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Chapter Two| Marnie

I'm standing outside the restaurant for the second time.

I take a deep breath and walk in to be greeted by the same woman from yesterday. "Hi again." She beams and I frown when I see that the restaurant is empty.

"Is the restaurant closed?" I question, confused at the fact that no-one is here.

Have I been played again?

"No, Miss. Mr Arian has closed the restaurant for you both." She nods and I gently smile.

The lights of the restaurant are dimly lit and I start to get nervous when I see Cyrus standing next to a candlelit table with a single rose in his hands. I take a second to look at the rings on his finger and I feel myself clenching my legs.

I look up and catch him smiling at me.

"Hi." I whisper shyly and he makes his way over to me. He lifts my hand up and places a small kiss on the back of my hand.

"Hello, pretty baby." He winks and I shiver at how attractive his voice is. "Thought you were going to stand me up." He jokes, pulling a chair out for me and I giggle lightly whilst taking a seat.

I place my bag on the table and then place my hands on my lap. Cyrus takes a seat in front of me and then grabs a bottle of wine. "You want some?" He questions and I nod my head.

"Yes, please." I whisper. I watch as he pours me a glass and then himself.

"Thank you for joining me this evening." He says and then takes a sip from his glass.

"It's okay." I lightly shrug, feeling a bit shy.

"You're so cute." He lightly laughs and I feel my face start to heat up.

Thank God for my dark skin.

"What made you want to bring me on a date?" I question him and watch him lean back on his chair as he observes me.

"I'm very much attracted to you, Marnie." He answers and I slowly nod my head.

"If the only thing you want from me is sex, we may as well stop the date now because I don't do one night stands." He tilts his head at my words.

"What makes you think I only want you for sex?"

"I don't want to be rude but you look like the bachelor type." He raises his eyebrows at me but he doesn't look angry, just surprised. "I'm sorry if I've offended you."

"I'm not offended. I mean I guess you're right because I've never been in a relationship." My eyes widen.

"Really?!" I ask in shock.

"Yes really." He chuckles. "Never really had the time. "What about you? You been in any relationships?"

"A few. Most of them cheated or just left without an explanation, it's made me a bit insecure." I tell him.

"You shouldn't be insecure, you're a very beautiful woman." His words just go over my head.

It's so easy just to tell someone not to be insecure about themselves, like it will just automatically stop them from feeling bad about how they feel. When in reality it does nothing.

You can only stop feeling insecure when you accept yourself first.

"How old are you?"

"I'm thirty." Oh. "I'm guessing you're quite a bit younger than me."

"I'm twenty-three."

"What do you do for a job?" He questions me.

"I'm a fashion editor for a magazine company. I've been doing it for about a year now, it's so fun." I smile and Cyrus mirrors my facial expression.  "What made you want to own a restaurant?"

"It was my father's before he passed. He left it for me." I give him a sad smile.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"It's fine."

We continue to ask questions for the evening and I begin to feel really comfortable around him. He tells me how his family are from Morocco and Iran and how he goes to Morocco every year to visit his family because they decided to move back a few years ago.

I catch myself smiling constantly at his silly jokes and before I know it, the date has come to an end.

"So when will I be seeing you again, pretty baby?" Butterflies erupt in my stomach at the nickname he's given me.

"Y-You want to see me again?" I stutter and look up at him with wide eyes. He's so tall.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" He smiles and I shrug.

"I don't go on many dates, it's embarrassing really." I nervously laugh, scratching the back of my head.

Cyrus frowns at my words.

"Well those people who don't take you out on dates are stupid aren't they. Stupid for not wanting to be with a beautiful lady like yourself." I nod my head because it's true. "So I'll ask again. When will I see you next?"

"When are you next free?"

"Whenever you want me, baby. I'm free." I bite my lip and look away nervously.

"I'll text you." He nods his head and then leads me out of the restaurant.

"How are you getting home?" He questions in a serious voice.

I show him my phone. "I've ordered an Uber." He nods his head and waits outside with me.

The uber then pulls up and Cyrus leans down to kiss my cheek. "See you soon, darling." He winks and I smile nodding my head.

"Bye." I wave and climb into the car. Cyrus closes the door, winks at me again before walking back into his restaurant.

I squeal on the inside, happy about how the date went.

I can't wait to see him again.

Hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading 🤍

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