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Chapter Twenty-Eight| Marnie

"Nice necklace." I nod at Camil's neck which has a chain with a butterfly pendant on it. "Didn't think butterflies were your vibe." I giggle and he smiles lightly.

"Shut up, Marnie Barnie. It's Angel's." He shrugs and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Who's Angel?" I question him and watch as he bites his lip.

"The nurse from the hospital. I saw her in a coffee shop the other day and tried to help her but she doesn't want my help." He shrugs.

"You'll figure something out. When she needs the help, she'll find you somehow." I smile at him and he slowly nods his head. "Now I haven't seen Cyrus and he's not answering his phone. Have you seen him?"

Camil frowns and shakes his head. I watch as he pulls his phone out and calls him. We wait and wait but it goes to voicemail.

"That's so weird. He always answers his phone.

"It's just I have an appointment with the doctor today about the baby." I whisper, bitting my nails nervously. "What if he's hurt?" Camil shakes his head.

"Cyrus can look after himself trust me." Camil reassures me but I fidget nervously. "I'll come with you to the hospital, if that makes you feel better. I know I'm not Cyrus but you need someone there with you."

"Really?" I whisper and he nods. I smile brightly and pull the giant, tattooed man into a tight hug. "Thank you so much, Cam."

"Anything for you, Marnie Barnie." I roll my eyes at his response.


"So you did a test and it was positive?" I nod my head at the doctor who nods his head whilst typing on the computer. "Is this your husband?" A laugh escapes Camil's lips.

"She's like my little sister." Camil scoffs and I lightly giggle at him.

"My boyfriend is busy so his brother has come with me instead." I explain and the doctor slowly nods his head.

"Right. So you're going to have to do a urine test so we can make sure that the test was correct." I nod my head and he hands me a plastic cup.

I go to the toilet and do my business and then come back, handing the doctor my piss in a cup. He smiles gently and does what he needs to do. I look around the room nervously and bite my lip still worried about what has happened to my Cyrus.

"I'm really sorry Miss Jones but you're not pregnant. It can be the case where the home pregnancy tests aren't always accurate, I really am sorry." My heart drops at his words and my eyes begin to water.

I feel Camil wrap his arm around my shoulders but I can't move.

It takes me a while to compose myself. I wipe my tears and stand up.

"Thank you for your time." I tell the doctor, not wanting to stay here any longer. I wipe my tears and exit the room and the hospital. Camil unlocks the car and I climb into the passenger side.

I rest my head against the headrest and take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Marnie." Camil whispers and I turn my head to face him. A sob escapes my lips and he leans over and pulls me into a tight hug. "It's okay." He reassures rubbing my back.

"Cyrus is going to be so upset." I whimper into his neck. "He really wanted to be a dad."

"And he will. Everything happens for a reason, Marnie and maybe now just wasn't the right time." I pull away and give Camil a small smile. "You two will be parents one day."

I slowly nod my head and then pull my phone out from my bag and begin to call Cyrus again. I sigh in frustration as it keeps going to voicemail.

"This is not like Cyrus." Camil speaks out as he drives out of the hospital car park.

Could this day get any worse? Cyrus disappears and now I find out I'm not actually pregnant.

"Maybe he's at the restaurant." Camil nods and begins to drive us there.

As soon as he parks up, I rush out of the car and into the restaurant. I smile at the waitress from the night I first met Cyrus.

"Is Cyrus here?" She furrows her eyebrows and shakes her head.

"He was here early this morning but left with a woman." My eyes widen at her words and I feel Camil tense beside me.

"A woman?" I tilt my head and she nods her head biting her lip.

"Yes ma'am, some blonde woman. She was so rude, I think she must of been a business partner but I've never seen the bitch before." She quickly covers her mouth but I smile gently.

"It's fine, thank you." She nods and smiles.

I turn on my heel, the smile dropping from my face and storm out of the restaurant and back to Camil's car.

"This is so fucking weird." Camil sighs, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up. "Back home?"



We walk into the apartment and I feel anger rise as I see Cyrus standing in the kitchen, with a glass of water in his hands. His shirt is undone, revealing his gold chain and tattoos.

His hair is scruffy, like he's been having sex.

That's definitely his sex hair.

I furrow my eyebrows and slowly make my way over to him.

"Is your phone broken?" I question and he furrows his eyebrows and looks at me confused, his eyes hazy.


"I said, is your phone broken?" I raise my voice a little and he shakes his head, patting his pockets for his phone.

"Pretty baby, I dunno." He whispers and my eyes widen at the way he's acting.

"Have you been drinking? Cyrus it's three in the afternoon." I scold, smelling whisky on his breath as he leans down to kiss my cheek. My eyes then fall to his neck and my blood turns cold when I see a hickey on his neck.

One I definitely did not put there. I look back into his eyes and then take a step back.

"Cyrus babe, that bed is lovely." A woman's voice speaks up behind me and I turn to see a blonde woman, buttoning up her shirt.

I look at Camil who is staring at his brother in anger, his face red and his hands clenched.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I exclaim at the older woman, she must be in her late forties to which she tries to hide with the botched botox in her face.

"Business partner." She winks and then looks at Cyrus who is staring at the woman with furrowed eyebrows. "Another time. Call me." And then she's out the door.

"You piece of shit!" Camil growls out and I turn back round to face Cyrus with watery eyes.

"I-I d-don't know what happening." Cyrus stutters.

"So while I've been at the hospital, finding out I'm not pregnant you've been fucking her, in our bed!" I cry out.

"W-What?" He whispers in shock as his eyes fall to my stomach. "No, no, no! I don't know what's happening." He whimpers, hitting his head.

I look at him disgust and storm to our bedroom. I begin to shove all my things into a bag.

"Marnie? I don't know....."

"Stop saying you don't know! Maybe if you weren't so drunk you'd be sober enough to realise what the fuck you've done!" I shout and wipe the tears that keep falling.

"Don't leave me!" He cries out, taking the bag out of my hands and throwing everything out. "Please Marnie, I don't know what happened." He whispers and I stare at him.

"Fuck you!" I whisper harshly and then storm out of the house.


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