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Chapter Twenty| Cyrus

He's not real.

I clench my eyes shut and then reopen them to see he is still standing in front of me.

"You're supposed to be dead, you piece of shit." Camil says from behind me and I mentally groan.

"Well I'm here, alive and breathing only to find out that you're fucking up my business by overdosing." I stressfully run my fingers through my hair. "Can never get anything right, can you?"

"How the fuck are you standing here in front of me?!" I growl out, deciding to stand protectively in front of my girl.

"I faked my death, son. I had a load of people after me and now they're dead I can finally return." I shake my head in disbelief.

"Where have you been all this time?" I question.

"Back home in Abu Dhabi." He casually shrugs.

"Well you can go back because we don't need you in our lives." I retort, grabbing Marnie's hand and pushing past him.

"Who is this beautiful lady?" He smirks.

"She's my girl, now get out of my way." I glare down at him and that evil glint in his eyes returns.

"Where is Samantha?"

"I couldn't give a fuck where that psycho bitch is." I grit my teeth.

"So what? She gave you a couple beatings, you're weak boy. She was good for you." I feel my heart begin to race. "I raised you better than this."

"Your son was abused, sir! He's not weak, he's the strongest man I know." Marnie speaks up next to me, trying to square up to my father.

I grab on tightly to her hand knowing that he won't hesitate to lay a hand on her. Just like he did with my mum.

"Quite a feisty one, aren't you?"

"Don't fucking speak to her. Now get out my way." He moves out the way and I walk past him.

"You'll be seeing me around." He speaks up.

"Fuck off." Camil groans.


"First Samantha and now him!" I rub my face in frustration as I speak to my brother.

"That abusing little shit needs to go, for real this time." Camil says, sharpening a knife.

"Can you not do that near, Marnie." I whisper, pointing to the sleeping figure on the sofa.

"Sorry." He whispers, putting it away.

"We need to go back to Morocco. Mum's not safe, if that man is alive and breathing." Camil nods his head.

"Book three tickets for tonight. We'll stay in the house close to mum's." Camil opens up the laptop and begins to book flights.

There's no way I'm going without my girl either. She stirs awake and I walk over, crouching down in front of her. "Hello, pretty baby." I whisper gently, stroking her hair.

"How long have I been asleep for?" She croaks.

"Only an hour." She nods and then stretches before sitting up. "What's going on?" She questions.

"We have to go back to Morocco." She pouts her lips.

"Oh, when will you be coming back?" She whispers in disappointment.

"No, baby. You're coming with me, I can't leave you here alone."

"I'll have to call my work, I've still got some holiday I can book. When are we leaving? A couple days?" She asks.

"Tonight." Her eyes widen.

"Oh, okay. I'll get on the phone now." I nod my head and let her do what she needs to do.

I walk back over to Camil. "Flights are booked." He confirms and I nod, sighing. "Cyrus, let me sort dad out. It will be easier for me, I'm the one he used to beat up anyway."

"Camil I can't let you do it alone." I shake my head. "What he did to you and mum is wrong, he's not family. He needs to go."

"I understand but I won't let you get your hands dirty. That's not what you're about Cyrus." I slowly nod my head. "We'll figure something out."

"I'm gonna go and explain to Marnie, she should be finished on the phone." I get up from the seat and make my way to our bedroom. I chuckle when I see she's fallen asleep again on top of our bed.

I walk over to her and stroke her hair. "Baby." I whisper and she groans, turning her back towards me.

"Cyrus, let me sleep." She whines.

"I need to speak to you." She slowly sits up, rubbing the sleep out of her eye.

"What is it?" She whispers in concern.

I sit up against the headboard of our bed and then get her to straddle my lap.

"My dad wasn't a good man, Marnie." I whisper, looking up at her. She gives me a sad look and caresses my cheek. "He used to beat my mum and brother, he favoured me so he wouldn't hit me. I used to feel so guilty because they didn't deserve it."

"I'm so sorry." She whispers gently.

"I think that's why Camil is the way he is. He feels like he can't be loved and that's why I try my best to set him on the right path." I whisper. "I failed him as an older brother and I promised myself I wouldn't do that anymore, that's why I was so angry when he overdosed. I was angry because he deserves better."

"Camil will get his happy ending eventually." She smiles. "I'm sure of it and you're an amazing brother to him. You can't dwell on the past, you can only focus on making the future better." I smile at her wise words.

"My wise girl." I grin and she leans down and kisses my forehead.

"Why are we going back to Morocco?" She questions.

"For my mother's protection, I need to be close to her in case anything happens."

"I understand. What are you going to do about your dad?" She bites her lip after asking the question.

"I don't know yet, baby." I say honestly because I don't know what I'm going to do about the bastard.

"Well whatever you decide to do I'll be here." She smiles, stroking my hair.

"I love you." I kiss her cheek.

"I know."

I lightly chuckle when she falls asleep a couple minutes later on my lap.

I really must of worn her out last night.

All those who want a book about Camil comment 🍆 thanks 🤍

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