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Chapter Four| Marnie

"You have a nice home." This man practically lives in a penthouse. I stare outside through the floor to ceiling windows and my eyes widen at the sight of London.

It must look so nice at night.

"Thanks, baby." I slowly nod my head and continue to look around. I furrow my eyebrows when I see a piano.

"You play the piano?" I smile at him and he nods his head. I walk over to it and look at how shiny it is. I don't dare touch it because it looks expensive. "Can you play something for me?" I grin.

"I will. Just not today." I pout my lips.

"Okay." I'm not going to lie, I'm a little disappointed but at least he didn't say no. "You live here alone?" I ask him, looking at all of the modern interior.

I follow him to a massive kitchen and take a seat at the kitchen island.

"I do." He says, sitting across from me.

"So you're lonely too?" I tilt my head at him and he smirks.

"Maybe, maybe not." He shrugs and I raise my eyebrows.

"Are you sure you brought me round here to cure my loneliness?" I laugh but quickly stop when I see he's not laughing with me. "Oh." I whisper and look away from him.

"I'm not lonely." He tells me but somehow I don't believe him.

"Even living here by yourself?" He shrugs his shoulders again. I decide to change the subject. "So how are you going to cure my loneliness?"

He stands up and opens up his arms. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"A hug?" He smiles and nods his head. "Why did you need to bring me to your home for a hug?"

He playfully rolls his eyes. "Do you want a hug or not, pretty baby?" I think about it for a second before walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist. "See. When was the last time someone hugged you like this?"

I smile into his chest, smelling his aftershave.

"A while." I whisper.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" He quietly says and I just nod.

I pull away and look up at him. "You're really tall."

"Six four." He nods. "What are you? Like five foot." He laughs, looking down at me.  I just give him a weird look.

"Do I look five foot? I'm five six." I lightly hit his shoulder and he chuckles.

I step on my tip-toes and smile up at him. 

"Fuck! You're so cute." He whispers and reaches up to touch my cheek.

"So are you gonna give me a tour?" I grin.


"I'm guessing your father taught you how to cook?" I question Cyrus as he makes Tagine. He spoons some of it up and holds it against my mouth.

"Try." He smiles and I open my mouth. My eyes widen at how good it tastes.

"Wow." I swallow the food and watch his smile widen.

"You like it?" I nod my head.

"More." I open my mouth and I watch as his smile drops a little. I slowly close my mouth. "Sorry, that was really rude of me."

"No, no, no." He gulps and then turns around to get some more. "I'm glad you like it, pretty baby." He winks.

An hour later and Cyrus and I are watching a film together. I've made him watch Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging with me because that film was the best growing up.

"Marnie, this film is boring." Cyrus yawns and I turn to look at him.

"Hey! Don't say that." I pout. He smiles and playfully rolls his eyes at me.

"Have I offended you?" He smirks.

"Yes." I cross my arms over my chest.

"You want another hug?" He opens his arms up and I bite my lip. His hugs are becoming my favourite thing. "Come on, you know my hugs are starting to become your favourite."

That's it. He's a mind reader.

"Okay." I whisper and shuffle over to him. He wraps his arms around me and I rest my head on his chest. "But your hugs are not the best." I tease.

"Really now?" I look up at him and smile as he looks down at me with raised eyebrows. "I give the best hugs, full stop."

We sit in silence and finish watching the film. Once it's finished I check my phone and gasp when I see the time.

It's ten at night.

"Oh my God. I need to go home!" I exclaim, jumping up from the sofa.

"Hey, slow down." Cyrus chuckles at me. "I'll drive you home."

"Thank you." I nod.

I put my shoes on and then follow Cyrus to an underground car park. He leads me to a Range Rover and helps me into the passenger seat.

I feel my face getting hot again. I put my seatbelt on and watch him get in the drivers seat. I give Cyrus my address and he begins to drive as we sit in a comfortable silence.

Fifteen minutes later he pulls up outside mine and Jas' flat.

"Thank you." I turn to face him after I take my seatbelt off.

"It's all good." He smiles at me. "So when am I seeing you again, pretty baby?" His smile turns into a smirk and I smirk back at him.

I open the door and then close it. Cyrus winds the window down and I bend down to look at him. "I might text you." I wink.

"No. You will text me." He tells me sternly. "I enjoy being in your presence, I would like to make it an reoccurring thing."

"Okay, okay. I will text you, don't know when but I will." I then turn around walking into the building.

"You better, pretty baby!" He shouts and I turn to wave at him.

He gives me a small smile and drives off as soon as I'm safely inside.

I walk into the empty flat, knowing Jas is probably with Lucy. I get ready for bed and just as I'm about to fall asleep I get a notification on my phone.

My smile reappears when I see it's from Cyrus.

How about I text first, so you don't have to, pretty baby. Plus I don't like waiting x

Aw, so cute lol x🤍

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