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Twenty-Seven| Camil

"It's what he deserved." I shrug casually as Cyrus stares at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Camil, I'm not sad he's dead. I'm more concerned about why his body was found in our home!" He grits his teeth, pointing to the floor which is where we found his body.

"Okay, I was going to order a hit on him but looks like someone got to him before I could. Chill, it's fine, I managed to get rid of it. What's the problem?" I shrug and I watch as he begins to get angrier by the second.

"Marnie is pregnant, Camil. We have no idea who murdered him and this murderer could be after all of us too, so no I won't fucking chill." Cyrus growls out and I bite my lip, knowing he's right. "I'm not blaming you, I just need you to take this situation a bit more serious."

I nod my head.

"I'll sort it." I tell him and he slowly nods his head.

I grab my car keys and silently leave the apartment. I take in my surroundings as I walk to my car not wanting some scumbag to try and jump me. I feel my gun which is tucked in my waistband, I don't go anywhere without it.

I pull out my phone and call my best friend, Jay.

"Cam." He answers.

"So called dad has been killed." I mumble, while switching the engine on. I place him on loud speaker and then pull out of the underground car park.


"Thanks. Except we've got an issue." I tell him. "His body was found in my home, I've got no idea how he ended up there or who killed him."

"Want me to hack into the security system of your apartment?"

"Yeah, check the whole duration from when we were in Morocco. See if anyone's been hanging around the area." I instruct.

"Will do." He then hangs up and I begin to drive down the high street. It's rush hour in London so traffic is building up.

My heart skips a beat when I see a familiar figure walk into a coffee shop named Heaven. I slam on the brakes and begin to hear the car behind beeping at me. I roll my eyes sticking my middle finger up and then I pull up outside the coffee shop.

I look through the window and watch as she orders a coffee with an angelic smile on her face. I pay attention to how she nervously bites her nails and looks around the shop.

She's looks so sweet and innocent.

Like an angel.

I watch as the barista hands her a drink and a muffin to which she smiles lightly before going to sit down. I feel myself smiling slightly at her cuteness, knowing full well I probably look like a creep.

She dresses so simple with a plain top and ripped jeans along with some converse but still manages to look so beautiful with her curves. Her hair is in a high ponytail enhancing her cheekbones and her beautiful brown skin glows.

A traffic warden walks up to my car, knocking on my tinted windows. I roll my eyes and wind the window down.

"What?" I snap and watch as he gulps.

"S-Sir, you can't p-park here. I'll have to give you a t-ticket if you don't move." I sigh, getting my wallet and then handing him one hundred pounds.

"Keep it and keep your mouth shut. No tickets needed." The window goes back up and I get out of my car, not caring that I'm parked on double yellow lines and make my way into the coffee shop.

The angel doesn't notice me so I walk over to her table. She looks up from the book she's reading and her eyes widen when she spots me, she pushes the frame of her glasses up and I smile.

She's so cute.

"Is this seat taken?" I question and she looks around the coffee shop and out the window before lightly shaking her head. "Can I sit?" She nods.

I pull the chair out and sit in front of her. She slowly closes her book and then begins to fiddle with the butterfly charm on her bracelet, looking anywhere but me.

I don't blame her for being nervous. I mean I'm not exactly the friendliest looking person but something about her being afraid of me makes me feel like shit.

"What's your name?"

"Angel." She whispers and my eyes widen. She bites her lip at my reaction. "I know, it's weird." She smiles nervously and I quickly shake my head.

"No, no, no! It's a lovely name, fits you perfectly." I give her a genuine smile. "I'm Camil." She nods her head slowly.

"Hi, Camil." She smiles.

"I wanted to thank you for your help back at the hospital."

"It's fine. How is your drug problem?" I look away in embarrassment from her question. She must think I'm a mess. "I'm sorry if I've offended you, really I am." She rushes out and looks at me with scared eyes.

I furrow my eyebrows at her as she begins to panic and her eyes start to water.

"Angel, it's fine." I reassure her and a sigh of relief escapes her lips.

"Again, I'm sorry. I should have worded that better, my fault." She whispers, rubbing her forearms and I feel my blood begin to boil when I see bruises dotted around her perfect skin.

She must feel my eyes staring at them so she pulls the sleeves of her baby pink top down.

"What happened?" I question straight away and she fidgets nervously.

"I-It was an accident, my boyfriend grabbed me a little too hard but it was my fault I stepped into a road when a car was coming." She smiles and I feel sick to my stomach. It's like she's been brainwashed because I know full well that her boyfriend didn't 'accidentally' give her those bruises and she did not step into a road when a car was coming.

"So you step into the road when cars are coming a lot then?" I raise my eyebrows and she frowns.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Well back when I was in the hospital I saw bruises on your arm, that was weeks ago so they should of disappeared or at least faded by now, those...." I point to her wrist. "Those are fresh."

"I'm just clumsy." She shrugs and looks back down at her lap. "Please leave me." She whispers.

"I can help you." I sit forward. "Please let me help you." I plead and her eyes begin to water again.

"I don't know what you're implying, sir, but you should stop." She stands up and I look at her with wide eyes.

"Trust me, I know when someone's hurting. I know when people are going through abuse." I tell her and she just stares at me.

"I'm not being abused." She whispers, wiping the tears harshly from her face.

"I was abused." She bites her lip and looks at me with sad eyes. "So was my mother, so I know the signs of when someone is being hurt."

"I'm sorry for what you and your mother went through, I really am but I'm not being abused. I need to go." She shoves her book into her bag.

"Wait, please take my number just in case, please, it would make me feel better." My heart begins to race at the thought of her going back home to her abusive boyfriend.

"I don't need it. Goodbye Camil." She speaks and I watch her rush out of the coffee shop.

"Fuck!" I whisper harshly biting my fist. I frown when I see the butterfly charm that was on her bracelet on the floor. I pick it up and hold it in my palm.

I'm going to help her.

I'm going to save Angel before it's too late.

What did you guys think of Camil's pov? Also thank you for the lovely birthday messages 🤍

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