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Chapter Sixteen| Marnie

2 weeks later

"Camil, stop being an idiot!" I exclaim at Cyrus' younger brother. I'm teaching him how to cook, something he doesn't know how to do and he won't take it seriously.

The tattooed giant just chuckles, playing around with the raw piece of chicken which I'll have to wash again.

"Seriously, Camil. What happens when you meet a girl and she wants you to cook for her?" I raise my eyebrows at him and he just stares blankly at me.

"I don't need a girlfriend." He shrugs.

"Boyfriend?" I question.

"No, I'm not gay." He shrugs again. "I just don't want anyone."

"Well, the day you meet a woman I'll be extremely happy for you." I grin, playfully nudging him with my shoulder. 

He grins back and nod his head.

"You spoken to my brother?" I shake my head. I haven't spoken to Cyrus since I last saw him at the airport, well apart from a couple messages asking if I'm okay, we haven't really had a full on conversation.

"Not really. Have you?" He nods his head.

"He's coming back tonight. Told me to pick him up, bring you along with me so he can see his pretty baby." My heart flutters and I smile in excitement.

"Really?!" I bounce on my feet and he chuckles, patting me on the head.

"Yes, Marnie Barnie." I pause at the disgusting nickname.

"Ew, I don't like that." I scrunch my nose.

"Gives me more of a reason to call you that." This time he nudges me and I roll my eyes.

We finish cooking an hour later and Camil doesn't hesitate to eat the majority of the food.  Now we are sat in the living room watching tv.

"Why did you become a drug dealer?" I question all of a sudden and he turns to face me.

"Felt like it." He says so casually. "Make a ton of money and no-one fucks with me."

"But it's so dangerous, Camil." I say, my voice filled with concern for the man.

"No need to worry your pretty little head, Marnie. I can take care of myself." He winks and I sigh, deciding to drop the subject. "Anyway, are you not worried about seeing Cyrus?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "Why would I be?"

"He told you he loved you and then practically done a runner." He laughs and I slowly close my eyes.

I forgot about that.

"I guess I'll just act normal when I see him tonight?"

"Do you love him?" My eyes widen at his question.

"I don't know." Camil slowly nods his head.

"Fair enough."

"Why did he have to stay in Morocco for another two weeks?" I ask.


"What kind of business?"

"Business." He repeats and I throw my arms in frustration. "That's all you're getting, now get up because we need to go pick Cyrus up."


We wait in the car park at the airport and I giggle as Camil tries to tell me his cheesy pick up lines.

"Was your father an alien? Because there's nothing else like you on earth?" I burst out laughing at his words.

"Maybe I'm beginning to understand why you don't have a girlfriend." I tease and he chuckles.

My eyes widen when I spot Cyrus walking over to the car, I squeal jumping out of the car and running over to him.

He grins, letting go of his suitcase and opens his arms up. I throw my arms around him and he lifts me up.

"Missed me, pretty baby?" He chuckles lightly, kissing the side of my head.

"Only a little."

"Only a little? The girl's been sleeping in your bed for the past two weeks, tried kicking her out but she wasn't having any of it." I roll my eyes and turn to glare at Camil.

"If it wasn't for me you'd be starving for two weeks." He holds his hands up in defence and nods his head.

"So you've moved in already, hmm?" Cyrus teases and my eyes widen. 

"It's okay, I'll go back home tonight." I nod, feeling a little disappointed that I won't get to sleep in his comfy bed.

"Baby no, I want you to stay." He whispers and places me back on my feet.

"You two make me sick." Camil gags and I roll my eyes again.


"Fuck!" I collapse onto Cyrus' chest as we both come down from our climax.

"I've missed you." He whispers, wrapping his arms around my waist.



"What you said at the airport? Did you...."

"That I love you?" I nod my head against his chest. "I know what I said, pretty baby and I mean every word. I wanted to express my feelings for you."

"But why so suddenly?" I sit up a little and look into his eyes.

"Well it just slipped out." I raise my eyebrows. "I love you, Marnie." He whispers and I bite my lip.

"I-" he silences me with a small kiss.

"When you're ready baby." I slowly nod my head and give him a small smile. "My sweet girl." He smiles back.

"I'm gonna get some water." I whisper, kissing the tip of his nose before getting up.

"Put my shirt on, I don't want Camil seeing you like this." I nod and throw on his black dress shirt.

I walk into the kitchen and see no sign of Camil. I retrieve a water bottle from the fridge but pause when I feel someone standing behind me.

Someone unwelcoming.

I slowly spin around and I gasp at the sight of the man. Half his face is burnt and my eyes wonder down to the knife that is held in his hand.

"Where the fuck is Camil?" He growls out, holding the knife towards me.

"H-He's not here." I stutter.

"Don't fucking lie to me!" He shouts and I pray that Cyrus has heard all of the commotion. "Are you his bitch?" I try not to laugh at the question.

"Just put the knife down." I plead but he only steps closer to me.

"You take another step forward and I'll shoot your brains out. Drop the fucking knife."

The guy turns around and my eyes widen when I see a topless Camil holding a gun towards the intruder.

Oh my God.

So many of you are in love with Camil lmao 🤣🤍

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