I promise."

The night goes smoothly and I feel myself getting tipsy after the third glass of wine. I give Cyrus a lazy smile as he helps me up from my seat and leads us out of the restaurant.

"I shouldn't of let you have three large glasses of wine." He chuckles, kissing the side of my head. "You're drunk."

"Cyrus, I am not drunk." I slur and then giggle.

I am drunk.

"You are."

"Cyrus, shut up." I quickly slap my hand over my mouth. "Be quiet, I meant."

"Oh, pretty baby." He whispers disapprovingly and then throws me over his shoulder.

"Cyrus!" I exclaim, bashing his back. He slaps my ass and my eyes widen because we're in public.

"You're being a naughty girl, baby." I look up and watch as people stare at the two of us with wide eyes.

"Cyrus, people are looking." I whisper harshly.

"Let them."

"They can see my bum." He puts me down straight away and bends down to straighten my dress out. I gaze up at him and bite my lip.

"Baby, don't look at me like that." I pout my lip and he groans.

"Can I suck your dick?"

"What? Pretty baby, not right now." He looks at me with wide eyes and adjusts his trousers.

"Please.........daddy." I whisper the last part with a smirk.

"Right home time! I'm not taking advantage of you when you're in this state." He takes my hand and leads us home.

"Please Cyrus." I whine but he ignores me.

"Crazy woman."


"You comfy?" Cyrus chuckles. He's laying on a sun lounger and I've decided to place myself on top of him.

"Shh, my head hurts a little." I whisper and he laughs again. "Why are you laughing?!" I sit up to stare at him and he shrugs.

"You're just so cute." I pout and roll my eyes.

"Cyrus, I am not cute."

"You are, my pretty angel." He smirks, kissing my cheek.

I stand up and place my hands on my hips. "We need some clean towels."

Cyrus, sits up and nods. "I'll call room service." I shake my head and he furrows his eyebrows.

"I'll just go to reception, I need the exercise anyway." I shrug and he nods.

"You need me to come with you?"

"I won't be long." I smile.

I leave our room and it's about a five minute walk until I reach reception. The receptionist gives me a welcoming smile and I return the gesture.

"Hello, how can I help?" She questions cheerfully.

"I was wondering if we could get some fresh towels." She nods her head.

"What's your room number?"


"I'll go and get some for you now. Won't be long." She smiles and then walks off.

I jump when I feel someone tap my shoulder, I turn around and furrow my eyebrows when I see it's the lady from last night.

"I'm sorry, are you following us?" I question, taking a step away from her.

"That man you're with, you can't trust him." She whispers and I watch as her eyes begin to water.

What the fuck?

"Cyrus? You know him?" I ask her.

"We were supposed to get married but he just left me and he'll do the same to you." She whispers frantically and I watch with wide eyes as she clutches her hair in frustration.

"What's your name?"

"Samantha. Please, leave while you can. You're not safe." I feel my heart begin to race and watch as she rushes out the hotel.

Leave while you can.

"Ma'am, your towels." I spin around and take the towels from the lady with shaky hands.

"T-Thank you." I stutter and slowly begin to walk back to the room.

How do I confront Cyrus? I don't want to jump to conclusions because that woman seemed crazy.

But then it hits me.

He is lying.

He told me he didn't know who she was last night and he also told me he had never been in a relationship.

He was supposed to marry this woman?!

A surge of anger fills my body and I storm into the room but freeze when I see Cyrus on the phone, a distraught look on his face.

He hangs up and gulps.

"What is it?"

"My mother.....she's been rushed to hospital."


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