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Chapter Thirty-Two| Marnie

Two months later

"Cyrus, you've been out there for two months, when are you coming home?! My scan is coming up soon, so we can find out the gender." I question tiredly, while on FaceTime to Cyrus.

I take a look at him and don't miss the dark bags under his eyes, he looks so exhausted.

"I know, pretty baby, I'm sorry." He sighs and I exhale slowly.

"You didn't answer my question. When are you coming home?" I raise my eyebrows at him and he rubs the stubble on his face.

"Baby, I don't know!" He raises his voice a little and I roll my eyes.

"Have you ever thought that maybe Amir has fled the country?" I tilt my head and Cyrus rolls his eyes. "I don't understand what is taking you so long?!"

"Marnie, don't raise your fucking voice at me. I miss the fuck out of you and I'm not prepared for an argument." He whispers, running his fingers through his hair. "I'll be home soon."

"Yeah, you said that last week and last month." I scoff and I watch his face morph into anger.

"Drop the fucking attitude, pretty baby." He grits his teeth. "You're lucky I'm not there, cause I'd have you bent over my knee."

I hang up.

Must be the hormones.


I pull up outside a coffee shop named Heaven.

I need a hot chocolate.

I step out of my car and walk into the warm, cosy shop. The barista smiles at me and takes my order and tells me he'll bring it to my table.

I choose to sit next to the window and stare outside at the pale sky. It's probably going to snow soon, considering it's winter.

"Your hot chocolate." I smile at the man, thanking him and then take a small sip of the hot beverage.

I then continue to stare out the window.

I know Cyrus is mad at me.

He hates when I suddenly hang up.

He'll get over it.

The chair in front of me, drags across the floor and I look up and my eyes widen at who I'm looking at.

"Angel?" I whisper and I stare at her in worry when I see the bruise on her cheek. "Camil told me you left town." Just looking at her now, she looks so young, she can't be any older than 20.

Her hands are shaking and her eyes are watery. Her hair is up in a high ponytail but despite her situation she still manages to look so pretty, with her long eyelashes and big brown eyes.

No wonder Camil is obsessed with her.

"Camil is really worried about you, Angel. He'll do anything to help you." She gulps.

"Can you help me? Please, I-I don't want to trust another man, please." She whispers, wiping the tears from her face. "I'm begging you, please."

She's scared of men.

That's why she refuses Camil's help.

If I don't tell Cam, this could really jeopardise the relationship between him and I.

He'd hate me.

But she needs help and she's asking me.

I'd be an idiot not to help the poor girl.

"What do you need?"


I've been out for four hours helping Angel. She's safe but now I feel guilty because I've gone behind Camil's back.

I sigh tiredly, walking through the front door, I throw my keys on the side table and switch on the light. I jump, covering my mouth when I spot Cyrus sitting on the sofa, his shirt unbuttoned and a glass of whisky in his hand.

"Where've you been? My plane landed an hour ago." I gulp and awkwardly scratch my arm.

"Out. Why are you back?" I question, confused.

"Not happy to see me, pretty baby?" He pouts, placing his glass down onto the coffee table.

"I am!" I nod my head and walk over to him. He pats his lap and I sit side ways on his lap. He kisses the side of my head and wraps his arm around me. "I missed you." I whisper.

"I missed you too, baby."

"What happened with Amir then?" I furrow my eyebrows at him and he sighs.

"I erm..... my mum, she finished the job." He scratches the back of his head and my eyes widen.

Adela killed him.


"I-Is she okay?!" I exclaim.

The poor woman must be traumatised.

"Oh she's fine. She whacked him round the head with an expensive bottle of wine; she was more upset that it went to waste than her killing him." I smile lightly. "He was going to kill her, so technically it was self defence."

"You haven't left her by herself right?" I question, concerned for her.

"She's here. In one of the guest rooms, I figured she'd want to see you and we can tell her in the morning about the baby." I nod my head and then bite my lip.

"What's wrong?" Cyrus whispers, caressing my cheek.

"I-I saw Angel today." Cyrus frowns at my words.

"But Camil said she's gone."

"Well she is now." I sigh.

"What do you mean?"

"I went to a coffee shop and it must of been the same one Camil kept going to. She came to me and she was so scared, Cyrus. I told her that Camil is trying to help her but she didn't want his help, she wanted mine."

I feel my eyes begin to water as guilt consumes me.

"Breathe, baby." Cyrus whispers gently.

"I helped her escape from her boyfriend with her baby. She has a little baby girl and now she's left the country and she told me not to tell Cam but I feel so bad Cyrus because I've betrayed him. I've betrayed Camil." I whimper, rushing out my words.

"You did what?!"

I can confirm that Camil will have his own story. Here's a teaser of the front cover. A nice blurry front cover, you might be able to figure out the title though lol🤣 it's not on my page yet because I need to finish this book first 🤍

 A nice blurry front cover, you might be able to figure out the title though lol🤣 it's not on my page yet because I need to finish this book first 🤍

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