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Chapter Thirty-Three| Cyrus

"Cam, calm down." I warn my brother, wrapping my arm protectively around Marnie.

"Marnie, why wouldn't you tell me?" Cam whispers at her and I bite my lip.

"She needed my help and she didn't want me to tell you." Marnie sighs.

"I could of helped her! I wanted to help her!" Camil exclaims, looking at Marnie in hurt.

"She didn't want your help, Camil! She's scared of men, that's why she didn't want your help!" Marnie stands up and I follow, standing close behind her. "I'm sorry, okay. I'm sorry that I went behind your back but I did it for a good reason."

I watch as Camil clenches his jaw.

"Where is she?" Marnie shakes her head at his question. "What do you mean, no?"

"What I mean is, I'm not telling you. She's safe and that's all you need to know. What she needs is time to heal by herself with her daughter." Marnie speaks out, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Daughter?" Camil whispers in shock.

"Angel has a baby girl and she is her top priority at the moment, please understand that Camil. I know you liked her but it was just the wrong time, I'm sure you'll see her again one day." Camil bites his lip and runs his fingers through his hair, avoiding eye contact with the both of us .

"I'm sorry for shouting." He whispers before grabbing his jacket and leaving through the front door.

Marnie turns around to face me and she looks up at me with watery eyes.

"Come here, baby." I whisper, wrapping my arms around her. "You did the right thing, Marnie and deep down Camil understands that." I say, kissing her forehead.

"I know." She smiles gently and rests her head on my chest.

"Let's go to bed."


"You're pregnant!" My mother squeals at Marnie, wrapping her arms tightly around her. "Yes! Oh this is just amazing, my first ever grandchild!" I chuckle lightly at my mother's excitement.

She then turns to me and her eyes narrow.

"What is it?" I question her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Where's the ring, Cyrus?" My mum raises her eyebrows at me and I awkwardly look between her and a wide-eyed Marnie.

"I-I...." It's getting a little hot in here.

"There's no rush for a wedding." Marnie speaks up, smiling at me. "We just want to focus on the baby."

"We're finding out the gender today." I also tell my mum and her eyes widen.

"And you're only deciding to tell me now?!" She exclaims. "I'm not ready!" She rushes back to the guest room and I chuckle at her.

"Guess she's invited herself to the appointment." I shrug and Marnie giggles.

"The more the merrier." She grins and I playfully roll my eyes. "I hope we're having a little boy." She whispers and I nod my head.

A boy would be nice.

A girl would be too much for my poor heart.

As soon as my mother has got ready, we all get into the car and make our way to my private doctor.

I feel myself starting to get nervous.

Marnie is pregnant.

With our baby and I couldn't be happier.

My pretty baby.

We arrive at the practice and I help Marnie and my mother out of the car. We make our way into the building and we are led to see my private doctor. He greets us with a warm smile and tells Marnie to lay on the bed.

She lifts her top and I smile lightly at her little bump.

She looks so cute.

The doctor begins the scan and then he asks us the one question we've been waiting to find out.

"Would you like to know the gender?" We all nod our head.

"Of course we bloody do!" My mum exclaims and I slowly close my eyes at the impatient woman.

"Well....oh." I sit up straight, worry beginning to fill my body when he looks at the screen with furrowed eyebrows.

"What is it?"

"You're having twins, Mr and Mrs Arian. Two girls."

Two girls.

Two of them.

My ears begin to ring.




"You okay." I whisper to Cyrus, who is laying down in our bed.

He collapsed as soon as he found out we're having twin girls. I had to drive us home and he just about walked back up to our apartment before he collapsed back on our bed.

"Twins, Marnie." He whispers with wide eyes.

"Twin girls." I wink and his eyes roll to the back of his head and he's out again. "Silly man." I giggle and stroke his hair before walking out of our bedroom.

I walk down the corridor and stare at Camil's door. I take a deep breath before knocking on the door.

It slowly opens and he stares at me with bloodshot eyes.

"Yes?" He says, his voice hoarse.

"Wanna talk?" He steps to the side, letting me in and I walk into his bedroom sitting on the edge of his bed. He takes a seat next to me and I smile gently. "I'm sorry for upsetting you." I play with my fingers nervously and I feel him shrug.

"It's fine." He whispers and I turn to look at him and my heart breaks when I see his eyes watering.

"Camil." I whisper sadly and wrap my arms around him. My heart breaks even more when he begins to sob into the crook of my neck, his arms wrapping tightly around me.

"I don't want to be alone anymore, Marnie."

Awww poor Camil 🥺 also thank you for 6,000 followers🤍

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