Chapter 41

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When the elevator dinged Sevyn walked off running into a pretty dark skin girl with a nice shape, she smiled at the girl but the girl scrunched up her face and rolled her eyes she was trying hard to get a look in the baby's car seat.

Sevyn didn't think anything of it just kept it pushing so she could drop Sincere off with Ariana she had been dying to see him for a week now. Once she dropped Sincere off she stopped to full up her gas tank but realized she couldn't find her wallet anywhere. Then she remembered she left it in her Chanel bag in Amari's living room "Shit" she huffed rolling her eyes. She called him but for the first time in a long time he didn't answer for her

So she turned around and made the 15minute drive back to his apartment from the gas station. She got there fairly quick partly because she was talking on the phone to Aiko about her date and the slip up with Amari last night

She pulled up parked and jumped out the truck heading for the elevator. She got on it going all the way up to the top floor. "KoKo let me call you right back" she said approaching Amari's door
She didn't knock she just used her old key to open the door thinking nobody was there. "Boogie Boogie" she yelled and the same dark skin girl in the elevator sat up on the couch

"Why tf are you here" Takala said to Sevyn with a rude attitude. Sevyn walked all the way in the living room grabbing her bag "Bitch who you talkin' to, better yet who tf are you and why are you here" she tilted her head with a look of disgust at how the girl came off

Takala knew exactly who Sevyn was her pictures were still up in his apartment she just wanted to get under her skin because she felt Amari and Sevyn were still fucking and she didn't like that. She felt she was the new lady in his life and Sevyn had to go period.

Takala got up from the couch standing up "This is my mans house watch ya mouth" she put her hands on her hip. Sevyn couldn't help but to burst out laughing in the girls face "Ooh yea sis my bad you got it"

Sevyn walked back to Amari's room and heard the shower running in his bathroom she kicked the door open making him flinch. She was mad as fuck but she knew she had no reason to be since he was free to do what he wanted "Really Amari, I thought you wanted your family and you wanted to come home" Sevyn mocked his moans from last night with a noticeable attitude

She didn't mean to but her jealousy was showing. "Yea iight nigga don't call me unless it's about ya son period" she said walking out the bathroom

Amari jumped out the shower so fast leaving it running grabbing a towel walking close behind her "Sevyn! Sevyn!" He caught up to her in the living room grabbing her arm. "You deadass Mari" Sevyn tilted her head

"Really Amari wtf is going on, I know that's not hickeys on your neck and chest nigga " Takala walked closer now getting a better look because his shirt was off she seen bite marks too. Takala jumped on his back hitting him. He pushed the hell out of her making her fall on the floor, he was mad she was even still there he been told her ass to leave. "Sevyn c'mon stop always running from me this ain't what you thinking"

"So what is it" both girls said in unison looking at him unhappy

"You know what have a good day that's my bad for showing up unannounced we good I promise, and nice meeting you Amari's girlfriend I'm the mother of his son Sincere" Sevyn walked out the door pissed heading to her truck but the more she thought about it she had no reason to be

Amari just smacked his lips it seemed like he couldn't win when it came to getting her back...

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