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Chapter Eighteen| Marnie

"Don't ever do that shit again!" I scold Camil as he lays in a hospital bed.

"I'm sorry." He whispers, avoiding eye contact with me.

"You scared the shit out of me, Cam!" That gets his attention and he looks at me with watery eyes.

"I'm sorry." He whispers again, clenching his eyes shut and leaning his head back against the pillow.

"Talk to me." I say in a gentle voice, holding his hand.

"I'm just always letting people down. You almost got hurt because of me, that's all I seem to do, hurt people." I squeeze his hand a little and he gives me a sad look.

"I'm not mad at you, I don't think I could be mad at your goofy self." I smile gently and he returns the gesture.

"You might not be mad but I know for sure Cyrus is going to be livid as soon as he walks through those doors." He sighs in frustration.

"He's just being a protective older brother." I reason and Camil rolls his eyes. "The doctor said you consumed a large amount of cocaine. Do you usually do drugs?"

He gulps and looks away again. "This is the reason why Cyrus is gonna go mental. I used to be an addict, I was clean for a year before this."

I slowly close my eyes.

He relapsed.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm fed up wit being the fuck up of the family, Marnie." He rubs his face in frustration.

"You're not a fuck up." I smile sadly. "You're Camil Arian, the man with the amazing pick up lines." I joke and I smile when he chuckles.

For the next twenty minutes I continue to cheer him up. Then all of a sudden a nurse walks in, her chocolate skin glowing and my own eyes widen at her beauty.

She smiles at me and then at Camil who is staring at her with wide curious eyes. I smirk.

"Doctor told me to come and check in on you." She whispers shyly to Camil and I hold back a giggle as he continues to stare at her, his mouth open a little.

She bites her lip, playing with the ends of her low ponytail. She looks to me and I smile, pinching Camil's arm.

"Hey!" He jumps, glaring at me.

"The lovely nurse asked you a question, brother in law." I smile sweetly, making it known to the woman that Camil is a single man.

"I-I'm good." He stutters, looking anywhere but her.

"Okay, press the button if you need help." She smiles politely and then leaves the room.

I smirk at Camil. "She was really pretty."

"Yeah." Camil whispers dreamily, staring at the door and I laugh. "Wait what?!"

"Aw Camil, you have a crush." I coo, pinching his cheek and he rolls his eyes.

"No I don't, drop it." He says harshly.

I have no choice but to drop it because Cyrus storms into the room, his face red with anger and I gulp. It's the fact he doesn't even say anything, he walks over to me, kisses my forehead and then sits beside me.

The silence.

It's scarier.

He crosses his leg over his thigh, rolling the sleeves up on his shirt. A couple buttons on his shirt are undone and I have to stop myself from acting up.

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