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Chapter Twenty-Nine| Cyrus
*Sensitive content (rape, assault)*

"I-I don't know." I whisper, looking around the room confused. "I don't know what happened, Camil." I look at my brother with watery eyes and he looks back at me in shock.

I feel bile begin to rise and before I know it, I'm throwing up on the floor.

"Fuck!" I hear Camil curse and he leans down next to me.

I need my girl. "I need Marnie." I begin to panic. "She can't leave me, Camil. S-She left, she's gone!"

"Listen, she just needs to cool down okay. She's been through a lot today, her stuff is still here, I'll go and get her later." Camil reasons. "I'm calling a doctor." I furrow my eyebrows at him.


"Cyrus, I think that woman drugged and raped you." I gulp at his words. "You need to see a doctor right now."

"W-What about my Marnie? I need to see her." I rush out and Camil shakes his head.

"She needs space and you need a doctor." He helps me lay down on the bed and stares at me with a sad look. "I'm sorry, bro." He whispers.

The doctor arrived and did tests on me while I just stared at the photo frame on my bedside table that held a picture of my girl.

I need her.

Turns out I wasn't raped but I was drugged by that woman. Camil seems to think that she worked for my dad and pretended to be a business partner so she could do what she did.

"She sexually harassed you and I'm gonna kill her!" Camil growls and I sigh.

"Even when he's dead, he's still trying to ruin our lives." I whisper.

"Samantha." Camil says and I furrow my eyebrows. "That crazy bitch is so in love with you, she'll do anything to split you and Marnie up."

I rub my face in frustration and nod my head.

He's right.

I look at the time and then I hear the front door open and close. I jump up from the bed and rush out of the bedroom and towards the door. My heart skips a beat when I see my girl, her eyes are bloodshot and she sniffles.

"Pretty baby." I whisper and step a little closer to her but she steps back. "Please listen to me, please." I plead.

She slowly nods her head. "Okay." She whispers.

I take a seat on the sofa and she sits across from me on the other sofa. "A doctor came over to test me, I was drugged, Marnie. That sick woman drugged me and tried to ruin us."

A whimper escapes Marnie's lips. "D-Did she?" She whispers, looking at me with wide, scared eyes and I shake my head.

"No." I shake my head again.

"Your neck, she still assaulted you! It's not right!" Marnie cries out and I make my way over to her and pull her onto my lap and wrap my arms around her. "I'm sorry, you don't deserve this." She whispers into my neck and I sigh, stroking her back.

"I'm okay." I reassure her and she tightens her arms around me.

"But what she did wasn't okay." Marnie pulls back and stares at me. "She needs to be punished for hurting you!" My eyes widen at Marnie's words and the deadly look on her face.

"And she will." Camil says, putting his coat on and walking towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" I question him.

"Coffee Shop." He simply says before walking out. I sigh and rest my head on Marnie's shoulder.

"Something tells me that he was being serious and he is actually going to a coffee shop." Marnie speaks up and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Let's go to bed." I whisper, picking her up so she can wrap her legs around my waist. We make it into our bedroom and quietly undress before getting under the covers. "Pretty baby?" I whisper into the darkness.


"The baby?" I bite my lip and then hear her sniffle.

"Test was dodgy. I was never pregnant." I slowly close my eyes and rest my forehead against hers. "It's okay, no need to rush."

I lightly nod and kiss the tip of her nose.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." I tell her and she shakes her head.

"No, I should of been there for you and I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions, I was just upset about not being pregnant." She reasons. "I love you, Cyrus."

"I love you, pretty baby."


"She's dead." Camil storms into my office and my eyes widen and I push away from my desk.

"Sorry, what?"

"That scum that assaulted you, she's dealt with." Camil shrugs, throwing himself onto the sofa.

"Camil, that was not the way to deal with this shit! We should of gone to the police!" I exclaim and Camil gives me a blank look.

"The police would not of done shit and you wanna know what I found out?" I nod my head at his question. "She was working for Samantha and Samantha was also the one to kill Danyal."

"Why is she doing this?"

"She wants you Cyrus and she's trying to eliminate every member in this family so she can have you." I release a sigh and then push a glass off of my desk in anger.

"Fuck!" I grit my teeth.

"Cyrus, calm down. We'll sort this." I bite my fist and count to ten before taking a deep breath.

I then turn to stare at my brother.

"She needs to go."

Sorry I haven't updated, I've been working loads and I've been so tired. Also thank you, this book has reached over 200,000 reads 🤍

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