Chapter 60

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4days later...

It was 6 in the morning Sevyn was dropping Sincere off at Amari's apartment she still wasn't talking to him because she was mad. Amari came downstairs to get Sin he noticed Sevyn was driving her camaro again and he made a mental note to see if her new car was ready yet. He didn't tell her he was getting it because he didn't want to argue about it.

"Good morning beautiful" he said to her reaching in the car for the baby. "Morning" she said not looking at him. He peeked at her ring finger to make sure her ring was still on and it was. "Have a good day Baby" he tried to kiss her and she gave him cheek "Thanks I'm running late close the door please" she said waving him back. He grabbed the baby bag snuggled a sleeping Sin and walked back upstairs.

Around noon time Amari was at the car dealer with Grim picking up Sevyn's new army green Lamborghini truck with black and green Interior he figured she loved her truck so much he'd buy it again since Takala ruined the other one, and he didn't want his son in a coupe.

"Sevyn still not fuckin' wit you" Grim asked raising his brows. "Nah she don't talk to me I can't even get her to come over but she still got her ring on" he shrugged. "She been dropping Sin off everyday early before work and telling me to come downstairs so she not in a room alone with me" Amari scoffed. "Damn what about Takala she still harassing you" Grim asked. "Yea I blocked her she got a new number just to call, I'm bout to change my number" he fussed

Once the car was ready he drove it to her house left it in the driveway with the ribbon and a note. He called Skylar told her to tell Sevyn to come straight home after work and she did.

Sevyn had just pulled up to her house and seen the new truck with a ribbon in the driveway. She parked and walked in the house "Girl I love your new truck" Sevyn said walking in the kitchen putting her work bags down. "That's your truck babygirl" Skylar said smirking sipping from her wine glass. "What?" Sevyn scrunched up her face. "Yup Amari left it here for you" she handed her the keys Sevyn's face was bright red as she took the keys and walked outside

She sat in the drivers seat and read the note "Since you loved the last one so much I got you another one and I'm sorry Phatz I know you mad at me right now but I love you and when you ready to talk I'm around" Sevyn sat back and just looked around her new truck smiling.

Hours later....

Amari was dropping Sincere back off with Sevyn he walked up to the door and knocked Skylar opened the door "Hey" she said letting them in Sin was half sleep in his arms. He walked to Sevyn's room took the baby's clothes off put him in the bed, kissed and rubbed his curls before standing up to leave.

Sevyn walked out her closet from putting clothes away "Leaving already" she said looking at him. "Not if you want me to stay" he shrugged. She walked over and wrapped her arms around him hugging him tight "Can you stay the night" she looked up at him he shook his head yes. He looked down at her ring and kissed her hand

She laid on top of him and put her face in the crook of his neck he caressed her back with his hands. "I want you to know I haven't even talk to that bitch ever since we been back together I love you and I'm serious about this engagement I can't wait for you to be my wife officially" he said with his eyes closed Sevyn just listened and shook her head. "You hear me baby" he asked opening his eyes to look at her. "I hear you" she snuggled him tighter. "So you gonna stop being mean to me lil girl" he rubbed her back then rested his hand on her ass. She looked up and kissed his lips he smirked in satisfaction

Amari had his arms wrapped around Sevyn while snoring he was supposed to be watching wedding shows with her for ideas but he fell asleep after smoking. "Amari! Amari! Look that dress is beautiful" she said tapping his arm while looking at the tv. "Yea Yea I like that" he said with his eyes closed still half sleep. "Baby I want David Tutera to plan our wedding how much you think it cost for him" she asked looking up at him. "Ion know if you want him I'll make it happen" he said with his eyes closed.

She looked up his price to book him on her phone "Nah it's 30 thousand dollars for him" she sighed Amari snuggled her tighter "That's it? setup a meeting with him if you want that nigga you gon' get him" he kissed her shoulder. "That's way too much Mari" she said "For who" he opened his eyes "If my wife want it she got it you never ask me for nothing so let me do this stop being stubborn" he turned her around to face him "Gimme kiss" he kissed her and put his hand in her panties he rubbed his fingers against her then inside her "Umm" she moaned lowly

Sincere woke up and crawled right in between them he put his hands on Sevyn's face and kissed her she started laughing "You stay blocking daddy" Amari shook his head an Sin kissed him too giggling out of control showing his dimples 

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