Chapter 38

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3months later...


"Umm right there Sevyn" Amari said sitting in his car with the seat laid back outside of Takala's house she was currently giving him head. Takala was just a chick he talked to when he was bored. Sevyn made it clear after she had Sincere she and Amari would only be co-parenting for now but that didn't stop him from loving and wanting to be with her.

Takala sat up completely looking at him with a mean attitude "Really Amari, why you always callin' me her name" He opened his eyes and sat up about to open his mouth to speak but his phone rang it was Sevyn

Incoming call MyWorld❤️🌏....

"Wassup Mommy" he said fixing his pants looking at Takala sit back in the seat with a unhappy look on her face

"Amari are you still gonna watch Sincere for me tonight right" he could hear her smiling into the phone

"Why wouldn't I bring my son" he said still looking at Takala hoping she wouldn't start talking while he was on the phone

"You're too good to us Daddy" she said laughing in the phone making him cheese from ear to ear

"It's whatever for ya'll you know that" he said honestly

"I'll bring him by in an hour okay" she questioned

"iight I'll be there" he said before hanging up

He turned to face Takala and she was staring at him pissed "Why do I feel like I'm just some hoe that's always comin' last to you, you always jump when she calls" she sat up putting her fingers in his face slightly raising her voice. He grabbed her hand "You better chill the fuck out Takala and check that fuckin' attitude, my son gon' always come first remember that" he snapped on her

She sat back in the seat getting silent looking out the car window trying not to cry. "Listen I gotta go I'ma hit you later" he half lied. She sat up looking at him like he was crazy "What so that's it you not comin' inside" she snapped

"Quit wit all the dramatics yo I said I'ma call you later damn" he said with an attitude now. Takala got out his truck slamming the door as hard as she could. He just shook his head and drove off. He thought to himself thank god he ain't fuck her just yet if she actin' this crazy


Sevyn had just pulled up to Amari's place she was gathering Sincere's baby bag and car seat. Once she had everything together she walked in the building getting on the elevator, she got off on Amari's floor and rang the bell.

He opened the door and she walked in with the car seat placing it on his coffee table. Sincere was sleep the car ride over there knocked him right out. Amari walked over to the car seat "Look at my shorty" he said unbuckling him from the seat. Once Sincere heard his daddy's voice his eyes popped right open

Sevyn shook her head at the site Sincere was cooing and cheesing showing nothing but gums for his daddy. "So it's forget Mommy now huh Sin" she laughed

"Leave my boy alone he know who his favorite parent is" Amari picked up Sincere waving Sevyn off. She walked to the bathroom to check how she looked and Amari walked up standing in the doorway "whea' you going Mommy" Mari asked staring at her outfit

Sevyn turned to him and tilted her head "you really wanna know"

Amari stood there holding Sincere as he was grabbing his face with his little hands "Yea why wouldn't I Sev" he raised his brow. She kissed Sin's cheeks and looked up at him "A date Boogie"

His face dropped "Wit who" he questioned looking at her with sad eyes. She walked out the bathroom back into the living room making sure she grabbed everything the baby needed which was nothing really because he had everything at his daddy's house already "With Kelsey" she said lowly

"C'mon fa real Phatz his lame ass" he shook his head but he couldn't be mad. "You see how she do ya daddy Sin" he spoke to Sincere and he cheesed like it was the funniest thing ever

"What Amari look I gotta go I'll be back late tonight okay call me if you need anything" she rushed out the door before he questioned her any further.

Amari watched her walk out the door never taking his eyes off her body "Damn I miss ya Mommy, you think she'll take me back soon" he questioned Sincere with a serious face while he was cooing and drooling

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