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Chapter Six| Marnie

"Cyrus." I whisper and begin to play with the chain around his neck.

"Look at me."  I look at his dark brown eyes. "Good girl." Oh shit. "Now are you gonna let me kiss you, pretty baby?"

I nod my head and watch as he raises his eyebrows. "Yes." I whisper and he doesn't hesitate to smash his lips onto mine. I gasp when his fingers slowly wrap around my throat and I feel myself start to get wet when he squeezes his fingers a little.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him closer to me. I moan when he thrusts his hips up and he takes the moment to slip his tongue in my mouth.

I moan again at the feeling of his soft lips against mine and I can't help but grind myself against him. The kiss becomes faster and more desperate and I whimper when Cyrus pulls away and starts to place kisses on my neck.

I continue to grind my hips and he releases a low moan.

"Fuck, pretty baby." He grunts, pulling away. "We gotta stop or I'll end up fucking you right here on the sofa." I bite my lip, my heart racing.

I go to climb off his lap but he holds tightly onto my hips. He looks at me with a wide smile and I give him a small one.

What the hell am I getting myself into?

"I think I'm addicted to you now." He whispers and I just stare at him in shock.

"What is this?" I question.

"Whatever you want it to be,  baby." He winks and I play with my fingers.

"I dunno, I just don't want to get hurt." I shrug and he nods his head in understanding.

"I will try my best to not hurt you, Marnie. No-ones perfect but I can try and be for you, my intentions are not to hurt you." I slowly nod my head.

"Okay." I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him into a hug.

"Did you want to stay the night? It's pretty late." He whispers in my ear, while stroking my back.

"If that's okay with you." I say.

"Of course it is, baby." He pecks my lips and I smile.

"Can I see your tattoos?" I question eagerly and he chuckles. He pushes his chest out a little and I take that as a yes.

I begin to unbutton his shirt and my eyes widen at the massive lion on the right side of his chest. I begin to gently trace the outline and frown as my finger runs across some scars.

I look up at him and see his eyes are clenched shut. I lean down and kiss the scar, hidden behind the impressive tattoo. His eyes open and he looks at me in shock.

"I think this tattoo is very pretty." I beam.

He continues to stare at me in shock for a few more seconds before flipping me over so I'm laying down on the sofa. He hovers over me and smiles before hugging me tightly, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

I laugh and wrap my arms around him.

"You, baby are something else."


"I don't know. Maybe I'm moving too fast with Cyrus." I explain to Jas and she groans.

"Marnie, life's too short to be saying shit like that. Look at my parents, they married after knowing each other for three months and they're still together. Nearly twenty five years!" I play with my bottom lip.

"But the guy has never been in a relationship." I watch Jas roll her eyes.

"Well he's got to start somewhere, Marns. There's a first for everything and hopefully you'll be his last as well." She raises her eyebrows and I nod my head.

"Well I better get going. I'm going to Cyrus'." I inform Jas and she smirks.

"You may as well move out and you had the audacity to tell me I'm never home." I smile and gently push her.

"Shut up. Love you!" I shout whilst leaving.

"Love you too!"

I get to Cyrus' house shortly after leaving mine and knock on his door. I'm left shocked when another man opens the door.

He looks very similar to Cyrus. Tattoos also cover his tanned skin but unlike Cyrus he also has some on his face, his hair is cut into a buzz cut and I can't deny he is very attractive.

"You must be Marnie." I nod my head nervously and he moves to the side so I can walk in. Once he closes the door I turn around to look at him again. "Don't worry sweetheart, I'm not as scary as I look."

"I-Erm....Where is Cyrus?" I whisper.

"He's gone to the shops, said something about his 'pretty baby' needing snacks because apparently you're always hungry." My face heats up and I look away.

"What's your name?" I question, going to sit on the sofa.

"Camil. I'm Cyrus' younger brother." He sits next to me and I give him a small smile. "You're cute."

"I know, Cyrus tells me all the time." I nod, relaxing a little around the scary looking guy.

"It's weird seeing my brother with someone he  actually likes." I furrow my eyebrows at his words but before I can question any further the front door opens.

I jump up and make my way over to Cyrus. He smiles brightly, putting the shopping bag down and opening his arms up for me.

I wrap my arms around him tightly. "Hello, baby." He whispers, kissing my forehead. "That annoying little shit didn't scare you?" I shake my head and pull away.

"Hey, you're the scary one." Camil scoffs and I giggle a little, he winks at me and then turns to whatever's playing on the tv.

"What snacks did you get me?" I beam and Cyrus smirks.

"You're looking at him." I roll my eyes and decide to rummage through the bag myself. I grin when I find Maltesers and Doritos. "I know you would of been grumpy if I had no snacks in the house."

I playfully scowl at him but reach up to kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you." He nods and takes the bag from me. I follow him to the kitchen and watch as he puts everything away.

"I'm sorry for my annoying brother." He says.

"It's fine, he seems funny." I shrug my shoulders.

"Wouldn't say he's funny. That guy's been to prison more times than I can count on my hands, he's nothing but trouble." Cyrus groans and I look back to see Camil not paying any attention.

"Why did he go to prison? If you don't mind me asking." I question.

"I'm a murderer." I jump when I hear Camil right behind me. He laughs at my reaction and I give Cyrus a worried look.

"Fuck sake, Camil!" Cyrus growls out, wrapping an arm around my waist. "You're not a murderer, you're a stupid drug dealer." My eyes widen and I just decide to stay quiet.

"Sorry for scaring you, sweetheart." I just give Camil a small smile. "I gotta go, drugs to sell." He winks and then leaves.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm so jealous that you get to sleep with that view in front of you every night." I whisper while laying on Cyrus' bare chest. I stare at the view of the city and smile.

"Well now I have you to enjoy it with." He says quietly.

"But I'm not here every night." I mumble.

"You could be." I look up at him and he leans down to kiss my forehead.

"Can you teach me how to play the piano tomorrow?" I ignore his previous comment and change the subject.

"Of course baby. I'll teach you how to play the piano."



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