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Chapter Nine| Marnie

Cyrus has been in there for ten minutes and I'm really wondering if I should go in there to see what's going on. However a couple minutes later I watch as he comes storming out of the shop and my eyes widen at how angry he looks.

He gets in the car, slamming the door. I watch as he takes a deep breath and then he places a bag of snacks gently on my lap and I look at his bloody knuckle.

"Cyrus." I whisper, grabbing his injured hand.

"It's nothing, baby." He leans forward and kisses the side of my head. "The fucker deserved it, he attempted to hurt you, Marnie and I don't take that shit lightly." He tells me, switching on the engine.

"Well thank you for the snacks." I smile and he chuckles.

"Anything for my pretty baby." He says as he begins to drive and I smile.

"So what did you do to him?"

"Went in there, picked him up from the floor then punched him........a lot. Kicked him, picked up your snacks and then went to pay." He shrugs and I slowly nod my head. "Nobody is allowed to hurt you, Marnie."

"I know." I whisper and interlace our fingers together. 

"I shouldn't of let you go in there by yourself." He sighs, clenching his jaw and I furrow my eyebrows.

"You weren't suppose to know that man was going to be in there. There are weirdos everywhere, Cyrus, you're not going to be able to protect me from all of them." I reason with him.

"Well I can try." He tightens his hand and I smile, resting my head against the headrest.

"You look extra hot when you're angry." I smirk and I watch as he casts me a quick glance. "Makes me want to do bad things to you." I whisper.

"Marnie." He growls out, trying to keep his cool.

"What?" I say innocently.

He removes his hand from my own and I feel a little disappointed but that quickly changes when he places his hand on my thigh instead.

I trace the veins and tattoos on his hand and grin.

"Your hands are really sexy." I continue to tease him.

"Marnie, stop or I'll pull over and put you on my dick and you're not ready for that." He warns and I bite my lip.

"Fine." I whisper and turn to stare out the window. "But just to let you know I am ready........for that dick." I whisper the last part.


It's two in the morning and I've woken up extremely horny. Cyrus is asleep next to me, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist and I'm laying here wide awake.

I clench my thighs together and a quiet moan escapes my lips.

Should I wake him?

No. I can't wake him just because I'm horny.

I fidget around, trying to get comfortable but sigh. The ache between my thighs is not going away.

"Pretty baby." I jump when I hear Cyrus' low voice. "What's wrong?" He croaks, pulling me closer to him.

I bite my lip. "Nothing." I whisper.

"Don't lie to me." He tightens his arm and I sigh, feeling embarrassed. "What do you need?"

I slowly grab his uninjured hand from under the covers and lead it to where I want.

"Tell me what you want." I pout my lip.

"Touch me, please Cyrus." I whisper and I hear him groan in pleasure. His hand slips into my underwear and I moan as he begins to rub my clit. "My pretty baby needs attention, hmm?" He whispers gently and I nod my head.

He slips two fingers inside of me and I cuddle him closer to me. "That feels good." I moan and he latches his lips onto my neck adding onto the pleasure.

"Fuck, I want to be inside you so bad." He growls as he starts to increase his movement with his fingers. "But not yet, pretty baby. I don't think you're ready for me just yet." I reply with a loud moan.

The feeling of his fingers is enough pleasure, I can't imagine what his dick will feel like.

"Cyrus." My eyes flutter closes as I feel my orgasm slowly building up.

"That's it baby, come for daddy." Oh my God. That's enough to make me come around his fingers. I whimper into his neck and tighten my arms around him. "That's my good girl." He whispers gently.

"Thank you." I smile. Satisfied and happy I can now go to sleep.

"You know you can always wake me up with things like this, pretty baby. I enjoy pleasuring you." He whispers, kissing my forehead. "You tired?"

"Yeah." I just about say and he nods, cuddling me closer to his chest.


"We're flying first class?" I look at Cyrus in shock as we walk to the check in desk. His arm is securely wrapped around my waist and he nods his head.

"Of course." He says like it's normal. "I want you to be comfortable, especially since you told me you're scared of flying."

"Well I guess if we we're to die, at least we would be going out in style." I try to joke.

"We're not going to die." He chuckles, shaking his head. "Crazy baby." He mumbles, kissing my forehead.

"Where's Camil?" I question, only just realising he should be with us.

"He's flying out tomorrow."

We check in, go through security and shop in duty free and before I know it we're up in the air on our way to Morocco.

This better be a good trip.

Daddy Cyrus 👁👅👁
Also this book has reached 10,000 reads thank you 🤍

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