Chapter 28

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3months later...


Sevyn was getting ready for Kamaro's birthday dinner she was finally in good spirits since her breakup. Her family seemed to be in her corner and happy to have an edition to the family

She had told Amari's mother, grandmother, and his brother but asked them please not to tell him because she didn't need the stress during her pregnancy surprisingly they agreed. So it seem like she was having it her way a low key pregnancy.

Sevyn danced around her room to Beyoncé Sorry that seemed to be her theme song these day

"Let's have a toast to the good life

Suicide before you see this tear fall down my eyes

Me and my baby, we gon' be alright

We gon' live a good life

Big homie better grow up" she sang along to the song moisturizing her belly that was now starting to show

"Don't hurt em big Momma" Saint said walking in the room she had been doing occasional pop ups on her daughter to check on her during her pregnancy

"Momma" she walked over to her mother hugging her tight

"You're glowing babygirl" her mother said touching her belly

"I guess" she said finishing up getting dressed she wanted to be comfortable tonight so no heels just sneakers

"I just came to kiss my grandbaby" Saint kissed her stomach and don't forget Sunday dinner at your grandmothers house

"Okay love you Momma" she kissed Saint and walked out her room grabbing her keys and purse

"You ready Big Momma" Aiko and Sky said in unison looking at her

"Yes I feel pretty tonight take my picture" she handed them her phone she was gonna finally post on Instagram after going ghost for 3months

"Yeaaaa mother first, bad bitch immediately after" Sky laughed snapping her pictures

"Fa sure" Aiko agreed

They took her picture and she posted it already knowing  Amari couldn't see it cause he was block and they were off to Kamaro's birthday celebration for the night 


Amari was in his condo getting things set up for the guys to watch the fight over there. He ordered pizza and wings had his mother fry him his own fish since that's all he craved these days and made sure he had bottles

He lit up a backwood and walked to the door stopping at Sevyn's picture on the table by the front door looking at it damn I miss her he thought before opening the door for Grim, Dice, and Casheem.

"Yerrr" Grim yelled walking in the house

"Who ya'll lame niggas got money on, my money on Tank" Amari said blowing out weed smoke through his nose

"Me too" Dice said sitting on the couch

"Shit I got Yuriorkis, 3,000 on it" Casheem chuckled

Grim was sitting quietly all of a sudden smoking his blunt.

"Nigga you can't hear us all of a sudden" Amari joked looking at Grim

"Ayo look at this shit Sevyn posted" Grim's eyes grew wide and he put his hand over his mouth

Amari panicked thinking she was happy with someone else. He jumped up reaching for Grim's phone damn near almost breaking his neck he clicked on her page

 He jumped up reaching for Grim's phone damn near almost breaking his neck he clicked on her page

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Liked by NurseBaeKellz, Only1Koko, HotBoyMaro, DJVonDon, GrimReaper and 45,783 others

LuckySevyn: Me and my baby, we gon' be alright We gon' live a good life 💕💙 #mommiana #surpriseitsus #3monthslay

NurseBaeKellz: How you still so gorgeous at 3months 😍

HotBoyMaro: look at niece growing all healthy and what not 😭😍

Only1Koko: Aht Aht you mean nephew it's a boy @HotBoyMaro

SkyistheLimit: Big Momma 😍💕

DJVonDon: Sky Next 😏

2500 more comments

Amari looked at the post reading the comments and looking at how beautiful Sevyn looked. He was in shock she never even called him to tell him that she was pregnant. To be honest he was sad as hell he wanted to be there with her through her whole pregnancy

"So you wasn't gonna tell niggas you got a seed on the way" Dice mugged Amari

"Shit I ain't even know I'm blocked from everything" Amari sighed putting his head in his hands

"She do look good pregnant she got that glow people be talkin' bout and shit" Grim said laughing

"Watch ya mouth nigga" Amari warned

Grim threw his hands up in defense chuckling....

Ya'll think Sevyn wrong for not telling Amari she's pregnant?

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