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Chapter Thirty-Nine| Marnie

"Didn't realise you were so good with children." I smirk at Camil who is holding both of the twins. Amara plays with the butterfly necklace around his neck and Camila traces the small tattoo on his face.

"They're cute." He shrugs and I smile gently. "Plus I'm they're favourite uncle."

"You're their only uncle." I playfully roll my eyes. "Do you want kids one day?" I question, taking a seat next to him, adjusting the bottom of my dress.

"I want a big family." He smiles gently and my heart warms. "Don't know if I deserve that though." He whispers, while stroking Amara's hair and my smile drops.

"What makes you think that?" I ask him.

"I'm a mess, Marnie. A druggie. I don't deserve to have children." I bite my lip and my heart breaks for Camil.

"Have you been using recently then?" He nods his head at my question and I sigh.

"Listen, Marnie, don't worry about me. It's your wedding day, don't let me ruin it. I really should get going." He places Amara and Camila on to my lap and then leans, down to kiss my forehead. "Enjoy the rest of your evening, tell Cyrus I said bye." He nods and I furrow my eyebrows.

"But you two haven't spoken yet." He shakes his head.

"If this wasn't his wedding he probably would of murdered me already. Goodbye Marnie." He smirks, placing his hands in his pockets before turning on his heel and walking away.

"Maaaaa." Camila murmurs and my eyes widen.

"What was that, baby? Say Mama." I grin, getting excited.

"Maaaaa." She says again, giggling and clapping her hands.

"Maaaaa, it is." I giggle to myself.

"Picture!" Adela walks over, dragging Cyrus behind her. He smiles at me and I stand up with both the girls in my arms.

He takes Amara from me and then we turn and face the camera that is being held by Adela. My body warms when Cyrus wraps his free arm around my waist and we smile.

"Mama!" My eyes widen again and a huge grin etches onto my face as I stare at Camila. The same time the flash of the camera goes off.

"Well done, baby!" I praise, kissing her chubby cheeks. "Such a clever girl."

We finish taking more pictures and then Adela and Jas take care of the twins for the night. "Where is Camil?" Cyrus furrows his eyebrows, looking around and through the crowds of the family.

"He left. He said bye." I bite my lip and he frowns harder.

"He left without talking to me?" He whispers hurt and I pull him into a hug.

"He didn't want to upset you, Cyrus. He knew you would be disappointed in him and I don't think he wanted that burden, so he left." I whisper in his ear rubbing his back. "He loves you so much." I reassure him.

"I know." He whispers back, tightening his arms around me. "I love you, Marnie." I pull back slightly and stare up at him with a warm smile.

"I love you always." I wink.


"This is nice." I smile, admiring the hotel room. "You know what vibes this is giving me?" Cyrus shakes his head at my question as he loosens his tie from around his neck but there is a small smile etching onto his face. "Fifty Shades." I laugh.

"Mmm, really?" He hums, making his way over to me and he begins to trail his finger across my collar bones

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"Mmm, really?" He hums, making his way over to me and he begins to trail his finger across my collar bones. I bite my lip and start unbuttoning his dress shirt. "I wanna fuck you by the window." He whispers, slowly wrapping his hand around my throat.

"Well, Mr Arian, you're going to have to help me out of my dress." I smile, spinning around, goosebumps begin to rise on my skin as I feel his fingers lightly brush my back.

A small moan escapes my lips when he presses his lips against the skin on my neck. He helps me out of my dress and I turn back round to face him, standing in my white lingerie.

Cyrus takes a step back and takes a minute to admire  me, biting his lip. I then watch him make his way to sit on a chair that is sat opposite the bed.

"I want to watch you, baby." He says, stroking the stubble on his beard and my eyes widen.

"Watch me?" He nods his head, unzipping his suit trousers.

"Go lay on the bed baby, with your legs spread." I follow his instructions and lay on the bed, propping my head against a bunch of pillows so he can still see my face. I bend my knees and then slowly open my legs.

Cyrus bites his lip and my eyes fall to his hard length in his hands. I swallow slowly and pull my panties to the side and begin to rub my clit.

I moan and throw my head back against the pillows.

"Look at me, pretty baby." I look back at him and moan again at the sight of him stroking himself. "You're so beautiful." He rasps and I slowly slide two fingers inside myself.

"Fuck." I whisper and Cyrus groans as he continues to watch me.

"Tell me when you're close." He grunts and I bite my lip, nodding my head. "Good girl." Those words has my body heating up and a whimper escapes my lips.

"I'm close." I pant and he quickly stands up.

"Stop." I reluctantly pull my fingers away and watch as he undresses himself. He nods his head in the direction of the window and I stand up from the bed.

I feel myself begin to throb down there when I stare out at the city lights. I press my hands against the cool glass and feel Cyrus position himself at my entrance.

"Cyrus!" I gasp when he pushes himself into me and wraps one arm around my chest. He begins to pound into me and I can't stop the loud moans from escaping my lips.

"That's it, baby. Moan for me." He moans into my ear and I already feel my orgasm beginning to build as he leans down to rub my clit. "You close?"

"Yes!" I whimper and he quickens his pace. My mouth falls wide open and I come all of his dick, my walls pulsating around him.

"Fuck!" He groans and then I feel him come inside of me. "I love you, Mrs Arian." He pants and I turn my body to face him and pull him into a hug, resting my head on his chest.

We stand in a comfortable silence for a little while, embracing each other.

"I love you too, Mr Arian." I whisper, kissing his jawline and he smiles.

"Now I'm In Control, so get back on the bed, pretty baby."

The End

That is the end of Cyrus' and Marnie's story 🥺 the epilogue will be probably tomorrow as well as the prologue to Camil's story.  Thank you to all my lovely readers and I hope you enjoyed the book🤍

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