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Chapter Twenty-Six| Marnie

The bullet misses me.

Only by an inch.

I release a shaky breath and then Cyrus pulls me behind him, so he's shielding me from the gun that is still raised at us.

"Danyal, stop this!" Adela cries out to her ex-husband and my eyes widen when he moves the gun towards her.

"Fuck you, Adela!" He spits out. I watch as Camil stands protectively in front of his mother and my worry increases when I watch his dad snarl at him.

"Oh look who's protecting his little mother again." He laughs at his son and I bite my lip as I look at an emotionless Camil.

"Shut the fuck up!" Camil grits his teeth, brushing his hand on the gun that is tucked in his waistband. "I've had enough of your shit, I've had enough of you thinking you're better than everyone else. You're a coward and an abusive low life."

Camil keeps stepping closer to his father, who looks at him with hatred in his eyes.

"You're nothing, son. You're nothing like your brother, he isn't a dumb fuck like you." I grab hold of Cyrus' hand as he steps forward slowly.

"Your words don't hurt me anymore, Danyal." Camil smirks. My heart races as the two men stand face to face and a sickening smile etches onto Camil's face. "You're going to die, dad. Painfully." Camil smirks, patting his dad on the shoulder.

"The fuck do you mean, boy?!"

"What I mean is...." Camil leans down and begins to whisper in his ear. Danyal's eyes widen and I watch as fear etches onto his face, he then takes a step back and stares at all of us.

Camil takes that moment to rip the gun out of his hands.

"Now fuck off!"

"Fuck you, Camil. You're not my son, never was." Danyal growls before storming out. As he goes to walk past us, Cyrus moves protectively in front of me.

"Fucking hell." I whisper in shock.

"I need to get you home." Cyrus rushes out and I can't ignore the panic in his voice. He quickly checks on his mother who is a little shaken up but she seems okay with Amir by her side.

Cyrus then grabs hold of my hand and leads me out the restaurant, not before checking our surroundings, he then helps me into the passenger seat of his Range Rover before getting into the drivers side.

"Cy." I whisper grabbing hold of his free hand. "Talk to me."

"Again. I could of lost you again and this time not only you but our baby, Marnie." He whispers.

"I know." I whisper back, stroking the top of his hand with my thumb. I then begin to trace the patterns that are tattooed on his hand. "I love you."

"I love you always, pretty baby."


"What did you say to Danyal last night? He looked scared for his life." I question a topless Camil, who is polishing his gun with a cigarette in between his fingers.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know." He chuckles and I bite my lip, slowly nodding my head.

"I'm proud of what you said to him yesterday. He is a coward and a low life." I smile and Camil smiles back.

"Thanks, Marnie Barnie." He grins and I roll my eyes. "How's the baby?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"How do you know?" I question in shock and then look down at my belly.

"Saw the test in the bin." He shrugs. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." I smile to myself.

"Marnie?" I spin around and face Cyrus. My smile brightens and I walk over to him, pulling him into a tight hug. "Miss me? I was only gone for a couple hours."

"How is your mum? Is she okay?" I question and Cyrus nods his head.

"Yeah she's fine. Strong woman." He smiles gently.

"That's good."

Cyrus' eyes then move to his brother who is sat behind me. "Camil." Camil looks up and places his gun down.


"He's left the country." Camil's face hardens.

"Fuck sake!" Camil shouts, pushing himself off the chair which goes flying. I jump at his sudden outburst and Cyrus circles his arm around my waist. "Where?"

"Back to England."

"So we have to go back home? We haven't even been here for that long." I ask, turning my head to look up at Cyrus.

"I'm sorry baby, this travelling isn't good for you. I apologise." He whispers, kissing the top of my head.

"Congratulations by the way." Camil speaks up and Cyrus looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"He found the test in the bin." I shrug and Cyrus rolls his eyes.

"Typical." He mutters.


We arrive back home past midnight, however we all freeze when we see that the front door is open.

We can't catch a break.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Camil groans, pushing the door open, not caring that a murderer could be on the other side. "There's a dead body on our floor." Camil shouts out casually and Cyrus rushes in after him.

I decide I don't want to be out here by myself so I follow him and my eyes widen when I see that it's their dad on the floor.

We all look at each other and my mouth falls open when Camil chuckles lightly.

"Well better get cleaning." He claps his hands and smiles.



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