Chapter 25

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3weeks later....


Sevyn was at work throwing up for the sixth time that day in the break room bathroom. "Ayo Sevyn you good babygirl" Kelsey said through the door

She pulled her hair back in a ponytail while she was leaned over the toilet "Yea I'm fine Kellz" she yelled back to him right before emptying her guts

Sevyn had been so sick lately she thought it was because the heartbreak she was currently dealing with she didn't eat or sleep much in the past few weeks

She walked out Kelsey was standing there with a cool wash cloth to wipe her face "Thank you" she took the wash cloth holding it to her head

"You sure you alright Sev" he looked concerned

She turned around to answer him and passed out he caught her before she fell on the ground. He carried her bridal style out the break room

"I'm taking her down to the emergency room" he said to their supervisor and he nodded in agreement

He took her down and waited with her to be seen. She woke up holding her head "where am I" she spoke

"You had a dizzy spell so i had to bring you to the ER" he pushed her hair behind her ear

"Thank you" she slightly smiled

The doctor came in to run some test on her and Kelsey got up to leave and go back to work on the floor she was grateful for him taking care of her

She waited in the room for her results for everything to come back. She read a text from her Boss telling her to go home early and take the next 3days off she was relieved cause she felt like shit literally

The doctor walked back in the room with a smile "How you feeling Sevyn" she asked

"Horrible Dr Paolucci" she said honestly to her

The doctor came fully in the room standing in front of Sevyn "Well I may have so good news for you" Dr Paolucci said

"That's good" Sevyn smiled just ready to get her blood results so she can go

"Sevyn your tests came back great and your pregnancy test came back positive congratulations" Dr Paolucci said in excitement

"Excuse me Dr Paolucci what?" Sevyn questioned standing up

Dr Paolucci said it again and Sevyn lost it she started crying hysterically like someone died

"No no no I can't be" she cried thinking back to the last time she had sex with Amari then she remembered she never got the plan B like she planned on doing because of everything that happened

"Don't cry Sevyn it's okay you have options" the doctor rubbed her back

"Options what options" she cried but she already knew her options

"Think everything over and I want you to see this Obgyn named Chary for prenatal care" she handed her a card to set up an appointment

"Thank you Dr Paolucci" Sevyn pulled herself together and headed home for rest of the day

On the ride home it was silent Sevyn kept thinking to herself I can't be somebody's Mommy then she started to cry again

She didn't know what to do she had blocked Amari from every part of her life since that day everything happened it hurt like hell because she missed him every single day

She was just grateful to have good people in her corner helping her through it. She pulled up home luckily no one was home cause it was mid-day she came right in slipped out her clothes and into bed 

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