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Chapter Twenty-Five| Marnie

I jump awake and gasp loudly. I quickly cover my mouth and rush to the bathroom, only throwing up bile.

"Pretty baby?" I quickly turn my head and my eyes widen when I see Cyrus standing in front of me. "It's okay." He whispers gently, crouching down next to me and he begins to stroke my hair.

"Y-You're alive?!" I whisper in shock and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Of course I am, baby. Why wouldn't I be?" He nervously chuckles.

It was a dream?

I reach out to touch his cheek and bite my lip as I feel his stubbled cheek. A whimper escapes my lips and I throw myself at him, wrapping my arms tightly around his shoulder.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" He whispers in concern, wrapping his large arms around me. "Marnie, speak to me."

"I had a nightmare!" I cry into his neck. "W-We were on a yacht and you got shot in the chest."

"I'm here, Marnie baby. I'm alive, I'm not going anywhere." He reassures, kissing the side of my head. "Baby, I worry about you, you've been throwing up a lot lately." He sighs and I furrow my eyebrows.

"I-I'm sure it's nothing." I pull away and wipe my tears before standing up. Cyrus also stands up, towering over me.

"Pretty baby, I think you're pregnant." I clench my eyes shut, feeling a headache coming on. I ignore Cyrus' comment and begin to brush my teeth. "Marnie, are you listening to me?" He says more sternly.

I ignore him.

Shame I can't hang up this time.

"Look at me." He places his finger on my cheek and turns my face towards him. "When I was out I went and bought you a test. We are going to sit here together and you're going to do this test."


"Marnie, don't argue with me on this, please." He pleads and I sigh, nodding my head. I watch him walk out of the bathroom and about twenty seconds later he walks back in with a pregnancy test. He hands it to me with a small smile on his face. "Do you want me to go and wait outside?"

"It's fine, you can stay." I shrug and sit on the toilet seat.

"Do you want a baby?" Cyrus asks with a glint of hope in his eyes and I smile gently.

"I mean it's a bit soon but I don't mind." He grins and nods his head.

"We'd be such good parents." He says proudly and I giggle at his excitement.

"I know you'd be a great dad." I laugh even harder at the fact that we're just having a causal conversation while I sit on the toilet. I piss on the stick and then place the cap back on before sitting it on the counter.

I wash my hands and then I stand patiently in front of Cyrus.

"Come here." He whispers, opening his arms up for me. I step into them and sigh as I rest the side of my face on his warm chest. "I love you, Marnie. No matter what happens."

"I love you too." I whisper and feel his arms tighten around me.

"Don't think I'm ever going to get tired of you saying that." He whispers, smiling down at me.

After a couple minutes the test is ready. "You want to look first?" I question Cyrus and he nods his head, picking up the stick eagerly, however, his smile falls.

"It's negative." He whispers, his voice filled with so much disappointment.


"I-It's fine, there's no rush." He shrugs, biting his lip.

He places the stick down and then sit down on the edge of the bathtub. I pout my lip and walk over to him, cradling his head against my chest.

"It's okay to be upset." I whisper, stroking his hair.

"I just wanted to be a dad, you know. The thought of being a role model to a little you and me." He mumbles against my chest.

"I know." I say gently. I turn to look back at the stick and I furrow my eyebrows. "Cyrus?"


"How many lines did you see on the stick?"


I begin to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" He pulls away and pouts up a me.

"Cyrus you idiot, the test is positive!" I smile brightly and he looks at me in shock before a massive smile etches onto his face.

"Really?!" He exclaims, standing up and looking at the stick again. "Shit, I thought two lines meant negative." He whispers to himself.


I playfully roll my eyes at him.

"We're having a baby." He whispers, his eyes shining bright. "Yes!" I squeal when he picks me up and spins me around.

"We should probably wait until the first trimester is over before we tell people, just in case something happens." Cyrus bites his lip but nods his head.

"Okay, pretty baby."


"Marnie, are you okay? You look a bit queasy." Adela speaks up from across the table.

We've all gone out for dinner, Adela and Amir have also joined us.

I keep getting déjà vu.

"I'm fine." I whisper and interlace my fingers with Cyrus'. He smiles gently and kisses my forehead.

"Would you like some wine?" Adela questions me.

"No!" Cyrus quickly answers for me and I bite my lip as Adela looks at the two of us in confusion. "She has heartburn." Cyrus tries to save himself and I furrow my eyebrows at his random answer.

Heartburn. Really Cyrus?

"Apologies." Adela says, taking a sip from her own wine.

"It's fine." I smile gently at her.

The waiter comes over to us with a smile on his face and he begins to take our orders.

And just like my dream a gunshot is fired.

Except this time it doesn't hit Cyrus, it hits the poor waiter.

Cyrus quickly pulls me out of my seat, shielding me from anymore flying bullets. I watch as Camil looks after his mum and I try to look around to see who it was.

"Oh my God!" I jump back when I spot Cyrus dad, aiming a gun towards us.

Cyrus' hand falls to my stomach and his dad's eyes then also fall to my stomach and I begin to feel sick as he lowers the gun and pulls the trigger.

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