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Chapter Fifteen| Marnie

He wants to have sex.

"You did tell me you were ready for this dick." He smirks and my eyes widen and I look away in embarrassment. "We don't have to if you don't want, I won't force you if you're not ready."

I shake my head.

"I want to." I whisper, playing with the gold chain around his neck. "I really, really want to." I grin and he grins too.

"Give me a kiss, pretty baby." He whispers against my lips and I don't hesitate to kiss him. I moan into his mouth when his hand slips into my underwear and he begins to rub my clit. "You like that, my precious girl?" He mumbles and I nod my head whimpering.

"Feels really good." I whisper.

"You're so wet." He groans. "I'm gonna fuck you so good, baby. I want you to ride me."

I slowly nod my head. I unbutton the last few buttons on his shirt and then pull it off his toned shoulders.

I feel Cyrus unclasp my bra and then he latches his mouth onto one of my breasts. I moan and thread my fingers through his soft hair. "You want me, pretty baby?" He looks at me and I nod my head. "Words baby."

"I want you." I whisper.

I begin to unbuckle his belt and help him pull them off, along with his boxers and my eyes widen at the size of him.

No wonder why he's so confident with himself.

I watch with wide eyes as he begins to stroke his thick veiny length and I gulp making eye contact with him.

"We need a condom." He reaches over to one of the bedside tables and pulls one from the draw. "Did you bring them or does this hotel provide them?" I laugh.

"I bought them." He grins, ripping the packet with his teeth and rolling the condom onto his dick.

"What made you think I was going to have sex with you?" I playfully raise my eyebrows at him and he chuckles.

"Come on, baby. You can't resist this, now come take a seat." He winks and I release another shaky breath, straddling over him. He positions himself at my entrance and we both suck in a breath when I sink down onto him.

"Oh." I moan, I watch as his jaw clenches and a couple veins show on his neck.

"Fuck you're tight, baby." He grunts. "Ride daddy, pretty baby." I follow his instructions and begin to grind my hips. "You really are perfect for me." He whispers against my lips and I lean forward to kiss him.

Cyrus then leans down and swirls his tongue around my nipple earning a loud moan from me.

"It feels so good, Cyrus." I whimper, bouncing on his lap. He reaches up and wraps his hand around my neck keeping my head still and then he begins to frantically thrust up. "Fuck!"

"You're such a good girl." He grunts. "My good girl." I feel myself only getting wetter at his words.

My hands fall to his chest while I let him fuck me as he lays underneath me. His thumb grazes my lip and I open my mouth and then suck his thumb.

He groans in pleasure, his eyes clenching shut. "You make me so hard, pretty baby. Do you like how I'm fucking you, hmm?" He rasps.

"Yes!" I exclaim.

"Yes, what?"

"Cyrus!" I whimper.

"Yes. What?!" He says with each thrust, making me gasp.

"Daddy! Fuck!" His eyes are lust-filled and I begin to feel the pressure building deep in my stomach.

"Are you going to come for me, pretty baby?" I nod my head and he smiles. "Good girl." Those words push me to the edge and I come around his hard length, my walls pulsing around him.

I gasp when he rolls over, pinning me to the mattress before he begins to pound into me relentlessly. I gasp and moan loudly as I climax around him a second time.

"Fuck baby, I'm gonna come!" He moans and with one hard stroke he comes, twitching inside of me.

I release a breath and grin up at him, his chain dangles in my face and I clench around him. He hisses at the sensation and slowly pulls out of me.

I watch as he gets rid of the condom and then he comes back to lay beside me.

"You amaze me." He says out of breath. I turn on my side and rest my hand on his chest, tracing his tattoos.

"Did you know that was only my second time having sex?" I say randomly and his head snaps to mine.

"Baby what the fuck?! You should of told me, I wouldn't of been so rough." He says seriously, staring at me with worry etched on his perfect face.

"No, no! I liked it." I grin and a sigh of relief escapes his lips.

"Perfect baby. Now cuddle."


Three weeks fly by quickly and before we know it Cyrus, Camil and I are at the airport.

Cyrus has gone to get me a bottle of water so it's just Camil and I.

"Heard you know about Samantha." He speaks up and I nod my head. "That psychotic bitch trying to ruin my otp." He rolls his eyes and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Your what?" I question in confusion.

"One true pairing." I raise my eyebrows ag him. "You and Cyrus, you make him happy and I'm thankful for that. It nice to see him smile more often." He smiles at me and I smile back.

"What about you? Why don't you have anyone?" He shrugs his shoulders, placing his hands into the pocket of his hoodie.

"No-one could deal with my damaged self, Marnie. I'm not like Cyrus who has a heart the size of the sun, mines practically nonexistent." He says and my heart breaks for him.

"You're a nice person Camil, there's definitely someone out there who would love you." I pull him into a hug and he tenses.

I pull away and smile up at him.

"I like you, Marnie." He smirks. "But I'm a drug dealer, a very dangerous one at that. No girl wants that." He pats me on the head and I roll my eyes.

Cyrus walks over to us and I realise he's on the phone. He hands me the water bottle and I smile taking it from his hands.

After a couple minutes he hangs up and gives me a sorry look.

"What is it?"

"I need to stay here for a bit longer." I furrow my eyebrows at his words. "Camil, get my girl home safe. I don't want a hair on her head hurt." He says sternly and then turns back to me.

"Why do you need to stay here?" I pout and he chuckles.

"Just business, pretty baby. I'll be back before you know it. " He leans down and kisses my forehead. "I love you." He says before walking away and I stare at his back in shock.

Did he not realise what he said?!

"By the look on your face, I'm guessing that's the first time he's said that." Camil laughs but I'm too shocked to reply.

Cyrus loves me.

An I oop 🤭
Guys I kept getting butterflies writing this lol🤍

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