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Chapter Thirty-Five| Marnie

Four months later

"You know what this reminds me of." I turn to face Cyrus as we sit in his car outside the petrol station.

"Yes, baby." He chuckles lightly.

It's three in the morning and I woke Cyrus up because I was craving Pringles and we didn't have any at home.

Cyrus smiles at me, grabbing my hand and lifting it to his lips. My heart flutters as he kisses each finger.

"Are you going to get my Pringles now?" I whisper, ruining the moment. He closes his eyes and chuckles.

"Well it's dark out so you're coming in with me, baby." He says, taking his seatbelt off and climbing out of the car.

I open the passenger door and pout at him as he makes his way round to me. "But I'm in my pyjamas." I look down at my silk pyjama shorts and top.

Cyrus looks me up and down and then nods his head, pulling his hoodie over his head and putting it over me. I grin when my head pops out and he grins, kissing my forehead, I put my arms through the sleeves and then hop out of the car.

I'm seven months pregnant now and my stomach is already huge. Cyrus grabs hold of my hand, looking around before walking us into the shop.

I waddle my way straight to the Pringles with a huge smile on my face. I pick up the Texas bbq flavour.

Cyrus must have gone to another aisle so I begin to look for him. However, a squeal escapes my lips when I slip on a wet spot on the floor, falling on my bum.

"Marnie!" Cyrus rushes over to me, a look of fear on his face. "Fuck, baby!" He helps me up and I smile gently.

"I'm fine. I promise." I try to calm him down but he is already storming over to the manager that is standing in the corner, gossiping with a colleague. "Cyrus!" I shout as I watch him grab the man by the collar and shove him against the wall.

"My fucking girl just slipped on your floor and she's seven months pregnant!" Cyrus growls out.

The manager looks at him with wide, scared eyes.

"I-I am so sorry s-sir. Someone must of f-forgot to put the sign up after cleaning the f-floor." Cyrus laughs hysterically, he looks borderline crazy.

"Someone must of forgot to put the sign up? I'll be suing." He pats his head patronisingly and grabs my hand, walking us out of the shop. The alarms start to go off and I realise I'm still holding the Pringles.

"Oh wait, Cyrus, I haven't p....."

"Fuck paying!" He exclaims.

He helps me into the passenger seat and checks me for any injuries. He grabs my chin and turns me to look at him. "Baby." He whispers.

"I'm okay." I whisper again, reaching up to stroke the stubble on his cheek.

"We're going to the doctors tomorrow to double check, I'm not taking any risks and we're never coming here again. This place is cursed, honestly." He kisses my forehead and then makes his way over to the driver side.

"I love you." I whisper.


We went to the doctors in the morning and everything is okay but that didn't stop Cyrus from barking orders down the phone to his lawyer.

Now I'm shopping for baby clothes with Jas.

"I can't believe you're having twins! This is amazing." Jas grins. "See I told you from the beginning you and Cyrus are soulmates." I playfully roll my eyes at her.

"Whatever." I smile, nudging her with my shoulder. "How are things with you and Lucy?"

"It's going great! We're actually thinking of moving out of that small flat and getting a house." My eyes widen.

"Go for it!" I encourage.

My phone begins to ring and I smile when I see it's Cyrus.

"Hi." I beam.

"Baby, where are you?" He rushes out and I furrow my eyebrows.

"I'm out shopping with Jas. What's wrong?" I question him worriedly.

"I got home and you weren't here." He breathes out and I smile gently.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you. I thought I would of been back before you got home from work."

"It's fine, pretty baby. When will you be back? Do you need me to pick you two up?" He asks.

"I'll be back in around an hour. No need to pick us up, Jas drove us here." I inform him.

"Okay, I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too, baby." I smile to myself and then hang up.



I hold the velvet box in my shaky hands. I open it up for the fifth time, double checking that the ring is actually in there.

I look up at the clock anxiously.

She said she'd be back in an hour. It's been two.

"Come on, pretty baby." I mumble to myself, my leg bouncing nervously.

My phone rings and I frown at the unknown number.


"Is this Mr Arian?" The unknown voice questions.

"Yes this is, who is this?"

"I'm a doctor from Herts hospital. You were on the emergency contact list for Marnie Jones." My blood runs cold.

"What has happened?"

"She's been a car accident."

I feel like some of you are a little divided about Angel. Is she someone you want to see in Camil's story or did you want someone else?🤍

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