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Thirty-One| Marnie

"What?" Samatha frowns at me and I continue to smile.

"Well I was expecting you." I tell her, pouting my lip. "You see, even though Cyrus and I are together, I can tell he's still in love with you." Her face brightens at my words and a devilish smirk then etches onto her face.

"What can I say? I always made that man happy." I cringe on the inside.

"Obviously I wasn't good enough." I give her a sad smile and she laughs.

"Well I'm not being funny, look at you and then look at me." She scoffs and I bite my lip.

"Well he's out there." I shrug in defeat and she grins, spinning on her heel and strutting out of the toilets.

A huge sigh escapes my lips and I wait a couple minutes before exiting the toilet and into the now empty restaurant which only holds me, Cyrus, Samantha and Camil who is holding her at gunpoint.

I raise my eyebrows as I see for the first time he is dressed in a black suit with black leather gloves covering his hands and a cigarette hanging from his lips.


He looks good.

"You bitch! You set me up!" She growls out and Camil rolls his eyes, gripping her tighter.

"Shut the fuck up." He grits his teeth.

I watch Cyrus stand up and button his suit jacket, he adjusts the gold watch around his wrist and then looks at Samantha who is looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Don't do this Cyrus, I love you." She cries and
I roll my eyes.

"Shut the fuck up." Cyrus says this time and I hold back a laugh as I watch Samantha look at him traumatised by his words.

"Cyrus, look what she's turned you into!" She exclaims, snarling at me. Cyrus steps in front of me, blocking my view of the witch.

"She's made me a better man, she's made my life worth living. She doesn't abuse me like you did, she cares and loves me." My heart warms at his words.

However my eyes then widen when I see about six men also dressed in black suits walk through the restaurant, holding massive guns.

I press my hand against Cyrus' back, scared but then a sigh of relief escapes my lips when they acknowledge Camil as 'boss'.

"What the fuck is going on?" Samantha whimpers.

"Are you that deluded that you thought I'd let you back into my life?" Cyrus lightly chuckles. "You're an abusive piece of shit, Samantha. You set someone up to nearly rape me, you killed my father which I can only thank you for because he was as much scum as you are!" Cyrus steps forward until he is nearly chest to chest to her.

She looks up at him in fear.

"W-What are you going to do to me?" She whispers.

"Nothing, Samantha. I don't need to waste any more of my time on you, so....." he points to Camil who is holding her hostage. "My brother, you see, he has a lot of anger inside of him and he needs to release that anger."

I watch as Camil smirks and cocks his gun.

"You think once you kill me this is all going to be over?" Samantha laughs and I choose to stand right next to Cyrus, lacing my fingers with him. "There's one more person in your family that's gonna betray you, they aren't who they say they are."

I furrow my eyebrows at her words.

One more person?

I feel Cyrus' hand tighten around mine.

One more person.


Adela's so called lover.

"Samantha, burn in hell." Cyrus finishes and leads me out of the restaurant. He nods at his brother as we walk past and Camil winks at me, making me playfully roll my eyes.

He's going to kill Samantha.

And that's okay.


"You are indeed pregnant, Mrs Arian." I furrow my eyebrows.

And it's not because of the fact I am actually pregnant but the fact he called me Mrs Arian.

I look at Cyrus who avoids eye contact with me but I can see the small smile trying to break free.

"That was very unprofessional from the doctor who did your test at the hospital." I nod my head.

"Don't worry, I'll have that sorted." Cyrus nods sternly and I bite my lip.

We finish up with the doctor and then make our way home. As soon as we walk through the front door, Cyrus asks for the name of the doctor that got my test wrong and then he is on the phone barking out orders.

I leave him to it and make myself a bowl of cereal.

Camil emerges into the kitchen and takes a seat right next to me and pours his own bowl of cereal.

"What's with the suit?" I question and he shrugs, rolling the sleeves of his black dress shirt up to reveal the tattoos on his arm.

"Thought I'd try it out." He smirks and I nod my head, shoving another spoonful of cereal into my mouth. "You know, killing that bitch was so satisfying. I mean it wasn't a quick death, that would be too easy but there was just something about watching her suffer for all the shit she did to Cyrus."

I give Camil the side eye and catch him smiling like what he said was normal.

"No need to go into detail." I tell him and he chuckles, nudging me lightly.

"Now I've got to go and kill Amir before he hurts my mum." So I was right.

"Well who is looking after her now?" I question.

"Some of my men."

"Are you in the mafia or something?" He winks and stands up from his chair.

"Got to go." He pats my head and walks out the front door.

"Pretty baby." I turn to face Cyrus and smile. "Samantha paid the doctor to lie." He sighs, taking the seat that was previously occupied by Cam.

"Typical." I scoff.

"All I can say is the fucker doesn't have a job no more." I smile and nod my head. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." I whisper, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I'm going back to Morocco tomorrow with Camil." He tells me and my heart drops, I turn to face him. "I want you to stay here, you're safer here." I bite my lip and he sighs, pulling my lip out with his thumb.

"I don't want to be alone." I whisper and I watch as his eyes flash with worry.

"What about your friend?"

I guess I could stay with Lucy but then I'd have to listen to her and her girlfriend late at night.

But then I don't want to be alone so I don't have a choice.

"Okay." I smile and he smiles back, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

The last forehead kiss I'd get for a very long time.


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