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Chapter Ten| Marnie

"We're staying in a hotel?" I question Cyrus as the taxi pulls up outside the entrance of an expensive looking hotel.

"I thought you would be more comfortable if we stayed in a hotel. It's not far from my mother's house anyway." I nod my head and then we both exit the car.

"It's so pretty here." I whisper in amazement and embrace the warm heat against my skin.

We walk up to reception together, Cyrus putting his hand around my waist as usual. We check into our room and my eyes widen at how luxury it looks. I gasp when I see there's our own infinity pool outside.

"You like?" He smirks as I turn to face him.

"It must of cost you so much!" I exclaim. "I'll pay towards some of it because it's not fair for you to spend this much money. How much?" Cyrus furrows his eyebrows at my words.

"Nothing, baby. My uncle owns this hotel." I need to take a seat.

His uncle owns this gigantic hotel?!

"This is crazy." I whisper, laying my back against the soft mattress and Cyrus chuckles, taking a seat next to me.

"Well get use to it." He shrugs. I frown and he smiles, laying down beside me. "Don't overthink too much, your brain might explode. You're gonna have the best three weeks of your life here."

I roll my eyes but smile anyway.

"So when are we going to visit your mother?" I question him.

"Tomorrow. I thought we'd enjoy our first day here together before we go visit my crazy family." He says and I nod, resting my head on his chest. "We can relax in the pool." He hums, running his fingers up and down my back.

My eyes flutter closed at the tingling sensation. "Hey, don't fall asleep on me, it's only twelve-thirty." He pinches my hip and I squeal.

"Just a little nap, Cyrus." I whisper and hear him sigh.


"Whatever you do, don't dunk me!" I exclaim to Cyrus. I'm on his back as he swims around the pool.

I smile at the view in front of us. The unique buildings full of colour and the Mediterranean Sea in the background makes me feel at peace. And so does the man I'm attached to.

"We're gonna go for dinner soon, pretty baby." He tells me.

"Hmmm." I kiss the side of his neck. "I wanna live here forever, look at that view." I whisper and then I pull myself away from him. He turns to face me and pouts.

"Come back here." He whines and I move away from him. He follows me so I move away again, I giggle when he growls. "Marnie."

I go to climb out and squeal when his arms circle around my waist and he yanks me back.

Under the water.

I cough up some water that I inhaled and push away from Cyrus.

"Cyrus!" I exclaim, pissed at the fact he got my hair wet and that he didn't listen to me.

"Baby." He smiles but I don't. I push him away and climb out of the pool, drying myself off before walking into the room. I close the sliding door on him and actually lock it.

I jump in the shower, washing my hair and after I'm finished I pick out an outfit for dinner later. I walk over to the door in my towel and open it, I feel a little bad when I see him sitting on a sun lounger with a small pout on his face.

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