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Chapter Seventeen| Marnie

I gasp when the man rushes behind me, his hand going around my waist and the knife up to my throat.

I look at Camil but he looks calm.

"Daniel, put the fucking knife down!" Camil shouts.

"The fuck is going on?" Cyrus yawns, walking out of the bedroom but he freezes when he sees what's happening. "What the fuck?!"

"Don't come any closer or I'll slice her pretty little throat up." I whimper, not knowing what this crazy man is capable of.

Cyrus looks livid.

"Is it drugs you want?" Camil questions, looking bored.

"You know what I fucking want Camil!" Daniel growls out, pressing the knife a little closer.

Camil slowly reaches into the back of his jean pocket and then throws a small packet on the ground. Daniel doesn't hesitate to rush over to the packet, he drops to his knees, picking it up with shaky hands. Cyrus rushes over to me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"You okay, baby?" He whispers, stroking my hair and observing my neck, I nod my head against his chest.

"Fucking prick!" Camil growls out, grabbing him by the collar and yanking him up. "You think it's alright to break into my home and threaten my sister in law?!" He shouts in his face, holding the gun up to his head.

"I-I had to. Please don't hurt me." The man whimpers and my eyes widen as he tries to get out of Camil's tight hold.

Camil then proceeds to drag him out the front door.

Cyrus continues to comfort me for about twenty minutes but then I feel him freeze when Camil walks back in. He kisses my forehead and then makes his way over to his brother.

I cover my mouth in shock when Cyrus punches Camil in the face.


Of course Camil has to retaliate and the two are full blown fighting in the middle of the living room and all I can do is sit and watch. It's not like I would be able to split the two giants apart without being hit by one of them myself.

"You put my girl in danger! I should snap your fucking neck right now!" Cyrus argues.

"It was not my intention to put her in danger, I wouldn't dare risk putting you or her in danger! I'm sorry, okay!"

"Yet some man breaks into our home and holds a knife up to her throat." I look away when Cyrus throws another punch.

"Guys stop!" I shout at the two and they actually listen.


Camil shoves Cyrus away, wiping the blood from his lip before walking away. I hear the slamming of his bedroom door and I sigh, looking at Cyrus who is panting heavily.

"Fucking idiot!" Cyrus growls out.

"Why did you punch him?!" I exclaim while grabbing his hand and leading him to the bathroom.

I point to the toilet seat and he takes a seat as I rummage for things to clean the cut on his eyebrow.

"Marnie, you could of been hurt!" Cyrus growls out, clenching his fists. "I'm fed up with that idiot involving himself with criminal activities."

"I understand, Cyrus but you didn't have to hit him. We could of spoken like grown adults." I reason, cleaning his wound with an antiseptic wipe.

He doesn't even flinch and just stares up at me. My skin warms when I feel his thumbs caress the back of my thighs. He then leans forward and kisses my stomach.

"I don't know what I would of done if you got hurt, pretty baby." He whispers, staring at me in worry.

"I'm okay." I smile gently, stroking his hair.

I finish cleaning his cut and then we make our way back to bed, not before Cyrus double locks the door.

We agree to speak to Camil in the morning.


We didn't speak to Camil this morning.

He was out the door before we could even say hello, the glare he sent Cyrus tells me that this is going to take a while to sort out.

Much to Cyrus' disappointment, I told him I have to go back home as I haven't seen Jas in a while. It took me about half an hour to actually convince him to drop me home.

"So where's the engagement ring?" I furrow my eyebrows at Jas' questions.

"Don't be stupid, I've only just become his girlfriend." I laugh and she grins. "What about you and Lucy? How is that going?" My eyes widen in shock when she shows me the ring on her finger.

"You're engaged!" I exclaim and she nods her head eagerly.

"She proposed while you were in Morocco, I was gonna call you but I didn't want to risk interrupting you getting dicked down." I roll my eyes playfully and smile brightly.

"I'm happy for you, Jas." I whisper and pull her into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Marn's." She pulls away and then that mischievous grin etches onto her face.

"No!" I shake my head.

"Please! Just a couple drinks to celebrate." I sigh and slowly nod my head.

"Okay but I've got work in the morning so one drink!"


"Cyrus is in love with me okay!" I slur to Jas and she nods her head. "Am I in love with him? I have no idea."

"I think you are! You two are soulmates." Jas claps her hands in excitement.

"We are, aren't we?" I smile in satisfaction. "Marnie and Cyrus!"

"To love!" Jas cheers.

"To love!"

The night continues and I decide to sober up a little. Jas and I are sat observing people again and I roll my eyes when I see a fight break out between two guys.

I squint my eyes and my heart stops when I see a familiar set of tattoos.

"What the fuck?!" I whisper harshly.

I watch as one of the barmen drag him away and then throw him out the club. I rush after him, Jas quietly following behind me.

I gasp when he collapses on the ground.

"Shit!" I panic, pushing people out the way and dropping to my knees next to him. I stare in horror as he begins to foam at the mouth.

"Shit, I think he's overdosed." Jas whispers in shock, already calling for an ambulance.

My eyes begin to water and I caress his hair. "You idiot!" I whimper, picking up his hand which shows his bloody knuckles. "Why would you do something so silly?!"

"Ambulance is on the way." Jas speaks up. "Who is he?"

"Cyrus' brother, Camil."

Cyrus is going to flip when he founds out.


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