Chapter 4

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The next morning Sevyn was in a deep sleep when she heard loud vibrations on her night stand, she huffed "WHAT THE FUCK" she said looking at the phone feeling like she just hit the pillow. Aiko stirred in her sleep next to her "put that shit on silent PLEASE" she whined  

Sevyn looked at the time across the top of her phone it read 6am and she shook her head seeing Amari calling. She put him on do not disturb and rolled over going back to sleep. She knew it was petty but she didn't give a fuck she felt if it was important, he'd leave a message.  

Around noon time Sevyn was head deep under her pillow when she smelled turkey bacon cooking. She rolled over not feeling koko lying next to her so she sat up at the edge of the bed pulling herself together walking to the bathroom to complete her hygiene. She walked down the hallway to the kitchen and living room area, she seen Kamaro laid out in the middle of the living-room floor with his pants halfway down and shoes still on.

She laughed to herself pulling out her phone to take a video for memories. Sevyn followed the sounds of "Ayeeee" to the kitchen where Aiko was standing watching her snaps from last night shaking her head giggling while cooking.

"G last night was too lit" Aiko said flipping over the turkey bacon smiling 

Sevyn walked over taking a water out the fridge and sat on the counter "Yea I really had a good time... Hey did you ever get ol boy's number" Sevyn questioned sipping her water

Aiko turned to Sevyn and said "Yess Sev he's so fine and can hold a decent conversation"

"ya'll texting already... damn let me find out" Sev smirked moving her eyebrows up and down playfully. Sevyn pulled out her phone checking her notifications   


1,567 notifications 


From, Sky💉🩸🤞🏾:

I'm goin home with Vaughn 

Don't forget to lock the door

Damn did ya'll make it home safe  👀

I love you 💕🤞🏾

Sevyn laughed reading Skylar's messages 

20missed calls Babe🤸🏾‍♀️💜

From, Babe🤸🏾‍♀️💜:

You really got me fucked up Sevyn

So you out here hugged up with niggas now 

You see me fuckin callin yo ass 

iight bet

Sevyn jumped down off the counter walking into the living room to sit on the couch. She grabbed the remote cutting on the tv. "tell me when the food is done, I'm hungry as hell. I went to bed drunk and didn't eat any food from that place last night" she said 

"Yea" Aiko yelled over the tv sounds and turned back around to scramble the eggs she was cooking 

Sevyn turned on Netflix looking through the selection before deciding on Umbrella Academy. She put her foot on Kamaro's head rubbing it back and forth, he started to stir in his sleep. He reached up touching his head to feel what was on him "girl get ya damn feet off me" he mugged her 

"Boyyy shut the hell up breakfast almost done ya ass need to be up anyway" she waved him off 

He rolled over on the floor stretching his body before letting out a screeching noise. Kam sat up rubbing his head "extra toothbrush and rag in the closet outside your bathroom right" she shook her head yes snuggling under the blanket getting more comfortable.

Aiko walked around the island into the Livingroom plopping down on top of Sevyn "food is done I made ya'll plates sitting on the counter" she said 

"okay get off me then" she pushed koko on the floor to go grab her and Kamaro's plates to bring back in the living room. "damn see how I get treated badly after I slaved over this hot stove for ya'll" she chuckled

Kamaro came running out the kitchen holding their drinks squealing "Omg wtf I hate ya'll! I missed my damn dick appointment last night!" they all fell out into laughter 

"Sooo I'm going out with the guy from last night to night. Nothin serious just a lil dinner" Aiko blushed reading her phone. She turned to kamaro with a big smile on her face "how much do you love me kam" she questioned He turned to her mouth full of food "Why?" he raised his brows. 

"can you do my makeup and straighten my hair?" 

"yea but after that I gotta leave and go home my lil bae wanna see me" he said drinking his orange juice  Sevyn walked over to the sink to wash out her dishes "so everybody leaving me tonight huh" she poked her lip out

"pretty much" they both said in unison 

Atfer eating the trio sat there laughing and talking about everything that happened last night at the club and the diner they went to after. Before they knew it 4:30pm rolled around Kamaro got up and started working on aiko's hair and makeup. "he told me be ready at 6pm" aiko said almost ready staring at herself in the mirror. He was putting the finishing touches on her hair while sevyn sat there playing on her phone. 

"one thing bout you koko, you a bad bitch" he hyped her up. Sevyn shook her head in agreement 

Putting her shoes on Aiko walked towards the door "I'm leaving Sev I'll be back late, late tonight if everything goes as planned" she said. "I'm out too, plus I wanna see what this nigga look like" Kamaro said hugging and kissing both cheeks. She walked them both to the door opening it standing there watching them leave together. 

Kamaro walked to his truck peeping out his shades at Aiko's date. Damn he fine Kamaro thought to himself seeing him get out the car to open Koko's car door. Sevyn closed the door and started walking towards her bathroom to take a shower.

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