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Chapter Five| Marnie

"You and Cyrus seem to be getting on well. You've been smiling at your phone constantly for the past week." Jas smirks and I smile at her. "So are you two together?" I bite my lip and shake my head.

"Just friends. We just like keeping each other company." Jas gives me a weird look and slowly nods her head.

"If you say so." She shrugs.

"How are things with you and Lucy? You're barely home." I ask her and she blushes.

"It's going good. We're working on the petty arguments." I smile, happy for her.

I start to put my shoes on because Cyrus is coming to pick me up any minute now. We're going out to eat again and then back to his house for more hugs.

"You sure you're coming home tonight?" Jas says, wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes at her.

"Of course, I'm coming back! Why would I spend the night at his house?" I exclaim.

"Every time I see you two together I think you're both married." She laughs and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Stop being ridiculous." I then get a text from
Cyrus, telling me he's outside so I hug Jas and make my way outside.

I smile brightly when I see his car. I make my way over and climb into the passenger side.

"Hi." I beam, putting my seatbelt on.

"Hello, pretty baby." He smiles and rests his tattooed hand on my thigh. I get butterflies every time he does that, I smile to myself and look out the window.

"So where are we going to eat because I'm starving." I hear him chuckle so I turn to look at him. "What's so funny?" I pout.

"You're always hungry, is this what I'm going to be having to do now for the rest of my life, feed you constantly." I look at him in shock.

'The rest of my life.'

"Why do you look so shocked, baby?" He smirks.

"Nothing." I shake my head. "You still haven't told me where we're going to eat."


"Okay." I nod and smile, his face falls a little.

"Marnie baby, I'm joking." He laughs.

I really wouldn't of cared if he took me to McDonald's. Food is food.

And I'm hungry.

"There's this small Spanish restaurant I think you'll like." He squeezes my thigh a little and I bite my lip.

I take a second to admire how good he looks in his black suit. It looks expensive. It probably is expensive. The top two buttons on the black dress shirt he's wearing are undone and I can just about see the gold chain around his neck.

He runs his fingers through his dark silky hair and throws me a smirk. "You're staring, pretty baby. Do I look that good today?" I roll my eyes at him. "I mean you look pretty sexy yourself."

"Cyrus!" My eyes widen at his words. He seems amused at my reaction and continues to laugh.

"My sexy, pretty baby." He laughs even louder when I push his hand off my thigh and turn to fully stare out the window. "Aw, come on, Marnie. I would say I'm joking but I'm not."

He places his hand back on my thigh, gives it one last squeeze and then pulls away.

I pout.


"You need to stop looking so cute, it makes me want to do bad things to you." I choke on my drink at Cyrus' sudden words.

What is wrong with him today?!

"Sorry." I shrug and take another sip of my drink.

A waiter comes over to us and smiles at me. "Hi." He whispers shyly and I smile back at him. "Are you guys ready to order?"

"Erm, can I have the Paella please?" I smile handing him back the menu.

He nods and turns to Cyrus, who doesn't exactly look happy.

"I'll just have the same." He grumbles and hands the menu back without looking at the man.

The waiter awkwardly nods, gives me one last smile before turning to walk away.

"You okay?" I raise my eyebrows at Cyrus and he nods his head, his jaw clenched tightly.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you're not the cheery Cyrus you were a couple minutes ago." I shrug, playing with a napkin.

"Do you usually get a lot of male attention?" I furrow my eyebrows as he leans forward and stares at me intensely.

"I mean not really. I'd probably have a boyfriend by now if I did." I laugh.

"Mm." Cyrus hums and shrugs his suit jacket off, placing it on the back of his chair. He rolls his sleeves up to reveal more tattoos.

"You have a lot of tattoos." I point out and his smirk returns.

"You want me to take my shirt off, pretty baby so you can have a look at all of them." I bite my lip and look away.

"It's fine." I just about say, feeling all hot and bothered by this fine man.

Our food arrives shortly after our conversation and I watch as Cyrus throws the waiter another harsh glare.

"E-Enjoy your meals." He stutters before rushing off.

"Cyrus, you're scaring the poor guy off with that harsh look on your face." I giggle and watch as he shrugs and starts to eat his food.

"Eat up, baby." He tells me after a mouthful.


"Have you stopped being so grumpy now?" I mumble against Cyrus' chest.

We're now back at his place and we're having our daily hug.

"I guess." He mumbles, stroking my back. I sigh and look up at him.

"Cyrus, the guy didn't do anything to you."

"It's not that, I just, ugh, you're too beautiful." He groans and I'm surprised when he pulls me up to straddle his lap.

My heart begins to race.

"Cyrus." I whisper and he slowly reaches up to touch my cheek.

"Pretty baby, I'm going to do something, if you'll let me." He whispers back, threading his fingers through my hair.

"W-What do you want to do?" I stutter nervously.

"Kiss the fuck out of you."

Let's begin, lmao😂 also this book has reached 5,000 reads thank you🤍

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