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Chapter Twenty-Two| Cyrus

"That's my good girl." I smirk as she opens her legs. I pull the end of her dress up to her waist and then pull her panties to the side. She jumps when I brush my finger against her slit. "We have to be quick, pretty baby and you have to be quiet."

She nods her head. I pull my dick out of my boxers and rub the tip against her clit, she moans and I pull away.

"Cyrus." She whimpers.

"What did I say?" I whisper, wrapping my hand around her throat. She pouts and wraps her hand around my wrist.

"I'll be quiet, I promise." She whispers and I nod my head.

I bite my lip as I slowly slide into her. "Fuck." I grunt. "My baby feels so good." I moan in her ear and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Faster." She whispers and I begin to thrust in and out of her quicker. I start to rub her clit and she pants, tightening her arms around me. I muffle her moans with a deep kiss.

"You like that, baby?"

"Mmm, yes." She whispers.

"You feel so good around me."

Her hand slips onto the keys of the piano but I carry on thrusting into her. "I'm gonna come." She gasps into my mouth.

"Good girl." I encourage and I begin to feel her walls pulse and tighten around me. I bite my lip and not long after I'm coming inside of her. I lean forward, burying my face in the crook of her neck that smells of her sweet perfume.

"We need to go back or everyone will get suspicious." She whispers and I slowly nod, pulling out of her. "We've made a mess." She giggles and I nod, pulling out a handkerchief from my top pocket.

I lean down and help clean her up.

"I could of just gone and got some tissue." I shrug my shoulders and finish cleaning her up.

"Take your panties off." I tell her and she furrows her eyebrows.


"They're soaked." She stands up and takes them off.

"Well what do I do with them now? This dress is short, it's too risky for me to go commando." I chuckle at her.

"You'll be fine." I grin, tucking her pants in the inside pocket of my suit jacket. "You go first." She nods her head and walks out of the room, pulling the bottom of her dress down as far as it will go.

I wait about five minutes. I smooth my suit down and then walk out of the room and back downstairs to the dining room. I smirk when I catch Marnie staring at me.

"Bit weird that you both needed the toilet." Camil speaks up, a grin on his face as he looks between Marnie and I. I roll my eyes at his childish behaviour.

"Yeah so weird." I deadpan and my mother raises her eyebrows.

"Your tie son." I furrow my eyebrows at her words. "It's not done properly." I look down and see that my tie is crooked.

"My bad." I say, taking a seat next to my girl.

"Your strap, Marnie darling." My mum speaks up again.

"Huh?" Marnie panics and I hide my smirk as the strap on her dress falls loose on her shoulder. "Oh." She whispers, quickly fixing it and looks anywhere but my mother.

My mother smiles and takes a sip of her wine.

Well this is awkward.


Camil and my cousin Yasmine are the two people in the family that are crazy fuckers.

The two convinced my girl to go to the club after my uncle's. I had to tell my mother much to her disappointment that we'd have to visit her tomorrow.

Marnie pleaded with me to give her panties back and much to my disappointment I did.

I sigh to myself as I keep my eyes on a drunk Marnie who is grinding against my cousin. "Bro! Have a drink!" Camil cheers and I give him a bored look.

"Got one, dumb fuck." I roll my eyes, showing him the glass of whisky. I run my fingers through my hair and decide that I've seen enough of Marnie pressing her ass against my cousin. I get up from my seat, walking over to the pair. I grab hold of Marnie's hand and drag her back to the private booth.

"Hey! I was having fun." She whines. I ignore her and sit her down, I then open a bottle of water and hold it against her lips.

"Drink it." She opens her mouth and begins to take small sips. "Good girl." She pulls her head away and I put the lid back on the bottle.

"Are you mad at me?" She pouts and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why would I be mad, pretty baby?" I smile gently, pulling her into my side and kissing the side of her head.

"B-Because I'm drunk." She slurs and I chuckle.

"As long as you're having a good time baby, I don't care. I'm not mad at you for having fun." She nods her head and then groans. I begin to panic. "What's wrong?"

"I need to pee." I make eye contact with Yasmine and she comes over.

"Go with my girl to the toilet, make sure nothing happens to her." Yasmine nods and grabs hold of Marnie's hand, leading her to the toilet.

After about five minutes I see the two walking back together, however, my body tenses when I see what's in Marnie's hands.

A rose.

"Yo, didn't you say some guy gave Marnie a rose last time we were here?" Camil questions and I clench my jaw.

"Look Cyrus!" Marnie exclaims, shoving the rose in my chest. I snarl and throw it to the side.

"Who gave you this?" I question Marnie but she's too drunk to answer. "Who gave her this?" I question Yasmine.

"The guy from the bar but he said it was from someone else." She shrugs and I try to keep my temper at bay but I find myself storming over to the barman. He looks at me with wide eyes. "Who was that fucking rose from?"

"I-uh, some guy, I don't know the name, he just told me to give it to the lady." The man stutters.

"Show me cctv right now!" I shout over the loud music.

"I'll go and get my manager." I nod and turn around to see Yasmine looking after Marnie.

"Something doesn't feel right, Cyrus." Camil says, looking around the place and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, big bro, we need to leave." Camil says, playing with the gun around his waistband and my eyes widen.

"How the fuck did you get in with that?!"

"I have ways." He shrugs. "Now let's go before I have to use it because trust me Cyrus I really don't have a good feeling right now."

"It's the alcohol. I need to check cctv quick and then we'll go." He sighs but nods his head, running his hands down his face.

I watch the manager come over with a frown on his face. "You wanted to see the cctv?" He questions and I nod. "I'm not really supposed to do that."

"Well you're gonna, now lead the way." I hold my arm out and he begins to walk off. Camil and I follow after him and he leads us into a room filled with a couple computers. "Reverse back to around one, near the bar." I squint my eyes and watch the scene play out in front of me.

I clench my jaw when I see the man pass the barman the rose but he's wearing a hoodie so I can't see his face.

"Fuck." Camil groans in frustration. "Let's just g-"

He's cut off by a massive explosion.

I rush out of the room and see that the club is filled with smoke.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

I need to find my girl.


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