Chapter 62

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Aiko had just finished coming from a dress fitting with Sevyn and the bridal party she was really liking the selections David had for them so far. Sevyn walked her to the car "Girl I gotta hurry up and go pick up Sincere Armani said he has to be at his girlfriend's basketball game" Sevyn hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Okay I'm gonna go surprise Que at the studio" Aiko said getting in her car to leave "Alright call me later" Sevyn waved

She got in the car to head to the studio and her phone started ringing it was Grim "Wassup Beautiful" he smiled into the phone. "Hey what you doin'" she asked him. "Tryna see you for dinner tonight" he said. She sighed "You know I can't tonight I told you I have plans maybe tomorrow night?" she asked and the line went silent "So cancel them" he said in a demanding tone. "Maybe I'll see" she said and he said "iight" with a slight attitude before hanging up the phone she sighed this sneaking around shit was starting to make her feel extremely guilty but she couldn't just shut off her feelings for Grim

She pulled up to the studio parked her car fixed her lip gloss in the mirror before hopping out and heading inside. Aiko walked down the hallway humming to beat of Que's song she heard coming from the door at the end of the hall. Aiko pushed the door open and the room was dark with neon lights glowing normally it would be a crowd of people in on his sessions today it seemed like nobody was there. She heard some noises coming from the booth so she cut the lights on and looked through the glass and seen Que having sex with Alexis Sky her eyes grew wide mouth dropped open as she listened to their moans and watched them.

She kicked open the glass door to the booth "You deadass serious Quincy" Aiko started walking towards him and he pushed Alexis off of his lap. "You need to calm down Bae it's not what you thinking" he said pulling his pants up. Alexis started pulling her clothes on "He never even mentioned you" she moved behind Que. Aiko wasn't even mad because this was her way out to finally be with Kobe she just turned to Que "Nah I'm good on you I'll be out by tonight" Aiko yelled with watery eyes.

She turned to walk away from him and he grabbed her arm she snatched away and he grabbed the back of her neck and slapped the hell out of her. She held her face looking at him like he was crazy because blood was coming from her nose. "Are you crazy nigga" Aiko started swinging on him and he slapped her again making her fall to the ground "Aiko you betta take ya ass home NOW and I'ma deal with you when I get there" he snapped. Aiko was in shock he really hit her not once but twice she just sat there dazed he yanked her off the floor and dragged her outside to her car "When I get home we betta be there" he yelled pushing her into the car slamming the door

Grim was laid up in bed watching sports center when his doorbell rang he didn't answer at first but when a commercial came on he got up to get a snack from the kitchen. He walked past the front door the bell rang again

"who is it" he yelled from his side of the door the person didn't say anything. He walked to the window and peeped out he could see who he thought was Aiko. He opened the door and Aiko fell into his chest crying hysterically he stepped back letting her in the house closing the door. He looked at her face and snapped "Who the fuck put they hands on you" he walked into his living room to get his gun and his car keys "please no Kobe just stay with me I need you right now" she pleaded because she didn't want him doing something stupid

He carried Aiko to the bathroom sat her on the toilet and cleaned the blood from her face not saying a word and neither did she. When he was done he ran her bath water poured her a glass of wine rubbed the bruise on her face and stepped out so she could get herself together and he could get himself together because he was ready to kill any nigga or bitch that put they hands on her

He walked downstairs to the Kitchen and the bell rang he grabbed his gun off the coffee table and opened the door pointing it "What!" Grim's voice felt like it shook the house Amari walked in laughing "Chill killa" he threw his hands up in defense. He closed the door behind him "My bad bro" he put his gun down on the table. Amari sat on the couch and put his feet up "why Aiko car outside Whea' she at" he questioned raising his brows. Aiko came downstairs in her towel "Kobe can you.." she stopped and ran back up the stairs when she seen Amari on the couch.

"Hold up wtf is goin' on" Amari looked at Grim "Kobe?" He raised his brows amused now because Grim never told people his government. "Chill bro that's the chick I been talkin' about that's why you never met her" Grim smirked. "Word I feel special to know y'all lil secret, I am the only one that knows right" Amari laughed. "Nah bro Sevyn know surprised she ain't tell you" Grim shrugged. "Umm is that right, I gotta go nigga but your lil secret safe wit me link wit me tomorrow" Amari got up dapped him and walked out the door

Grim locked the door and went up to the bathroom he looked at Aiko in the tub "Well that's one more person" he sat on the edge looking at her and she looked at him "Sorry" she said looking down. "Sorry for what idc who knows I'm just tryna respect your situation" he kissed her lips "I'ma move ya car in the garage before Dice pull up unannounced too" he smirked walking out the bathroom

Sevyn was putting Amari's plate in the microwave for when he got home and finished cleaning up the kitchen. Sincere came running in the kitchen crying "What happened Papa" she picked him up he pointed to his head "you hit your head" she poked her bottom lip out and he shook his head yes rubbing it while tears were still coming down. She kissed his head turned up the song No Ordinary love by Sade that was playing and rocked him to the music while rubbing his curls he fell asleep instantly

Amari was watching Sevyn rock Sin to the music and he smiled to himself and walked up behind her kissing Sincere's forehead "Let me put him to bed" he took Sin out her arms walked to his room put him in his bed turned on his night light and cracked the door. He walked back in the Kitchen Sevyn was putting the rest of the food away singing the song playing he warmed up his plate and leaned on the counter waiting for the microwave to stop. Sevyn leaned into him "How was your day" she rubbed his face and he kissed her hand

"Good, baby are keeping any secrets from me" he grinned. "Look Mari I just took a test to be sure, it came back negative" she looked at him "Huh Sevyn" he raised his brows grabbing his food to sit at the table. "I'm talking about Grim and Aiko what you talkin' about" he questioned taking a bite of his food. "Ooh Yea I'm sorry baby I knew since before my birthday" she giggled. "Back up let's talk about this test" he looked at her scrunching up his face chewing his food. "Well I thought I was pregnant again because my period was late so I took a test but I guess I was just stressed" she shrugged.

"Why you ain't tell me" he drank his Snapple she pulled out the fridge for him. "I didn't want you getting all hype" she looked down. "Understandable but you still giving me a lil girl remember that" he smirked standing up walking over to her side he lifted her up on the counter kissing her neck "Let me put one in you right now" he loosened his belt "Nope gotta catch me first" she jumped off the counter running towards the room laughing and he ran after her.

Dice was sitting on the foot of his bed rubbing his head "Dice you're never home at all anymore I'm sick of your shit I'm leaving" Titi yelled in his face as he sat there. He didn't say anything he had only been there a good 6hours before she started nagging "So you not gonna stop me?!" She put her hand on her hip. "Man quit wit all that bullshit why don't you pick up a broom or sum around here damn" he yelled

"You know what I need money to pay my credit card off and hire cleaning people since that's such a problem" she put her hand out he looked at her and smacked his lips "Get out my face Titi before I slap you deadass" he snapped. "And why am I not invited to Amari's wedding who you gon go wit instead" she folded her arms across her chest "Because his wife don't like you remember" Dice looked at her like she was slow. "Well I might just come anyway" she rolled her eyes "Come and get ya ass beat keep playing with them people" he pulled out his phone because it was ringing. "Here" he took out a knot of hundreds and threw it at her he just wanted her to shut up

He stood up about to leave "Where you goin'" she yelled after him "OUT" he said walking out the house to answer Jayda. "Wassup boo" he smiled into the phone "you coming over or you working" she asked him "I'm on my way you need anything while I'm out" he asked her "No just you to hurry up I miss you" she cooed. He got in his car and headed in the direction of Jayda's house...

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