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Chapter Eleven| Cyrus

I slowly open my eyes and smile when I see my baby laying on my chest. I check the time and my eyes widen.

I told my mother we'd be at hers for twelve. It's now eleven. I gently shake Marnie awake and she groans, swatting my hand away and turning over.

"Baby, we've got to get up." I whisper and she mumbles something I don't understand and a couple seconds later she's snoring. "Typical." I roll my eyes, getting out of bed.

I make my way over to her side of the bed and rip the covers away from her.

"Cyrus!" She glares at me and I smile innocently.

"It's eleven and I told my mum we'd be at her house for twelve." Her eyes widen and she jumps up from the bed.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier?! Do you know how long it takes me to get ready!" She exclaims, running around like a headless chicken.

I just chuckle and begin to get ready myself.

An hour and a half later my girl is finally ready. It's a short drive to my mother's house and I can see how nervous Marnie is.

"It's okay, pretty baby." I smile, placing my hand on her thigh.

"What if your mother doesn't like me?" She whispers in panic and I smile.

"I know she already loves you." I reassure her and she takes a deep breath.

We make it to the house five minutes later and I nearly have to drag Marnie out the taxi.

"Baby it's okay!" I whisper, holding her hand.

"Your Mama lives here, it's amazing." She gasps.

My mother must of seen us through the window because the front door is ripped open before we can even walk up the stairs and she is rushing over to us with a huge smile on her face.

"My boy!" She exclaims and I chuckle as I lean down to hug her short frame. She then pulls away and I cover my ears when she squeals, looking at Marnie.

Marnie's eyes widen when my mum pulls her into a hug.

"You're so beautiful!" I grin as my mum compliments my girl. She pulls away, holding her shoulders and Marnie smiles at me and then back at my mum. "I'm amazed my son was able to get a beautiful girl like yourself."

"Hey!" I playfully scowl and Marnie giggles. My mother then decides to take Marnie away from me, blabbering about showing my baby pictures.

I roll my eyes and leave the two to get to know each other.

"Bro." I spin around and spot Camil. He puts out his cigarette and then walks over to me, a wide smile on his face and I pull him into a brotherly hug.. "Finally bringing the wife to see mother." I roll my eyes.

"She's not my wife......yet and maybe you should find someone who will be able to cope with your messed up self." This time Camil rolls his eyes.

"I don't need anyone." He shrugs.

"Yeah that's what I thought, now look at me."

"Listen, I don't mean to dampen your mood but I bumped into that bitch Samantha a couple hours ago." My blood runs cold.

"What did she want?" I question, clenching my jaw.

"You." Camil scoffs. "I told her that your happily married." He smirks and I can't even be mad at him.

As long as that gets her off my back. I don't want that crazy, psycho bitch anywhere near me or my beautiful Marnie.


"Marnie, I cannot get over your beauty." My mum grins. "My daughter in law is so beautiful. Camil when are you going to find someone like Marnie?" Camil shrugs, finding his food more appealing.

We are all having lunch together and my mother is already obsessed with Marnie. I move my hand under the table and place it on Marnie's thigh, I smirk as she jumps a little.

"So do you love my son." She chokes at my mother's question and I quietly chuckle.

"Not yet, Mrs Arian." She whispers, giving me the side eye. I'm not upset. How can I be?

She will eventually.

"Marnie dear, I've told you to call me Adela." My mum says, waving her fork around.

"Sorry." Marnie smiles gently. My pretty baby looks so sexy in her yellow summer dress. I move my hand higher up and she slaps it away.

"Well, we better get going." I wipe my mouth with a napkin before standing up, pulling Marnie up with me.

"What?! You've only been here for five hours!" My mum exclaims.

"Yes and we're coming back in a couple days, I need to show Marnie the lovely sights of Morocco." I use an excuse, when really I just want to take Marnie back to our hotel room.

"Fine!" I watch as she kisses Marnie on the cheek before pulling her into a tight hug. She hugs me and then slaps me around the head.

"Hey!" I exclaim, rubbing my head.

"You make sure to come back otherwise I will come and hunt you down!"

"Okay, okay!"


"Did you have a good day with my overbearing mother, pretty baby?" I smirk as I unbutton my dress shirt.

"She's so lovely!" She smiles brightly. "You're so lucky to have her."

"I know, baby." I give her a sad smile and walk up to her, she's sat on the end of the bed and I place my hand on her soft cheek.

"I wish you could of met my mother, I think she would of liked you." I grin and raise my eyebrows.

"Pretty baby, she would of definitely of loved me, I mean come on!" I exclaim, pointing to my body and she rolls her eyes but giggles anyway.

"So full of yourself." She lays down, her legs hanging off the end and I step in between them. She stares at my bare torso and I watch as she bites her lip.

"Stand up." I order and she slowly does. "Take your panties off." She does.

I lay down on the bed and she looks at me with curious eyes. She looks so delicious.

"Come sit on daddy's face."


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